BREAKING! Clinton appointee judge blocks Trump administration from ending DACA program

Ignore these unelected law makers who are supposed to be law enforcers
HUH??? If Obama could create DACA with an executive order, how in the world can Trump be unable to revoke DACA with an executive order? What a hack this judge must be.

This is abject lawlessness. And, of course, liberals are just fine with it.
Some anti-American entity (Clinton Foundation? Soros?) financed an organization and that organization filed a lawsuit.

That racist, anti-American judge, a Nicholas Garaufis, also set up a quota system in NYC because blacks and browns could not pass the firefighter test. So now there are a troubling number of incompetent, unqualified firemen in NYC.
See if a safety patrol tells me to pull over for going 35 in a 30 then I ignore. They are not empowered to do that. Past time to ignore these judges who are not empowered to do that and see what happens next
HUH??? If Obama could create DACA with an executive order, how in the world can Trump be unable to revoke DACA with an executive order? What a hack this judge must be.

This is abject lawlessness. And, of course, liberals are just fine with it.

Let me drop some knowledge on ya . When the government starts something , they just can’t yank it away for no reason without due process .

DACA exists , it’s currently working its way through the courts . MAYBE it will be declared unconstitutional, but it hasn’t yet .
HUH??? If Obama could create DACA with an executive order, how in the world can Trump be unable to revoke DACA with an executive order? What a hack this judge must be.

This is abject lawlessness. And, of course, liberals are just fine with it.

Let me drop some knowledge on ya . When the government starts something , they just can’t yank it away for no reason without due process .

DACA exists , it’s currently working its way through the courts . MAYBE it will be declared unconstitutional, but it hasn’t yet .

Ok Einstein, Obama used executive action to bypass Congress to pass DACA, which makes it unconstitutional. Certainly the ruling from this judge can and will be overturned by the supreme court, just as they did on a DACA ruling on January 20, 2017.
Let me drop some knowledge on ya . When the government starts something, they just can’t yank it away for no reason without due process.

LOL!!! REALLY??? So once the government starts something it can't just stop it without a court's permission?!! REALLY?! Even when we're talking about a program that was started purely by an executive order?! That is abject nonsense. Buddy, do your parents know you're using their computer?

DACA exists , it’s currently working its way through the courts. MAYBE it will be declared unconstitutional, but it hasn’t yet.

Another howler and joke. It doesn't matter if the first DACA order was constitutional or not or if it's going through the courts. Anything one president does with an executive order can be undone with another executive order, just like the Mexico City Policy and a slew of other EOs that routinely get counter-manded as soon as a president from the other party takes office.

If the roles were reversed and Obama were coming into office and his predecessor had signed an executive order to deport illegal aliens within 2 year and Obama counter-manded it with another EO, and if some GOP judge declared that Obama could not do that, you guys would be howling into the wind over it.

Again, do your parents know you're on their computer?
Let me drop some knowledge on ya . When the government starts something, they just can’t yank it away for no reason without due process.

LOL!!! REALLY??? So once the government starts something it can't just stop it without a court's permission?!! REALLY?! Even when we're talking about a program that was started purely by an executive order?! That is abject nonsense. Buddy, do your parents know you're using their computer?

DACA exists , it’s currently working its way through the courts. MAYBE it will be declared unconstitutional, but it hasn’t yet.

Another howler and joke. It doesn't matter if the first DACA order was constitutional or not or if it's going through the courts. Anything one president does with an executive order can be undone with another executive order, just like the Mexico City Policy and a slew of other EOs that routinely get counter-manded as soon as a president from the other party takes office.

If the roles were reversed and Obama were coming into office and his predecessor had signed an executive order to deport illegal aliens within 2 year and Obama counter-manded it with another EO, and if some GOP judge declared that Obama could not do that, you guys would be howling into the wind over it.

Again, do your parents know you're on their computer?

Well the federal judges seems to agree with me .

I’m sure they know a weeeee bit more about constitutional law than you do!
the Repukes are on the verge of cutting a DACA deal ..

not without a wall.

for the 9999999999999999999 the time - funding for a wall, building the wall will take decades to get out of the courts.

write that down DF
no daca without a wall. why are you so ignorant that you can't accept that line item? Amnesty must = Funding
Citizenship = end chain migration.
Let me drop some knowledge on ya . When the government starts something, they just can’t yank it away for no reason without due process.

LOL!!! REALLY??? So once the government starts something it can't just stop it without a court's permission?!! REALLY?! Even when we're talking about a program that was started purely by an executive order?! That is abject nonsense. Buddy, do your parents know you're using their computer?

DACA exists , it’s currently working its way through the courts. MAYBE it will be declared unconstitutional, but it hasn’t yet.

Another howler and joke. It doesn't matter if the first DACA order was constitutional or not or if it's going through the courts. Anything one president does with an executive order can be undone with another executive order, just like the Mexico City Policy and a slew of other EOs that routinely get counter-manded as soon as a president from the other party takes office.

If the roles were reversed and Obama were coming into office and his predecessor had signed an executive order to deport illegal aliens within 2 year and Obama counter-manded it with another EO, and if some GOP judge declared that Obama could not do that, you guys would be howling into the wind over it.

Again, do your parents know you're on their computer?

Well the federal judges seems to agree with me .

I’m sure they know a weeeee bit more about constitutional law than you do!
judge, just one, not plural.
Do you guys even read your links ?

He stopped the arbitrary end to the program while it’s being fought out in the court . More like a stay of execution while you wait appeal .

“The decision is similar to a Jan. 9 ruling by U.S. District Judge William Alsup in San Francisco that DACA must remain in place while litigation challenging Trump’s decision continues.”

Actually Timmy...The courts have zero say in this.

The Jan 9th ruling was for it to be delayed while it is being debated
in congress. And that was only allowed because of The President giving
Congress time to come up with a law to replace the Obama Executive

The current POTUS is the only person who can allow an executive order
from a prior President to stay in place or be terminated. The Donald Has
terminated it. Case Closed.

Once the POTUS demands an emergency ruling from the SCOTUS...
it will take around 2 hours for them to side with the POTUS. The time
frame is in doubt because there is no way to judge how long it will take
to wake up Ginsburg.

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