BREAKING: IPCC says, "No evidence of drought trends worldwide"

Skook, what are you yammering about now? Your retardation level has gotten too high for normal people to understand your posts. You posted a link to one of your crazy cult blogs, and then starting shrieking about the IPCC.

By the way, keep the spam in your one circle-jerk thread. You're acting like a spoiled brat, shitting on multiple threads and laughing about it. Not cool.
LMAO.......yep......I guess Im the asshole here!!!

But the New York Times is saying the same thing.........


Global Warming? Not Always


BOULDER, Colo. — CALIFORNIA is now in the midst of the third year of one of its worst droughts on record. As our planet gradually warms from our rampant burning of fossil fuels, it’s only natural to wonder what role climate change has played in California’s troubles.

The answer is this: At present, the scientific evidence does not support an argument that the drought there is appreciably linked to human-induced climate change.

How many dozen times have I publically humiliated these AGW bozo's?? What can I say.....Ive always gotten a hoot out of embarrassing social oddball intellectuals all the way back to grade school!!

Drought/global warming links are tall tales.:D:D:D:badgrin:

By the way, keep the spam in your one circle-jerk thread. You're acting like a spoiled brat, shitting on multiple threads and laughing about it. Not cool.

Yeah that thread not epic? Who knew?!!!

In fact, if you go to BING, the search engine, and type in GLOBAL WARMING SKEPTICS and WINNING.......its the second page on the search query.:D:D:D You meatheads are just pissed that all of your threads fizzle out completely in a day or two and meanwhile, the WINNING thread has been going on for many months.

And damn stinking right Im laughing about it and will for a long time to come.......because that thread is going to be in the faces of the AGW nutters for a long, long , long time......right there near the top of page 1. Yep.....might slip down a bit from time to time but to be sure, it'll be right back on top making you assholes look like........assholes.:2up::2up:

I love pissing on your BS..........:fu::fu::fu::funnyface:
Skooks, would you mind showing us where the IPCC or any signficant number of actual climate scientists said that California's droughts WERE a result of global warming? Cause... I guess I missed that part. It kinda blows your joke. Go ahead - feel free to laugh your head off (in an ignorant and slightly creepy fashion) and your doctored clip art photos are always a real gas (you sure showed Mamooth who's boss) but for a real joke that other people can enjoy right along with you, you need a proper setup. Yours is a little one sided.

BTW, what IS causing California's drought? Let me guess, "natural cycles"?
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Im laughing........there are about 4 billion threads in this forum where the AGW radicals are blaming climate change for droughts. Same thing with the California forest fires. Immeasurably laughable.

My sides still hurting this am from laughing getting those posts together ^^^ last night.......
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Skooks, would you mind showing us where the IPCC or any signficant number of actual climate scientists said that California's droughts WERE a result of global warming? Cause... I guess I missed that part. It kinda blows your joke. Go ahead - feel free to laugh your head off (in an ignorant and slightly creepy fashion) and your doctored clip art photos are always a real gas (you sure showed Mamooth who's boss) but for a real joke that other people can enjoy right along with you, you need a proper setup. Yours is a little one sided.

BTW, what IS causing California's drought? Let me guess, "natural cycles"?

Go ahead Abe, give us the ammunition that we need.. Tell us.. Your phrasing of the question is utterly suspicious....
Figures you'd attack me without cause.

Oh for Christsakes.......buckle up your chinstrap for once in your life you fucking limpwrister.:gay:

Dang.....reminds me of the Jerky Boys skit, "I want to sue.....well.....he hurt me with his words. They were very hurtful!"

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Figures you'd attack me without cause.

In the history of message boards, ive never seen the observation thhat a poster wimped out on answering THEIR OWN QUESTION, as an attack. Did you read the OP link? Do you remember the von Storch quote I posted last week asserting a lack of CURRENT evidence for climate change events occurring today? What is YOUR answer to the question you asked about the Cali drought. Does it invoke Climate Change induced by man as a cause?

More importantly, why is GoldiRocks taking a hike on this thread? We need him to post Dr. Armsflapper again for the 100th time.

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