Breaking confirmed active shooter at Texas Walmart 18 ppl shot

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Trump supporters are not true Americans. They support racism and terror against brown and black people.
You have got to be the most racist mother fucker on the board, and the stupidest mother fucker well besides Joe
I don't support racism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, and the like. I leave all that for Trump supporters and his murdering cultists who enjoy taking it a step further.

I don't support racism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, and the like. I leave all that for Trump supporters and his murdering cultists who enjoy taking it a step further.

But not a peep from you about the mass shooting in Brooklyn (11 shot) same day as Gilroy......wonder why.
When you're on the receiving end of a lost argument, you can always change the subject to something else. You are such a loser.
The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Anyone can be driven regardless of color, character or culture. Just depends on the perfect storms surrounding them in life. Some don't get rattled when others aren't so strong... Alot of questions need answered in this situation, so blaming anything at this point is fruitless.
We have enough information on our own to understand the situation. Trump+ violent hate speech+ his racism+ cultist Trump supporters = mass murder. And it's only going to get worse with Trump and his base. The country doesn't know it yet, but Trump and his base have declared war on all the folks who are not with Trump and who do not look white like Trump. These folks are ready to kill with Trump's command at a moments notice.
You are delusional and dangerous in your rehtoric.

What exactly was so dangerous in that post? The right often times brings up civil war, shooting people (and looking forward to it) and outright racism. Nothing wrong with pointing that out.
I don't support racism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, and the like. I leave all that for Trump supporters and his murdering cultists who enjoy taking it a step further.
The Russia thang was proven not true so you mother fuckers had to make up more lies he is a racist blah blah blah, and now we will see who will use this as a gun grab
Warning? Of what?

I wouldn't push it with your track record.

What is the warning about, doofus?
He won't talk to you. Boo hoo!

I'll live...well, as long as he doesn't know where my house is I guess.
Yep, you never know. They're Trump supporters. You never know when the next one will take his or her marching orders from the Furhrer.

Wait a second...………………………………………...message coming in...………………….head to local shopping center...…………………..use truck...……………………….or AR...……………………………...shoot and run over as many...………………………………….as possible, preferably people of color...…....

Okay, sorry for the interruption, what was it you were saying again ?
So why does Trump continue to spew hate and fan the flames to incite such people? Very reminiscent of Hitler's Germany.

You don't like free speech in America? There are other countries you can move to.

America, love it or leave it.
Hate speech has consequences.

No one said anything about free speech, so why do you attack the messenger with your distraction? Answer, because you don't have an argument.
I don't support racism, xenophobia, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, and the like. I leave all that for Trump supporters and his murdering cultists who enjoy taking it a step further.
The Russia thang was proven not true so you mother fuckers had to make up more lies he is a racist blah blah blah, and now we will see who will use this as a gun grab
Wrong! The Russia thing proved collusion and obstruction. Read the report dumb ass.
10:39 long was he in there before someone with a gun made him stop and surrender?

That is the issue...that time period...
There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?

Down under.

Enjoy the healthcare and gun control, quitter. Make sure you wear your MAGA hat, it'll go over real well.

It's their country, they can run it as they choose.

Of course, like we do here. I'm just saying politically they are in many ways further left than we are here.

I'm aware of all of that, and I know what I'm getting into.
Hate speech has consequences.
No one said anything about free speech, so why do you attack the messenger with your distraction? Answer, because you don't have an argument.
So because it's speech you don't agree with you label it hate speech?
If we built the wall and deported all the Hispanics, this would never happen again.
The shooter politicized the event. I'm tired of the death threats because someone has different political views on this board. Sorry the motivation for this guy is inconvenient to the right but he was a white supremacist, he was a Trump supporter his motive was racism.
Democrats are dividing the country due to their deep seated hatred of white males.
We'll of's never the white male's fault... someone always drives them to commit violence.
Anyone can be driven regardless of color, character or culture. Just depends on the perfect storms surrounding them in life. Some don't get rattled when others aren't so strong... Alot of questions need answered in this situation, so blaming anything at this point is fruitless.
We have enough information on our own to understand the situation. Trump+ violent hate speech+ his racism+ cultist Trump supporters = mass murder. And it's only going to get worse with Trump and his base. The country doesn't know it yet, but Trump and his base have declared war on all the folks who are not with Trump and who do not look white like Trump. These folks are ready to kill with Trump's command at a moments notice.
You are delusional and dangerous in your rehtoric.
No, you just can't stomach the truth. That's the only danger I pose.
There will be riots, but the left is just waiting for another 20 years to go by. The bulk of the boomers will be gone, and the US will become a very different country than it's ever been. It's over, and it's one of the reasons I'm preparing to get out of here.

What socialist country are you moving to?

Down under.

Enjoy the healthcare and gun control, quitter. Make sure you wear your MAGA hat, it'll go over real well.

MAGA hats trigger left loons.

True story

I just think you guys should self identity so others can decide for themselves the risk level of being near you.

I have a better idea. How about we split the country up. You can have the Northeast and the Northwest.
You stay in your country and we'll stay in ours.
Really? Was the guy a Trump voter? And yes, Trump is the worst of them all. When he tells women of color to go back to where they came from when three are from here and all four are citizens, Trump is stoking fear, hatred, into the minds of his cultist base, and yes, the result is sometimes mass murder. And you've just been warned about truth and reality. So find whatever list you need, because finding a counter argument to mine is certainly not an option for you.

Another example of liberals not tolerating free speech.
Law enforcement must be given the authority and tools to monitor, investigate, and prosecute domestic terrorists just like foreign terrorists - but they are currently constrained from doing that. Domestic hate speech must be prosecuted.
He said not to blame Trump, the one person in America most responsible for stirring up hatred against immigrants.

So exactly how many immigrants should we allow into the America? And shouldn't we have the right to prevent entry of immigrants from shit hole countries?
Hey....does anyone remember the hundreds of times anti-gun asshats made fun of people who carry a gun with them when they go shopping.......?

You know...on the off chance something bad might happen....

I wonder why I thought about that today?
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