BREAKING.....BABYLON BEE is back on Twitter

So why does nobody care about the Bee? It's because conservatives can't do satire. Or humor at all.

To be funny, satire has to come close to reality. Conservatives live in a weird alternate reality, so their satire comes across as whining.

There used to be good conservative humor. Think of someone like Jeff Foxworthy, or the _King of the Hill_ TV show.

What made it funny? They weren't trying to air all of their imaginary grievances. They were just trying to be funny.

That kind of humor is forbidden to the modern conservative. To the modern conservative, humor is now entirely about getting revenge on the libtards. No other type of "humor" is acceptible. Conservatives want to see people hurt and humiliated. They want to see the powerful punching down on the helpless. And that's not funny at all, unless you're a sadist or psychopath.
I read the Bee and The Onion a lot, I find them humorous and a fun read and I’m a fiscal conservative. So what other abilities to you have? Since you are online, do blacks prefer The Bee or the Onion? What about Muslims? What about people with backaches, do they like that kind of satire? It is truly astounding you are so gifted, share with us your insights!
So why does nobody care about the Bee? It's because conservatives can't do satire. Or humor at all.

To be funny, satire has to come close to reality. Conservatives live in a weird alternate reality, so their satire comes across as whining.

There used to be good conservative humor. Think of someone like Jeff Foxworthy, or the _King of the Hill_ TV show.

What made it funny? They weren't trying to air all of their imaginary grievances. They were just trying to be funny.

That kind of humor is forbidden to the modern conservative. To the modern conservative, humor is now entirely about getting revenge on the libtards. No other type of "humor" is acceptible. Conservatives want to see people hurt and humiliated. They want to see the powerful punching down on the helpless. And that's not funny at all, unless you're a sadist or psychopath.
Here is a great article for you, tell me how funny it is, I find i hilarious!
Uh-huh. That's right. The conservatives told you how the liberals supposedly feel, and you fell for it. You always do. Good cult boi.

While your cult has taught you that crying will get you sympathy, that's actually not the case. When you cry at us, that tells us we've been whupping your bitch ass hard, and so we should continue to do what's hurting you.
You assume how conservatives feel, but are you the only one with the gift?
Find this funny?

It is hilarious and it seems so true to boot!
Look man, things change. Did they gave any pity for those they attacked? Censored? Shadow, banned?

You can't get extreme on people and not expect it to eventually come back to haunt you.

We are in extreme times and the left is, pushing us there.
Exactly...Typical of the left to strike out like a bunch of viper's, and then take on the victim role immediately when it is responded too. I just want people to wake the heck up to the games that have been being played on them.
A third? You're just making crap up now. You're doing that to run cover for the very significant number of white supremacists on your side.

See how that works? When you do something awful, you get called on it. That's not censoring you. That's just telling the truth. We'll continue to tell the truth about Musk, and if that triggers his fanbois, they'll have to live with it.

As far as censorship goes, it's not liberals out burning books and threatening to jail librarians and teachers for offending a conservative. Conservatives are on a fascist censorship crusade now.

One more thing.

Before Musk, liberals said Twitter is private company that can do what they want.
Adfter Musk, liberals say Twitter is private company that can do what they want.

Before Musk, conservatives said Twittter must either obey them or be punished for censoring.
After Musk, conservatives say Twitter is a private company that can do what they want.

Consistency, it's a liberal thing.
Your entire post is pure bull crap, but you knew that didn't you ?? You leftist liberal crybaby......Yes you did, so remember everytime you all respond in these ways, you are just confirming your butt hurt and guilt of what you have been engaged in for quite a long time now. Y'all's bull crap is coming to an end, so own it already.
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You should sue them for a refund. I lost count of the different subjects you tried to cover in 1 sentence. I'm sure you can do better if you try. Frankly, just about anybody could do better than these silly quotes from your post. Hell, periods don't cost anything. Throw one in every once in a while.

"So your Queen Bee Rodham-Clinton doesn't have Twitter for her propaganda of lies any more, and they are stuck not with false narratives for the telling any more when the light of day is in reality truth that is ten times stronger than any lie Clinton ever told to enrich herself using pawns to serve her Alinsky method demands that requires getting rid of other people's religion including Christ's sermons that brought truth to his Jewish followers initially, and after his crucifixion, left his followers the Holy Spirit of God that taught love for others, dedication to justice, and walking the straight and narrow pathway that leads to the eternal Kingdom of God."

" It's too bad you have your social gunnery so well cared for, that you would deny Christians the right to worship God with your Alinsky automatics diminishing the Americans who learn from the goodness of God, and this nation was founded for the benefit of the good people God created by emptying the expensive jail cells of Europe and Africa to incorporate into the fabric of the New World."
Sue my learned teachers in public schools of Texas? Sue my learned instructors at my university in Oregon who recommended me to the National President's list for straight A+ in their classes for which I recorded and learned by heart all their teachings in human health? Not on your life, sweetie, would I ever think of such an uncouth fate for the geniuses they were in holding the truth to every subject they taught after a lifetime of study and reckoning to persuade other people to hold to the truth as well. Sorry. I do not back down when I am aware that there are snares to the truth, not of those whose hatred of our good President Trump blinded them to the fabulous things he did to make America great and make the world a better place through peace backed up by strength. You're on ignore for using character assassination in place of problem-solving. ta-ta.
So why does nobody care about the Bee? It's because conservatives can't do satire. Or humor at all.

