Breaking: Comey (FBI) And Rogers (NSA) Cancel Nunes Intel Committee Invite For Follow Up Questions

Nunes was in the O'Reilly Factor and told Bill what transcribed. Patriot Nunes just told OReily that there is no explanation given to the cancellation.

Per twitter today - The informant is from the CIA, is a lifetime SES (Senior Executive Service) Staffer. The documents were viewed in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)possibly the Executive Building.

The O'Reilly Factor replay is on Fox now but here's the interview from the 8pm show

PATRIOT NUNES? This traitor is trying to sabatoge the investigation into Trump.
If there were ANY patriots left in the Republican Party they'd be calling out for a special prosecutor.

Fuck you. What Nunes discovered was certain individuals in the intel community spying on the Trump transition team. Nothing to do with the Russians stole the election fairy tale.

What should be investigated is anyone and everyone who has spun this lie about the Russians and then look at chopping their nuts off for putting us thru this bullshit hell because snowflakes can't take losing at the election box.

Enough of this lying garbage. Get someone to crawl thru the DNC servers that's independent and go from there. Enough lies.

Yeah we know that. FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to that on Monday of last week. And he stated that this investigation is looking for collusion between Russia & the Trump campaign which is Treason. He also stated that this investigation started last July 2016.

One sentence of of Comey's testimony hit home base: Comey stated: "It was like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They're caught.

There is nothing illegal about intelligence agencies looking for traitors in this country--this is what they have been doing since the founding of this nation.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This isn't going away. If Republicans can do 8 investigatiions into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

Devin Nunes blew his credibility to smitherines. He was chairman of this house investigation committee, and the last thing you do is run to the person who is under investigation and tell them what you've found--LOL So now intelligence has kicked Nune's to the curb and won't give him anymore information--and they will just avoid the house investigation until he resigns and or is replaced.
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says - nunes cancels public testimony - Yahoo Search Results
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Comey wants everything public. Good. He has to answer everything. Put electrodes on his balls and shock the truth out of him. No classified excuses anymore.
How come you never suggested electrodes for your pathological lying president?
After Comey screwed Hillary with his erroneous investigation news... he has a lot to make up for which is why he is going to have to be totally honest on the evidence that is rolling in on the Trumpies.. and a lot of it is damaging. Brace yourself, the serial sex offending pussy grabber is going down. Might take awhile but the outcome is inevitable.

Serial sex offender? Clinton camp baby. What you have here with the unmasking and the leaking are fed charges that are going to see a lot of top intel brass go down big time.

Now what do they have on the Trumpies? Almost a year later? Nothing. Zip. Nada.

You're so clueless you make my head hurt.
First of all I take it you're a woman... and you voted for a misogynist pig who has a history of sexual assault. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
2nd... this extremely serious investigation into Trump's ties with Russia and how much help he gave them in winning the election for him is only starting you idiot.
It's already been reported that there is serious evidence AGAINST your pussygrabber but you're pretending it's over. Lol
What were all the Trump people doing traveling to Moscow? You don't want to know. But it will come out and you'll eat your words.
But I do love you trying to deflect from what is really happening with the Fox/ Breitbart / Infowars obsession with leaking to try to steer the attention away from that the POTUS is under investigation for espionage.

Read today's news so you don't sound so freaking stupid in your posts.
House intel chair on WH grounds day before briefing Trump on alleged surveillance
Comey wants everything public. Good. He has to answer everything. Put electrodes on his balls and shock the truth out of him. No classified excuses anymore.
How come you never suggested electrodes for your pathological lying president?
After Comey screwed Hillary with his erroneous investigation news... he has a lot to make up for which is why he is going to have to be totally honest on the evidence that is rolling in on the Trumpies.. and a lot of it is damaging. Brace yourself, the serial sex offending pussy grabber is going down. Might take awhile but the outcome is inevitable.
Nunes was in the O'Reilly Factor and told Bill what transcribed. Patriot Nunes just told OReily that there is no explanation given to the cancellation.

Per twitter today - The informant is from the CIA, is a lifetime SES (Senior Executive Service) Staffer. The documents were viewed in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)possibly the Executive Building.

The O'Reilly Factor replay is on Fox now but here's the interview from the 8pm show

PATRIOT NUNES? This traitor is trying to sabatoge the investigation into Trump.
If there were ANY patriots left in the Republican Party they'd be calling out for a special prosecutor.

