Breaking: Formal Impeachment Charges To Be Introduced Tommorow Against Eric Holder

Eric Holder is an Evil man. He represents 'The Chicago Way' at its worst. There is definitely a special place in Hell reserved for him.
Eric Holder is an Evil man. He represents 'The Chicago Way' at its worst. There is definitely a special place in Hell reserved for him.

Well, he got privilege of the main man of privilege. Take Fast & Furious as example... I'm still trying to understand why would Barry issue executive privilege in which he doesn't believe, to hide the documents he claims he has never seen, in order to cover up the scandal he claims he knew nothing about.
Slow day... resurrecting a 6-month-old thread?
Slow day... resurrecting a 6-month-old thread?

I think they're just taking the piss out of the idiots on the extreme right.
As the OP's link says, "a small group", but it should say, "a small minded group".
Five months

How is that impeachment going?

I totally missed the news about this one.
When did he go and did he end up in prison? :D

Yes, he's in minimum security lock-up in that same federal prison where John Gotti died, somewhere in Colorado, around Florence, I think. Yes, that's it. Eric Holder is an inmate now. Looks quite striking in stripes since he is tall and lean. Last interviewed by Diane Sawyer he said it's all good because the food was fair and he was catching up on his poker game.
Sadly, defending the indefensible is now commonplace with Obamabots. More of that 'Party before Country' stuff i guess. It's an awful blind loyal allegiance. Eric Holder still hasn't been held accountable for his Fast & Furious atrocity. Brian Terry's family still hasn't seen Justice. He should probably be in Prison, let alone still be our Nation's Attorney General.

Obamabots should be ashamed of themselves for defending him. Most Germans felt some shame in defending Hitler and the Nazis after the War. But will the Obamabots ever feel any shame for defending all the awful deeds committed by Obama and Holder? I lean towards saying no. And that's very sad.
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Remember this one "Breaking" buoys and gulls?

What IS it with you and your hard-on for this thread?

It's... like... the SECOND time you've dragged this one out of the cellar, within the past couple of months...

You didn't get anybody to bite on the hook, to resurrect it, back in April...

That should have told you something...

Don't be boring or tiresome...

Let it go...
Awe...poor babeez. Eight months later, and you guys were so certain Formal Impeachment Charges were going to be bringing down Eric Holder. !!!11Eleventy!!

It was Breaking, and everything.

Eight months later, tiny violins.

Just like LGS's Breaking bad thread, Lerner is gonna be arrested!!! It's Formal, cause a congressman filed it, so, we know it's gonna happen.

Bummer the way you guys set yourselves up like that,

Awe...poor babeez. Eight months later, and you guys were so certain Formal Impeachment Charges were going to be bringing down Eric Holder. !!!11Eleventy!!

It was Breaking, and everything.

Eight months later, tiny violins.

Just like LGS's Breaking bad thread, Lerner is gonna be arrested!!! It's Formal, cause a congressman filed it, so, we know it's gonna happen.

Bummer the way you guys set yourselves up like that,


Poor Catzpiss.. Has nothing but daggers as usual. Harry Reid won't remain in control of the Senate much longer. :) Chew on that for awhile. :cuckoo: Go grab a xanbar while you're at it.. you need it.
Unfortunately it will never make it out of the house, the commies will never give them a 2/3 majority to send it to the senate and the senate would never vote to convict. Even with this knowledge I agree to them filing the articles, it will be another BLACK mark on maobama's legacy.

QUE the lefties screaming racism.
I wouldn't be so quick to say it won't happen. Guys don't like announcing a fight and then backing down.

They may not have the numbers now but that is likely to change soon. They're sitting on an August, September and October surprise that isn't a surprise, but more of a reminder. They are going to remind the general public about some very disturbing platforms that the dems have embraced. They are going to embarass the dems deeply and make anyone who is associated with them feel like a creep.

And that will render out in their harvesting plenty [millions] of votes more than they normally would have from middle bloc voters.

In fact, their aresenal in this way is so huge, so stockpiled that their only quandry will be which tidbit to emphasize and when. I warned the democrats. But no. They had to step into that cesspool and embrace it with both arms. Were they just planning on hoping that the GOP was going to remain silent about it forever? An achilles heel in the dems? On the eves of pivotal elections?

Wow are the dems foolish. I wish I could say they've changed but they do this every time. The GOP reels them out enough rope and then at the pivotal moment they twirl it rapidly into a noose, lasso it around their necks and spook that wild horse out from underneath them.
Why did we bump this thread, it was a complete fail?

Chargers were never even introduced, it never made it to a vote, because it never even came up.

I posted the actual link to the proceedings and watched the entire day.


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