To be funny, satire has to come close to reality. Conservatives live in a weird alternate reality, so their satire comes across as whining.

There used to be good conservative humor. Think of someone like Jeff Foxworthy, or the _King of the Hill_ TV show.

What made it funny? They weren't trying to air all of their imaginary grievances. They were just trying to be funny.

That kind of humor is forbidden to the modern conservative. To the modern conservative, humor is now entirely about getting revenge on the libtards. No other type of "humor" is acceptible. Conservatives want to see people hurt and humiliated. They want to see the powerful punching down on the helpless. And that's not funny at all, unless you're a sadist or psychopath.
Yeah it was all fun and games sure, until the leftist agenda pushed itself right into people's private spaces in a more serious way, and then pushed itself right into their children's lives without the acceptance of these leftist agenda's.... They breeched the spaces in which the religious conservative Christian's, and the republican's, and even the Independents guarded with their own lives.

Once the breech happened it was over, and the leftist had to be pushed back.

So this is the raging political battle being fought between political leftist representation and political conservative/Republican/Independents representation.
I haven't watched CBS or any of those rags for ever now. I choose my news through platforms and broadcasters that suit my conservative value's and thinking.

Ain't freedom to choose outstanding, and thank God for it. The leftist have been on a fascist March to end freedom, because they are pushing agenda's that they know are going to be repelled by the majority in this country, so authoritarian fascism is all they have left. Beware.
The lying is going to be epic with the leftist, otherwise who have breeched through to the most sacred boundaries by way of attaching itself to the old American trust and influence gained over time.... The left has attached itself to the fabric of American values and influence like a leech wood it's host. The world had given to America a good report after world war two. It was a sacred trust and accepted influence by the world due to the generation's of the period being delivered by God that were given the most arduous task of defeating Nazism and Communism within Europe, and within the Asian Pacific.

This trust and influence is being squandered now because of leftism pushing it's way into the fabric of American society, and after that appearance of acceptance was achieved, it pushed it's way into the world in hopes to achieve the same results.
The irony? How Twitter won't be around long.

Trump cultists really know how to pick losers. They have so much practice.

Yeah. Billionaires Trump and Musk are huge losers and the community organizer couldn’t even get his signature green business off the ground, solyndra, with unlimited government money.

Example #4,763 why leftism is a mental disorder.
I read the Bee and The Onion a lot, I find them humorous and a fun read and I’m a fiscal conservative. So what other abilities to you have?
Just being intelligent, perceptive, moral and honest. That's quite enough. With those skills, I can observe what conservatives say about how they feel. Therefore, I don't need to assume anything.

So why do you think conservative "humor" is so cringe-inducing?

Do you think punching down is funny?

Do you think grievance-airing and revenge-seeking is funny?

Do you think people getting hurt or humiliated is funny?

Do you think "Kamela Harris is a whore" is the height of hilarity?

Does hearing "libtards" give you giggle fits?

Do you think that mocking working people for _not_ wanting to work 80 hours for the same pay is a knee-slapper? That is what the conservatives here are laughing about. Musk is punching down on working people, and the conservatives all think it's hilarious to join in. That's really fucked up.

Normal people? They find punching _up_ to be funny.
Why do you equate firing a bunch of lazy pampered leftists with falling apart? Looks like a wise business move to rational, common sense Americans.
A wise business move to dump the only oneswho know how to keep things running with noone to replace them? Sure
Just being intelligent, perceptive, moral and honest. That's quite enough. With those skills, I can observe what conservatives say about how they feel. Therefore, I don't need to assume anything.

So why do you think conservative "humor" is so cringe-inducing?

Do you think punching down is funny?

Do you think grievance-airing and revenge-seeking is funny?

Do you think people getting hurt or humiliated is funny?

Do you think "Kamela Harris is a whore" is the height of hilarity?

Does hearing "libtards" give you giggle fits?

Do you think that mocking working people for _not_ wanting to work 80 hours for the same pay is a knee-slapper? That is what the conservatives here are laughing about. Musk is punching down on working people, and the conservatives all think it's hilarious to join in. That's really fucked up.

Normal people? They find punching _up_ to be funny.
I love satire and the Bee, I am a conservative and thus your statement is false. Nice spin try.
You are going to argue you are smarter than a billionaire who puts rockets in space.

Fynny shit
I didn't pay 44 billion for a company thats worth about 10, and then run off 3/4 of the people required to keep the company working with nobody to replace them.

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