Fuck you. What Nunes discovered was certain individuals in the intel community spying on the Trump transition team. Nothing to do with the Russians stole the election fairy tale.

What should be investigated is anyone and everyone who has spun this lie about the Russians and then look at chopping their nuts off for putting us thru this bullshit hell because snowflakes can't take losing at the election box.

Enough of this lying garbage. Get someone to crawl thru the DNC servers that's independent and go from there. Enough lies.

Yeah we know that. FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to that on Monday of last week. And he stated that this investigation is looking for collusion between Russia & the Trump campaign which is Treason. He also stated that this investigation started last July 2016.

One sentence of of Comey's testimony hit home base: Comey stated: "It was like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They're caught.

There is nothing illegal about intelligence agencies looking for traitors in this country--this is what they have been doing since the founding of this nation.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This isn't going away. If Republicans can do 8 investigatiions into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

This thread is about Nunes having surveillance info on Trump and his officials that doesn't pertain to Russia. Stay on topic.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?
Comrade Nunes is no more independent than the man in the Moon. Comey should arrive at any classified meeting and say Nunes is a security risk and needs to be replaced.
This whole presidency is a clusterfuck of immense proportions.
Remember when Sean Hannity said this about Hillary Clinton?

" The country would be involved in a constitutional crisis if the president was under investigation by the CIA. "

Butt plug Sean isn't saying that anymore now that his guy is putting this country in a constitutional crisis.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?
Comrade Nunes is no more independent than the man in the Moon. Comey should arrive at any classified meeting and say Nunes is a security risk and needs to be replaced.
This is just the latest example of Comeys obstruction.

One more of these disrespectful moves and Sessions will have enough to fire him for obstruction.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?
Comrade Nunes is no more independent than the man in the Moon. Comey should arrive at any classified meeting and say Nunes is a security risk and needs to be replaced.
NUNES ran the pussygrabber' s transition team.
He should have recused himself like Sessions did.
And now with his recent treason like behavior... he has to go and there needs to be a special prosecutor brought in.
It appears the Nunes is about to be kicked off the Intelligence Committee on the grounds that he's been caught leaking information from the Committee to the White House. He's trying to cover his ass, but it is Nunes, not the unnamed CIA agent who is in deep doggie doo here.
He doesn't need to be kicked off the committee. Schumer, a Jew, wants him to step down because he's got the goods on what happened and who's really behind the treacherous surveillance.

You stupid fucking does Schumer being a Jew have to do with anything whatsoever???
Because a Jew on the intelligence committee is dangerous due to their treachery and backstabbing. Schumer is a prime example. He can't be trusted. For example, he praised and voted for Gorsuch to be put on the 10th district. Now he decides to do an about face and fillibuster his nomination.

Jared Kushner is a Jew. You're a fucking racist. Water is wet. Hop in a sack for of rocks and jump off a bridge.
Yes Kushner is a Jew and we should keep a close eye on him. It's tantamount!

And you are a racist asshole....
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?
Comrade Nunes is no more independent than the man in the Moon. Comey should arrive at any classified meeting and say Nunes is a security risk and needs to be replaced.
This is just the latest example of Comeys obstruction.

One more of these disrespectful moves and Sessions will have enough to fire him for obstruction.
You're so far out in left field you can't even make a throw to home. Comey is not the problem here. NUNES is.

House intel chair won't step aside in Russia investigation
He doesn't need to be kicked off the committee. Schumer, a Jew, wants him to step down because he's got the goods on what happened and who's really behind the treacherous surveillance.

You stupid fucking does Schumer being a Jew have to do with anything whatsoever???
Because a Jew on the intelligence committee is dangerous due to their treachery and backstabbing. Schumer is a prime example. He can't be trusted. For example, he praised and voted for Gorsuch to be put on the 10th district. Now he decides to do an about face and fillibuster his nomination.

Jared Kushner is a Jew. You're a fucking racist. Water is wet. Hop in a sack for of rocks and jump off a bridge.
Yes Kushner is a Jew and we should keep a close eye on him. It's tantamount!

