BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

I don't understand why lefties are rioting against Trump if "they know" that Hillary will beat him in general elections?
There was no riot.

There most certainly was a riot, you freaking liar, and it is a fact no matter how many times you repeat your fucking lies.
There was no riot.

There most certainly was a riot, you freaking liar, and it is a fact no matter how many times you repeat your fucking lies.
I think I will take the word of the Salt Lake City Police spokesman rather that the brainwashed rants of a crude potty mouth immature internet tough guy like you. So here is my link calling the incident a clash and the spokesman describing it as far from a riot. Now show your link showing the officials calling the short duration shoving match a riot.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders.


because sometimes you sound you like the left better .....


Of course he's a fucking leftist !
All this ranting about a riot that never occurred. No window breaking, fire starting or anything like a riot. The cops showed up prepared for a riot and announced the riot didn't happen. But the cops showed up in riot gear. The police spokesman said they were pleased with the way things turned out. No riot.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
"Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
By Jason Easley on Fri, Mar 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm

"While Donald Trump moved his Salt Lake City rally to a smaller venue, Bernie Sanders drew a massive crowd of 14,000 for a rally on the same day in the same city as the Republican frontrunner."
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
Feel it yet?

Dream on dude, Bernie ain't going nowhere but back home.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
"Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
By Jason Easley on Fri, Mar 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm

"While Donald Trump moved his Salt Lake City rally to a smaller venue, Bernie Sanders drew a massive crowd of 14,000 for a rally on the same day in the same city as the Republican frontrunner."
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
Feel it yet?

Hillary already blew Bernie; he's gone!! DNC made sure of it. lmao

Clinton's a born loser who married well.
Bernie's the "Democrat" with the best chance to beat Trump.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
"Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
By Jason Easley on Fri, Mar 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm

"While Donald Trump moved his Salt Lake City rally to a smaller venue, Bernie Sanders drew a massive crowd of 14,000 for a rally on the same day in the same city as the Republican frontrunner."
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
Feel it yet?

Dream on dude, Bernie ain't going nowhere but back home.
That depends on how many voters take part in the process between now and July:
"A massive crowd of more than 14,000 Bernie Sanders supporters came out on Friday to Brigham Young State Park overlooking the snow-capped Rocky Mountains to hear the Democratic presidential candidate.
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
“'On Tuesday there is going to be a very important caucus here in Utah. Let me give you a simple political truism. We will win that caucus if there is a large turnout. We will lose if there isn’t,' Sanders said."
It's quite simple, build wall that stretches across entire border, every say 20 yards Observation Towers with mounted machine guns.

All that is really needed is a multi-layered approach.

Coming to the US from Mexico across the border without permission should encounter the following.

1. First barrier should be a triple strand of concertina wire to slow the bastards down a tad. Behind that should be a service road that would double as a field of fire for machine guns. The north side of the road should have a steep culvert that would keep most wheeled vehicles out but would not offer cover from the watch towers.

2. First 'wall' should be a razor wire fence at least 20 feet high with watch towers every 200 meters. The guards should be equipped with one sniper rifle and an automatic rifle, such as the M60-E6, the pairs should be trained to support the other roles, i.e sniper serves as belt feeder to M60 and M60 gunner spots for the sniper. There needs to be automatic flood lights that take random patterns across the two service roads until something is spotted. Video cameras operated from a county monitoring office would operate 24/7 and confirm all activities by patrol and anyone crossing. Guards would be cleared to shoot to kill on sight. The area between barrier 1 and 2 should be littered with mines and fake triggering mechanisms to dissuade crossers. Behind this fence should be a second service road that operates as an interior field of fire.

3. Third barrier should be a 12' 11 gauge chain link fence topped with concertina wire. Access to the second field of fire between barrier 2 and 3 would also be included here and well as the dog patrols.

4. Behind the 3rd barrier would be high visible signs in Spanish saying 'Welcome to the United States of America. Come legally or spend 20 years hard labor if caught.' And the law should allow for a 20 years sentences as part of a RICO prosecution for systematic violation of our immigration laws. Lawyers convicted in said RICO cases would be executed by firing squad as traitors to the USA.

That shouldnt cost much at all, and we cancel Mexican foreign aid till the wall is paid for by Mexico via a tariff on Mexican goods and a special tax on all moneys wired to Mexico from the USA.

In my view, we are in a cold war with Mexico and they are actively trying to invade us demographically and all illegals should be treated under the laws for out of uniform saboteurs and enemy agents.
Myself I'd prefer a 25-foot wide moat with alligators and TV cameras. The pay-per-view revenue would keep the water fresh and there'd be no cost for the 'gator food.
Myself I'd prefer a 25-foot wide moat with alligators and TV cameras. The pay-per-view revenue would keep the water fresh and there'd be no cost for the 'gator food.
No, maintaining an alkligator population is too costly and random. Some good Americans could get hurt by these wild animals.

No, a coyote taking a head shot from 200 yards out is easy peezy and would send the rest scurrying back into the darkness of Mexico.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Trump really has not gone into a lot of specifying details, and I think it is largely due to not wanting to bore the target audience to death and also to allow him to look into these subjects from the Oval Office and come up with an approach that is more efficient and consistent with law.

I would not be surprised if Trump focused on penalizing businesses using illegal labor and getting these people to self deport, along with incidental enforcement, i.e. if the illegal gets arrested then deport them as part of that process.

People are reading way too much into Trumps ambiguous announcements, feeding him free press.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Trump really has not gone into a lot of specifying details, and I think it is largely due to not wanting to bore the target audience to death and also to allow him to look into these subjects from the Oval Office and come up with an approach that is more efficient and consistent with law.

I would not be surprised if Trump focused on penalizing businesses using illegal labor and getting these people to self deport, along with incidental enforcement, i.e. if the illegal gets arrested then deport them as part of that process.

People are reading way too much into Trumps ambiguous announcements, feeding him free press.
If immigration were a minor issue in his campaign, I might agree with you but Trump has made this a central issue in his campaign. What do we really know about his plans for dealing with immigration. "They all must go" "but the good ones can come back" "It will be will fast and easy" "I will be gentle" "Families will be together" "Mexico has sent us their rapist and murders" "I will build a great wall" I will make Mexico pay for it." It will be beautiful". "I will make American great again; trust me."

I think Americans deserve to know a bit more at least enough to decide whether his plan, assuming there is some plan, is feasible and not just campaign rhetoric.

Anyone that knows anything about illegal immigration and the law, knows that deporting 11 million people is a gigantic task that will meet resistance from the public, congress, most of the cities where the illegals live, and the receiving countries that must agree to accept them. I guess we have to elect him to see if he actually has any plan.

Listening to his latest rhetoric about protesters and violence, which is likely to increase, I think he's going to shift to a law and order campaign. That will surely get traction with his anti-immigration, anti-Muslim folks and will be more palatable to democrats and independents.
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