BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Man who dragged officer into 1/6 mob gets more than 7 years​

By MICHAEL KUNZELMANOctober 27, 2022


Man who dragged officer into 1/6 mob gets more than 7 years

never even try to say you support cops ever again asswipe.
Stop me. All you proved is that you're a sanctimonious douchebag. Did any of you leftwing turds whine about the hundreds of cops injured during the BLM riots? No. You didn't give a crap.
Same thing. What's written in a bill doesn't prove anything.

you & a rock have much in common. the dude that dragged fanone thru the flying monkey crowd causing him to get tazed into a heart attack was all testified to in federal court - including MDs.
you & a rock have much in common. the dude that dragged fanone thru the flying monkey crowd causing him to get tazed into a heart attack was all testified to in federal court - including MDs.
He can thank Nazi Pelosi for that.
Russian Propaganda came from Russian Collusion between Obama, Putin, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, James Comey, Robert Mueller, McCabe, Strozk, The FBI, The Leftist Media, Twitter, and The Democrat Party and an Illegal and Unconstitutional Secret Court called FISA. Did you think you were going to be able to hide the source of your treasonous COUP forever?

Do you not wonder why God declared that His son would be sent to Earth a 2nd time to destroy the corrupt human governments of this world and to punish all the Evil men and women who participate in such corruption, along with the God Haters, Altheists and Sinners of all sorts, and cast them all into Hell on Judgment Day before establishing His Just and Righteous Kingdom on Earth and usher in a Millennial of Ultimate Peace, Love and Prosperity without the likes of you and your friends hanging around to muck it up?

Repent or be Left Behind!

Your time is short.

There was no "treasonous coup" by the Democrats, and yet you keep posting these lies, in violation of the commandment not to bear false witness. The ONLY treasonous coup attempted was January 6th.

Once again, everyone is lying but Donald Trump. The FBI, the CIA, the NSA. You really are a gullible fool to continue these conspiracy theories and lies.

No, I don't wonder why God declared his Son would return. He knew that people would corrupt Jesus' message of peace and love, and warned against the attempts of men to refashion Jesus' image into one more suitable to their purposes. How can you be a Christian, and turn refugees away at the border? Where does the Bible say ANYTHING about governments, other than the Romans. In fact, Jesus went to great pains to point out that His Kingdom was NOT OF THIS WORLD.

You make an awful lot of assumptions about how this is all going to turn out for a professional liar, and hater such as yourself. I'm more than willing to take my chances at redemption, and I don't waste a minute of my time worrying about what will happen to those who call themselves "righteous".

What's that passage in the Bible: Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the beam of wood in your own eye?" You spend all of your time telling liberals how evil we are and how we're all going to hell, while ignoring Trump lies about covid which killed a million people, his lies about a "stolen election" which lead to a failed coup attempt. A crashed economy, and thousands fleeing violence, political upheaval, famine or earthquakes treated like criminals.

Shame on you for your hate and lies.
There was no "treasonous coup" by the Democrats, and yet you keep posting these lies, in violation of the commandment not to bear false witness. The ONLY treasonous coup attempted was January 6th.

Once again, everyone is lying but Donald Trump. The FBI, the CIA, the NSA. You really are a gullible fool to continue these conspiracy theories and lies.

No, I don't wonder why God declared his Son would return. He knew that people would corrupt Jesus' message of peace and love, and warned against the attempts of men to refashion Jesus' image into one more suitable to their purposes. How can you be a Christian, and turn refugees away at the border? Where does the Bible say ANYTHING about governments, other than the Romans. In fact, Jesus went to great pains to point out that His Kingdom was NOT OF THIS WORLD.

You make an awful lot of assumptions about how this is all going to turn out for a professional liar, and hater such as yourself. I'm more than willing to take my chances at redemption, and I don't waste a minute of my time worrying about what will happen to those who call themselves "righteous".

What's that passage in the Bible: Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the beam of wood in your own eye?" You spend all of your time telling liberals how evil we are and how we're all going to hell, while ignoring Trump lies about covid which killed a million people, his lies about a "stolen election" which lead to a failed coup attempt. A crashed economy, and thousands fleeing violence, political upheaval, famine or earthquakes treated like criminals.

Shame on you for your hate and lies.
Traitor, Liar, Propagandist.
You will be held accountable for your sins and your crimes on Judgment Day.
I've committed sins, but I am not a criminal, nor am I a liar, and you're not the one who is judging me. Look to your own sins and crimes. You don't get to judge anyone.
What was Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane but a orchestrated COUP?

Don't play dumb.

Oh but I do get to warn you of the flames of Hell. God is who judges your life, but I can warn you that if you continue to persist in your lies and propaganda that you are in danger of The Judgement.

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