And you are a racist asshole....
That won't hurt him. He's a proud racist asshole.
Comey wants everything public. Good. He has to answer everything. Put electrodes on his balls and shock the truth out of him. No classified excuses anymore.
How come you never suggested electrodes for your pathological lying president?
After Comey screwed Hillary with his erroneous investigation news... he has a lot to make up for which is why he is going to have to be totally honest on the evidence that is rolling in on the Trumpies.. and a lot of it is damaging. Brace yourself, the serial sex offending pussy grabber is going down. Might take awhile but the outcome is inevitable.

Serial sex offender? Clinton camp baby. What you have here with the unmasking and the leaking are fed charges that are going to see a lot of top intel brass go down big time.

Now what do they have on the Trumpies? Almost a year later? Nothing. Zip. Nada.

You're so clueless you make my head hurt.
First of all I take it you're a woman... and you voted for a misogynist pig who has a history of sexual assault. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
2nd... this extremely serious investigation into Trump's ties with Russia and how much help he gave them in winning the election for him is only starting you idiot.
It's already been reported that there is serious evidence AGAINST your pussygrabber but you're pretending it's over. Lol
What were all the Trump people doing traveling to Moscow? You don't want to know. But it will come out and you'll eat your words.
But I do love you trying to deflect from what is really happening with the Fox/ Breitbart / Infowars obsession with leaking to try to steer the attention away from that the POTUS is under investigation for espionage.

Read today's news so you don't sound so freaking stupid in your posts.
House intel chair on WH grounds day before briefing Trump on alleged surveillance
Nunes was in the O'Reilly Factor and told Bill what transcribed. Patriot Nunes just told OReily that there is no explanation given to the cancellation.

Per twitter today - The informant is from the CIA, is a lifetime SES (Senior Executive Service) Staffer. The documents were viewed in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)possibly the Executive Building.

The O'Reilly Factor replay is on Fox now but here's the interview from the 8pm show

PATRIOT NUNES? This traitor is trying to sabatoge the investigation into Trump.
If there were ANY patriots left in the Republican Party they'd be calling out for a special prosecutor.

Fuck you. What Nunes discovered was certain individuals in the intel community spying on the Trump transition team. Nothing to do with the Russians stole the election fairy tale.

What should be investigated is anyone and everyone who has spun this lie about the Russians and then look at chopping their nuts off for putting us thru this bullshit hell because snowflakes can't take losing at the election box.

Enough of this lying garbage. Get someone to crawl thru the DNC servers that's independent and go from there. Enough lies.

Yeah we know that. FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to that on Monday of last week. And he stated that this investigation is looking for collusion between Russia & the Trump campaign which is Treason. He also stated that this investigation started last July 2016.

One sentence of of Comey's testimony hit home base: Comey stated: "It was like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They're caught.

There is nothing illegal about intelligence agencies looking for traitors in this country--this is what they have been doing since the founding of this nation.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This isn't going away. If Republicans can do 8 investigatiions into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

This thread is about Nunes having surveillance info on Trump and his officials that doesn't pertain to Russia. Stay on topic.

BULLSHIT--It's all about this Russian investigation. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

1."House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes apologized to committee members Thursday, a Democrat on the panel told reporters, coming the day after Nunes told the public and the President that communications of him and associates may have been collected by intelligence agencies before telling Democratic members of the committee.

Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says -

Then Nunes cancels the PUBLIC hearing and wanted a CLOSED DOOR hearing.

2. "The House Intelligence Committee chairman and the panel's top Democrat publicly disagreed Friday over the handling of their investigation into Russian meddling into the US election, coming after the announcement that President Donald Trump's campaign chairman agreed to testify before the committee.

Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee.

"Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with (former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,)(former CIA Director John Brennan and (former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates) in attempt to choke off public info," Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee tweeted moment before going to speak to the press Friday morning.

Schiff refused to say whether he thought Nunes should step down from his position, telling reporters, "What's really involved here is the cancellation of this open hearing and the rest is designed to distract."

House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing -

What is happening is FBI director James Comey and all others involved are refusing to meet with Nune's--they have cut off information to him, and rightfully so. I imagine if Devin Nunes doesn't resign, they'll just keep moving with the Senate investigation and completely bypass the House. When you're the committee chairman of an investigation, the very last thing you do is inform the person/people you're investigating of what you have found--LOL


Then Adam Schiff who is cochair of the house investigation had this to say.

