Breaking! Bolton Had Told NK Leadership He Wanted To Use A Libya Model Which Freaked Out Kim Jong-Un

Now we know. He was responsible for the summit talks to break down. Kim Jong-Un and his officials thought they'd end up like Gadhafi.

Trump blasts 'Mr. Tough Guy' Bolton: 'He made some very big mistakes'

Kim should end up like Gadhafi or like Saddam but hung upside down but China and Russia will never allow that...

Bolton is correct and maybe at times Trump needs to leave it to those that know how to deal with Kim...

It matter not because Kim is China puppet...
The same liberals that cheered obozo when Gadhafi (who wasn’t a threat) was murdered will call Bolton a monster for wanting Jung-Un eliminated.
Now we know. He was responsible for the summit talks to break down. Kim Jong-Un and his officials thought they'd end up like Gadhafi.

Trump blasts 'Mr. Tough Guy' Bolton: 'He made some very big mistakes'
Lol you dumbasses can harp on whether he was fired or he quit all you want - the fact of the matter is that Trump is incapable of keeping a full government. This failure to retain a functioning administration is unprecedented.
It really is. If this was a big corporation that had a reckless CEO and rampant upper management turnover the stock would crash.
Ah .The Snake starts to eat another one.

I wonder if Bolton called the "Tantrum Trumpybear" a "Fucking Moron" too?

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