Breaking: Comey (FBI) And Rogers (NSA) Cancel Nunes Intel Committee Invite For Follow Up Questions

You stupid fucking does Schumer being a Jew have to do with anything whatsoever???
Because a Jew on the intelligence committee is dangerous due to their treachery and backstabbing. Schumer is a prime example. He can't be trusted. For example, he praised and voted for Gorsuch to be put on the 10th district. Now he decides to do an about face and fillibuster his nomination.

Jared Kushner is a Jew. You're a fucking racist. Water is wet. Hop in a sack for of rocks and jump off a bridge.
Yes Kushner is a Jew and we should keep a close eye on him. It's tantamount!

And you are a racist asshole....
That won't hurt him. He's a proud racist asshole.
I love my White race and it's glorious superior accomplishments to Western Civilization and the planet in general. My people are truly exceptional blessed by God.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
No one is scared of the President on "what they know" are just nuts...we only want the truth and if someone illegally unmasked a citizen then that most certainly should be addressed...but KNOW that Nunes SAID it was all done LEGALLY as far as he could tell....

President Trump and all the King's men, are acting guilty, in every single move they make, from the lying about the Russian Connection with THEM ALL from one corner of Russia to the other, from changing the Republican platform to favor Russia, to their Russian Bank connections, to Trump being paid 100 million for a home he sold to a favored Russian Oligarch, 55 million dollar PROFIT on the sale in a real estate market that had busted, for the Russian to simply tear down the mansion, Wilbur Ross connection to Russian money laundering, Tillerson's connection to Russia through Exxon oil contracts, Manafort's connection through banking and the Ukraine, Roger Stone's connection to guccifer2.0 and wikileaks, Flynn's connection to the Russians and Putin, And Jared Kushner's connection to the Russians and Russian banks with USA sanctions on them and also Kushner is a Jew, but RUSSIAN Jew from Belarus, and Carter Paige's connection to meeting with the Russian Ambassador and Sessions lying about any connections with the Russian Ambassador, and all throughout the campaign and afterwards, President Trump has LIED AND LIED AND LIED about not having any Russian connections in his campaign team or admin....

THERE IS TOO TOO TOO MANY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS, for anyone who is an American, not to question....


Something is not "right" with this...mark my words!
The intelligence evidence (Unmaskings, surveillance, who gave the order) being focused on that Nunes briefed Trump on is not Russian related. One more time........Not Russian related!
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
No one is scared of the President on "what they know" are just nuts...we only want the truth and if someone illegally unmasked a citizen then that most certainly should be addressed...but KNOW that Nunes SAID it was all done LEGALLY as far as he could tell....

President Trump and all the King's men, are acting guilty, in every single move they make, from the lying about the Russian Connection with THEM ALL from one corner of Russia to the other, from changing the Republican platform to favor Russia, to their Russian Bank connections, to Trump being paid 100 million for a home he sold to a favored Russian Oligarch, 55 million dollar PROFIT on the sale in a real estate market that had busted, for the Russian to simply tear down the mansion, Wilbur Ross connection to Russian money laundering, Tillerson's connection to Russia through Exxon oil contracts, Manafort's connection through banking and the Ukraine, Roger Stone's connection to guccifer2.0 and wikileaks, Flynn's connection to the Russians and Putin, And Jared Kushner's connection to the Russians and Russian banks with USA sanctions on them and also Kushner is a Jew, but RUSSIAN Jew from Belarus, and Carter Paige's connection to meeting with the Russian Ambassador and Sessions lying about any connections with the Russian Ambassador, and all throughout the campaign and afterwards, President Trump has LIED AND LIED AND LIED about not having any Russian connections in his campaign team or admin....

THERE IS TOO TOO TOO MANY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS, for anyone who is an American, not to question....


Something is not "right" with this...mark my words!

Nothing actually. The Clinton Camp even planted a false Beacon Ping between a Trump Tower Server and a Russian Bank to attract the attention of the Intelligence Community and give them cause to search Trump Tower servers.

How many times can they go on fishing expeditions and come up with nothing?

Even Clapper as Partisan as he is as Head of National Intelligence is calling The Democrat Party a bunch of liars and that his review of all the intelligence gathered and collated from 17 Intelligence Agencies does not show 1 shred of evidence for making the claim of Russian Collusion.

But then again, you know that, and so do your associates. You just want to propagate lies, because you are desperate to regain power in 2018.

