Breaking: (Bwa-hahaha) Sean Hannity is the mystery 3rd client of Cohen

Hannity is on right now!!!! Just to let Snowflakes know, he has a radio show on at 3 that is often replicated on his 9 TV show. He is discussing Smileball Lyin' Comey though right now. Anyone hear Rush do the expose on Smileball Lyin' Comey? It was excellent and fully explains why Slimeball Lyin' Comey brought up the emails before the election. The corruption of the Swamp runs deep!

So Seanie is finding out that Cohen just coughed up his name to the judge. If there's nothing there, then why did Cohen resist to the point that he asked the judge if he could pass the name in an envelope rather than say it out loud?

I bet you loved Comey when he came out with the new email problem of Hillary's right before November 8 election, didn't you, hypocrite?

I bet you also want to believe what Fox tells you so you didn't watch Comey's interview last night, did you?

Get off my thread, slimeball.
you're trying to make something out of nothing. go figure. LOL. I'm listening to him right now and he's not talking about it. going about business. Perhaps you should take that advice.

You kidding? He's probably been sitting around with his pants down around his ankles spanking it all day. These people are nuts.

yeah, its a good thing those people who chased a birth certificate for 9 years are sane huh ..

Who chased a birth certificate for nine years?

nobody - or screamed BENGHAZI for 4 years at the top of their partisan lungs ...
Here ya go, braindeads. And actually think about it for a few seconds. THEN post something retarded. Thank you.

View attachment 188438

You know, my roomie and I talked about that very scenario when the news broke this afternoon. If it was like your tweet is, the right would be coming up with all sorts of sordid activity that could have happened, and then they would be passing it around as gospel, even if it was as true as Pizzagate (which most of them thought was true).

That being said, Cohen has had only 3 clients over the past 2 years, Trump, Broidy, and now Hannity.

Trump used Cohen to get the NDA with Ms. Daniels signed.

Broidy used Cohen to pay off the playmate he got pregnant and then had her get an abortion.

With a track record like that from Cohen, you gotta wonder what Hannity used him for. And, if you aren't doing anything wrong, why would you need a lawyer who continually brags about being a "fixer"?
HANNITY: The fake news media is obsessed with this minor, irrelevant story that, yeah, I had some conversations with a friend, Michael Cohen. Well let's clear this up. We're going to bring in a completely objective, neutral guest to break it down. Mr. President thank you for joining us
Breaking News Update!

Haven't read through the whole thread but this is from Hannity a few moments ago.

Hannity will go on a rant tonight on his show. LMAO!!!

Hannity is on right now!!!! Just to let Snowflakes know, he has a radio show on at 3 that is often replicated on his 9 TV show. He is discussing Smileball Lyin' Comey though right now. Anyone hear Rush do the expose on Smileball Lyin' Comey? It was excellent and fully explains why Slimeball Lyin' Comey brought up the emails before the election. The corruption of the Swamp runs deep!

So Seanie is finding out that Cohen just coughed up his name to the judge. If there's nothing there, then why did Cohen resist to the point that he asked the judge if he could pass the name in an envelope rather than say it out loud?

I bet you loved Comey when he came out with the new email problem of Hillary's right before November 8 election, didn't you, hypocrite?

I bet you also want to believe what Fox tells you so you didn't watch Comey's interview last night, did you?

Get off my thread, slimeball.
you're trying to make something out of nothing. go figure. LOL. I'm listening to him right now and he's not talking about it. going about business. Perhaps you should take that advice.

You kidding? He's probably been sitting around with his pants down around his ankles spanking it all day. These people are nuts.

yeah, its a good thing those people who chased a birth certificate for 9 years are sane huh ..
it's a requirement to be president. It's a big deal. And BTW, we're learning why based on the ongoing coup de tant going on because of the obammy lad.
So Seanie is finding out that Cohen just coughed up his name to the judge. If there's nothing there, then why did Cohen resist to the point that he asked the judge if he could pass the name in an envelope rather than say it out loud?

I bet you loved Comey when he came out with the new email problem of Hillary's right before November 8 election, didn't you, hypocrite?

I bet you also want to believe what Fox tells you so you didn't watch Comey's interview last night, did you?

Get off my thread, slimeball.
you're trying to make something out of nothing. go figure. LOL. I'm listening to him right now and he's not talking about it. going about business. Perhaps you should take that advice.

You kidding? He's probably been sitting around with his pants down around his ankles spanking it all day. These people are nuts.

yeah, its a good thing those people who chased a birth certificate for 9 years are sane huh ..

Who chased a birth certificate for nine years?

nobody - or screamed BENGHAZI for 4 years at the top of their partisan lungs ...
four americans died and let to die by hitlery. yep she's a criminal.
Breaking News Update!

Haven't read through the whole thread but this is from Hannity a few moments ago.


ok, Cohen lied under oath to a judge ... he can be Flynn's cellie, and Bubbas bitch


roll over on Trumps sorry ass.
Can someone explain to me why this is important? :dunno:

There will be a lot of email/texts and maybe tapes of Sean that will not be covered under ACP's.
So the People Cohen was investigating will be named. All Good!
Notice how the Democrat jump from one allegation to the next, without proven the previous one? We've had 100 allegations already and they haven't even proved the first one. Let's start from the beginning when we had a recount to "prove" that votes were physically changed
Sean Hannity Accused Of Sexual Harassment—this is probably why he needed Michael Cohen.

Trump Pal Sean Hannity Accused Of Sexual Harassment As Fox News Scandal Grows
that was a while ago right?

he beat it as I recall, he's still on the air right?

yes. so?
that's what I'm asking so?

he's still on the air. not for long!

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