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Comey wants everything public. Good. He has to answer everything. Put electrodes on his balls and shock the truth out of him. No classified excuses anymore.
How come you never suggested electrodes for your pathological lying president?
After Comey screwed Hillary with his erroneous investigation news... he has a lot to make up for which is why he is going to have to be totally honest on the evidence that is rolling in on the Trumpies.. and a lot of it is damaging. Brace yourself, the serial sex offending pussy grabber is going down. Might take awhile but the outcome is inevitable.

Serial sex offender? Clinton camp baby. What you have here with the unmasking and the leaking are fed charges that are going to see a lot of top intel brass go down big time.

Now what do they have on the Trumpies? Almost a year later? Nothing. Zip. Nada.

You're so clueless you make my head hurt.
First of all I take it you're a woman... and you voted for a misogynist pig who has a history of sexual assault. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
2nd... this extremely serious investigation into Trump's ties with Russia and how much help he gave them in winning the election for him is only starting you idiot.
It's already been reported that there is serious evidence AGAINST your pussygrabber but you're pretending it's over. Lol
What were all the Trump people doing traveling to Moscow? You don't want to know. But it will come out and you'll eat your words.
But I do love you trying to deflect from what is really happening with the Fox/ Breitbart / Infowars obsession with leaking to try to steer the attention away from that the POTUS is under investigation for espionage.

Read today's news so you don't sound so freaking stupid in your posts.
House intel chair on WH grounds day before briefing Trump on alleged surveillance
Nunes was in the O'Reilly Factor and told Bill what transcribed. Patriot Nunes just told OReily that there is no explanation given to the cancellation.

Per twitter today - The informant is from the CIA, is a lifetime SES (Senior Executive Service) Staffer. The documents were viewed in a SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)possibly the Executive Building.

The O'Reilly Factor replay is on Fox now but here's the interview from the 8pm show

PATRIOT NUNES? This traitor is trying to sabatoge the investigation into Trump.
If there were ANY patriots left in the Republican Party they'd be calling out for a special prosecutor.

Fuck you. What Nunes discovered was certain individuals in the intel community spying on the Trump transition team. Nothing to do with the Russians stole the election fairy tale.

What should be investigated is anyone and everyone who has spun this lie about the Russians and then look at chopping their nuts off for putting us thru this bullshit hell because snowflakes can't take losing at the election box.

Enough of this lying garbage. Get someone to crawl thru the DNC servers that's independent and go from there. Enough lies.

Yeah we know that. FBI Director James Comey testified under oath to that on Monday of last week. And he stated that this investigation is looking for collusion between Russia & the Trump campaign which is Treason. He also stated that this investigation started last July 2016.

One sentence of of Comey's testimony hit home base: Comey stated: "It was like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing. They're caught.

There is nothing illegal about intelligence agencies looking for traitors in this country--this is what they have been doing since the founding of this nation.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This isn't going away. If Republicans can do 8 investigatiions into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

This thread is about Nunes having surveillance info on Trump and his officials that doesn't pertain to Russia. Stay on topic.

BULLSHIT--It's all about this Russian investigation. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

1."House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes apologized to committee members Thursday, a Democrat on the panel told reporters, coming the day after Nunes told the public and the President that communications of him and associates may have been collected by intelligence agencies before telling Democratic members of the committee.

Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says -

Then Nunes cancels the PUBLIC hearing and wanted a CLOSED DOOR hearing.

2. "The House Intelligence Committee chairman and the panel's top Democrat publicly disagreed Friday over the handling of their investigation into Russian meddling into the US election, coming after the announcement that President Donald Trump's campaign chairman agreed to testify before the committee.

Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee.

"Chairman just cancelled open Intelligence Committee hearing with (former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper,)(former CIA Director John Brennan and (former deputy Attorney General Sally Yates) in attempt to choke off public info," Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the committee tweeted moment before going to speak to the press Friday morning.

Schiff refused to say whether he thought Nunes should step down from his position, telling reporters, "What's really involved here is the cancellation of this open hearing and the rest is designed to distract."

House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing -

What is happening is FBI director James Comey and all others involved are refusing to meet with Nune's--they have cut off information to him, and rightfully so. I imagine if Devin Nunes doesn't resign, they'll just keep moving with the Senate investigation and completely bypass the House. When you're the committee chairman of an investigation, the very last thing you do is inform the person/people you're investigating of what you have found--LOL


Then Adam Schiff who is cochair of the house investigation had this to say.