The only crimes committed were by Obama and his associates and The Clinton Campaign.

I think Comey finally painted himself in a corner.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
No one is scared of the President on "what they know" are just nuts...we only want the truth and if someone illegally unmasked a citizen then that most certainly should be addressed...but KNOW that Nunes SAID it was all done LEGALLY as far as he could tell....

President Trump and all the King's men, are acting guilty, in every single move they make, from the lying about the Russian Connection with THEM ALL from one corner of Russia to the other, from changing the Republican platform to favor Russia, to their Russian Bank connections, to Trump being paid 100 million for a home he sold to a favored Russian Oligarch, 55 million dollar PROFIT on the sale in a real estate market that had busted, for the Russian to simply tear down they mansion, Wilbur Ross connection to Russian money laundering, Tillerson's connection to Russia through Exxon oil contracts, Manafort's connection through banking and the Ukraine, Roger Stone's connection to guccifer2.0 and wikileaks, Flynn's connection to the Russians and Putin, And Jared Kushner's connection to the Russians and Russian banks with USA sanctions on them and also Kushner is a Jew, but RUSSIAN Jew from Belarus, and Carter Paige's connection to meeting with the Russian Ambassador and Sessions lying about any connections with the Russian Ambassador, and all throughout the campaign and afterwards, President Trump has LIED AND LIED AND LIED about not having any Russian connections in his campaign team or admin....

THERE IS TOO TOO TOO MANY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS, for anyone who is an American, not to question....


Something is not "right" with this...mark my words!

Nothing actually. The Clinton Camp even planted a false Beacon Ping between a Trump Tower Server and a Russian Bank to attract the attention of the Intelligence Community and give them cause to search Trump Tower servers.

How many times can they go on fishing expeditions and come up with nothing?

Even Clapper as Partisan as he is as Head of National Intelligence is calling The Democrat Party a bunch of liars and that his review of all the intelligence gathered and collated from 17 Intelligence Agencies does not show 1 shred of evidence for making the claim of Russian Collusion.

But then again, you know that, and so do your associates. You just want to propagate lies, because you are desperate to regain power in 2018.

The only crimes committed were by Obama and his associates and The Clinton Campaign.

I think Comey finally painted himself in a corner.
sorry! your bull crud Russian propaganda doesn't work on REAL Americans! :D

the investigations are not even close to being over!
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
No one is scared of the President on "what they know" are just nuts...we only want the truth and if someone illegally unmasked a citizen then that most certainly should be addressed...but KNOW that Nunes SAID it was all done LEGALLY as far as he could tell....

President Trump and all the King's men, are acting guilty, in every single move they make, from the lying about the Russian Connection with THEM ALL from one corner of Russia to the other, from changing the Republican platform to favor Russia, to their Russian Bank connections, to Trump being paid 100 million for a home he sold to a favored Russian Oligarch, 55 million dollar PROFIT on the sale in a real estate market that had busted, for the Russian to simply tear down the mansion, Wilbur Ross connection to Russian money laundering, Tillerson's connection to Russia through Exxon oil contracts, Manafort's connection through banking and the Ukraine, Roger Stone's connection to guccifer2.0 and wikileaks, Flynn's connection to the Russians and Putin, And Jared Kushner's connection to the Russians and Russian banks with USA sanctions on them and also Kushner is a Jew, but RUSSIAN Jew from Belarus, and Carter Paige's connection to meeting with the Russian Ambassador and Sessions lying about any connections with the Russian Ambassador, and all throughout the campaign and afterwards, President Trump has LIED AND LIED AND LIED about not having any Russian connections in his campaign team or admin....

THERE IS TOO TOO TOO MANY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS, for anyone who is an American, not to question....


Something is not "right" with this...mark my words!
The intelligence evidence (Unmaskings, surveillance, who gave the order) being focused on that Nunes briefed Trump on is not Russian related. One more time........Not Russian related!

i know that, but it could be Cypress banks and the money laundering investigation going on and Trump people connected to it like Manafort or Wilbur Ross or it could be foreign surveillance on Turkey foreign agents and trump people like Flynn who was working for them WHILE working in the Trump campaign that were incidentally caught up in the surveillance and were pertinent to the investigations to have them unmasked?

We don't know because we don't know the Nunes UNNAMED SOURCE nor what was revealed....

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