Can't you ever make one post without lying your ass off. The reason Nunes is on the war path now is the documentation of conversations of the transition team and members that were unmasked and had NOTHING to do with Russia or the Russian investigation into this DNC fairy tale.

AKA the intel communities were spying on the Trump transition.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?
Comrade Nunes is no more independent than the man in the Moon. Comey should arrive at any classified meeting and say Nunes is a security risk and needs to be replaced.
This is just the latest example of Comeys obstruction.

One more of these disrespectful moves and Sessions will have enough to fire him for obstruction.
You're so far out in left field you can't even make a throw to home. Comey is not the problem here. NUNES is.

House intel chair won't step aside in Russia investigation

No that's not what it says:

"Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee."
House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing -

FBI Director James Comey said Fuck Off to Nunes--he's not going to give him anymore information regarding this investigation. As O'reilly asks did they give you a reason for cancelling. Nunes states NO, but they haven't answered a 100 questions. They're NOT going to answer a 100 questions from Nunes, they know what he does with information he gets.

"Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says -


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They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.

What do you people do all day? Video tape Sean Hannity, Trump's fairy Godfather, play it over & over to convince yourselves that nothing is happening?

Get your crayons and coloring books out you're in for one hell of a ride.
This is no surprise that Comey would run and hide.

This guy should have never been head of the FBI. He managed Millions of Dollars of Donations for The Clinton Foundation.

I believe Comey will be the first FBI director in history to be removed from his post for Public Corruption.
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They did not cancel the meeting....that is bull crap...apparently Nunes people did not confirm this classified meeting with the Comey and Rogers people....

They were scheduled for a PUBLIC hearing, and they AGREED to that meting, then Nunes CANCELLED that meeting and tried to reschedule a classified meeting, which I thought was set, but Nunes tonight said his team did not confirm with the Comey team on...????

Maybe Comey and Rogers WANT a Public Hearing, like the one scheduled, so that the Public can be informed and Nunes can't HIDE what is found out?

Of course they want a public hearing. So they can just repeat "I can't say, due to the sensitive nature" over and over like they did in their first hearing.
It's obvious they are hiding something. They won't answer anything specific in public, now they refuse to do a closed door classified hearing. Comey needs to be fired.
I'm not certain what is going on here.....Nunes is acting bat crud crazy.....if this is about unmasking, then this is what his investigative committee is for....why would he not give this to the committee to handle it instead of running to the president? He's hiding something from his Committee, from both republicans and democrats????

Nunes has compromised his own credibility and honesty.
False! Nunes hasn't compromised anything pertaining to his credibility and honesty. You see, in the beginning of a chess game players move pieces out into the middle of the board, claiming territory, or attacking other pieces. When a player’s piece is threatened, the player moves a different piece that will take the opponent’s piece if they attack. Soon it seems all the pieces are ready to attack another, and there is no safe move left. A player finally takes an opponent’s piece, and starts a cascade of carnage on the board. This is where we are about now. With Nunes going to brief Trump with his evidence, the Democrats are scared to death of what the President knows.
No one is scared of the President on "what they know" are just nuts...we only want the truth and if someone illegally unmasked a citizen then that most certainly should be addressed...but KNOW that Nunes SAID it was all done LEGALLY as far as he could tell....

President Trump and all the King's men, are acting guilty, in every single move they make, from the lying about the Russian Connection with THEM ALL from one corner of Russia to the other, from changing the Republican platform to favor Russia, to their Russian Bank connections, to Trump being paid 100 million for a home he sold to a favored Russian Oligarch, 55 million dollar PROFIT on the sale in a real estate market that had busted, for the Russian to simply tear down the mansion, Wilbur Ross connection to Russian money laundering, Tillerson's connection to Russia through Exxon oil contracts, Manafort's connection through banking and the Ukraine, Roger Stone's connection to guccifer2.0 and wikileaks, Flynn's connection to the Russians and Putin, And Jared Kushner's connection to the Russians and Russian banks with USA sanctions on them and also Kushner is a Jew, but RUSSIAN Jew from Belarus, and Carter Paige's connection to meeting with the Russian Ambassador and Sessions lying about any connections with the Russian Ambassador, and all throughout the campaign and afterwards, President Trump has LIED AND LIED AND LIED about not having any Russian connections in his campaign team or admin....

THERE IS TOO TOO TOO MANY RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS, for anyone who is an American, not to question....


Something is not "right" with this...mark my words!

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