BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

Sealing the border isn't really that difficult.........If the establishment wanted it done it would already be done.

They don't want to seal the border........They want the cheap labor..........

The will to secure via our politicians isn't there............yet the people want it fixed.............par for course.
That's why we got Trump.
Did they go there to shake Trump's hand?
Or were they there to take him out?
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

I missed this one, and it's 15 pages, more chaos from Leftists WTF? This as well as Arizona.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Oh :eusa_doh:I just noticed this happened yesterday. It doesn't matter, they are getting out of control, now tearing down Secret Service tent....the whip needs to be cracked and they made SEVERE example of, if not they'll get worse.
Sealing the border isn't really that difficult.........If the establishment wanted it done it would already be done.

They don't want to seal the border........They want the cheap labor..........

The will to secure via our politicians isn't there............yet the people want it fixed.............par for course.
They changed California, Oregon, and Washington state into Democrat Party strongholds by flooding illegals into them. They're trying to speed it up in Texas as well. But with all of these illegals, tons of drugs and diseases are pouring in with them.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

I'm with you on the impossibility of deporting millions and then letting the 'good ones' return. This is probably just Trump grandstanding. That so many buy into this proposal is because of our government doing nothing about the immigration problem for decades to satisfy the cheap labor lobby. Yet, Obama and his democrat successor will do nothing to stop the flow of tens of thousands of the poor and needy coming here, making the problem much worse in years to come. Cruz would be no different. Talk tough and do nothing. Trump appears to be the one to stop that flow to a trickle or to zero with his wall. Like I said before, no other nation allows what we allow - virtually open borders. This is especially true of the hypocritical Mexican government.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Good...the Secret Service are feds....those will be Federal Charges.....
There were no arrests and the incident is being grossly mischaracterizes by Trump supporters. SLPD reports there was a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. It was serious enough that a circle was formed and a dance off was conducted between the opposing sides! More like a scene of partying protesters from both sides than a riot.

As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
A jail has 4 walls surrounded by guards. Trump has one wall that planes can fly over, tunnels can go under and boats can go around. Not the same thing. Homeland Security says we don't need a wall, but Trump knows better, because he's an expert on board security, right.

The wall in the West Bank Barrier is only 10 miles long, the rest of the barriers, 470 miles when complete is mostly a 30 foot chain link fence. By contrast, the Trump wall would be higher, about 50 feet and up to 2000 miles long.

According to DHS, what we need is not a wall, but more electronic surveillance, drone fights, some additional fencing and more boots on the ground. Walls and fences do not stop intruders, they just delay them till guards arrive.

Even if the wall were impregnable, it would not even come close to solving our illegal immigration problem because nearly 50% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally and overstay their visa. About 5% enter the country through boarder crossings and ports of entry with stolen or forged documents or hidden in motor vehicles.
Electronic surveillance won't keep them out. It allows us to arrest them then release them in America. We don't want them in America. Only a wall will keep them out. and if it keeps out 50% of them then it keeps out more than no wall at all.
A wall with not keep people out just as prison walls don't keep inmates in. In both cases it take guards. Anyone with a ladder can cross a wall, if there are no guards there to stop them. A wall only slows the process down.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Good...the Secret Service are feds....those will be Federal Charges.....
There were no arrests and the incident is being grossly mischaracterizes by Trump supporters. SLPD reports there was a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. It was serious enough that a circle was formed and a dance off was conducted between the opposing sides! More like a scene of partying protesters from both sides than a riot.

As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
A jail has 4 walls surrounded by guards. Trump has one wall that planes can fly over, tunnels can go under and boats can go around. Not the same thing. Homeland Security says we don't need a wall, but Trump knows better, because he's an expert on board security, right.

The wall in the West Bank Barrier is only 10 miles long, the rest of the barriers, 470 miles when complete is mostly a 30 foot chain link fence. By contrast, the Trump wall would be higher, about 50 feet and up to 2000 miles long.

According to DHS, what we need is not a wall, but more electronic surveillance, drone fights, some additional fencing and more boots on the ground. Walls and fences do not stop intruders, they just delay them till guards arrive.

Even if the wall were impregnable, it would not even come close to solving our illegal immigration problem because nearly 50% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally and overstay their visa. About 5% enter the country through boarder crossings and ports of entry with stolen or forged documents or hidden in motor vehicles.
Electronic surveillance won't keep them out. It allows us to arrest them then release them in America. We don't want them in America. Only a wall will keep them out. and if it keeps out 50% of them then it keeps out more than no wall at all.
A wall with not keep people out just as prison walls don't keep inmates in. In both cases it take guards. Anyone with a ladder can cross a wall, if there are no guards there to stop them. A wall only slows the process down.
50 foot ladders are easy to shoot down.
And what about the other side? Need another 50 foot ladder.
Illegal with broken feet easy to put out of their misery.
Problem solved.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

I'm with you on the impossibility of deporting millions and then letting the 'good ones' return. This is probably just Trump grandstanding. That so many buy into this proposal is because of our government doing nothing about the immigration problem for decades to satisfy the cheap labor lobby. Yet, Obama and his democrat successor will do nothing to stop the flow of tens of thousands of the poor and needy coming here, making the problem much worse in years to come. Cruz would be no different. Talk tough and do nothing. Trump appears to be the one to stop that flow to a trickle or to zero with his wall. Like I said before, no other nation allows what we allow - virtually open borders. This is especially true of the hypocritical Mexican government.
The flow of illegal immigrants coming to the United States is on the decline. The Pew Research Center reports that immigration flows are at their lowest level in 20 years. The number of illegals in the US have declined by a million in just under 10 years. With the increase in the number of border patrol agents and overall boarder security coupled with higher demand for unskilled labor in Mexico, illegal boarder crossing will be a trickle with or without a wall.

If Trump makes it to the white house, expect an announcement from Trump that his campaign against illegal immigration has turned the tide. Illegal immigrants are returning home. Illegal boarder crossing are down. Instead of a wall, he will be asking congress for money for more border patrol, electronic surveillance and drones, what DHS is currently asking for.

Flow of Illegals Crossing the Border at 20-Year Low
Last edited:
Sealing the border isn't really that difficult.........If the establishment wanted it done it would already be done.

They don't want to seal the border........They want the cheap labor..........

The will to secure via our politicians isn't there............yet the people want it fixed.............par for course.
They changed California, Oregon, and Washington state into Democrat Party strongholds by flooding illegals into them. They're trying to speed it up in Texas as well. But with all of these illegals, tons of drugs and diseases are pouring in with them.

Imagine if we said...sure...let in all the illegals you want....they just can't vote. Imagine how soon democrats would loose interest on the issue.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
"Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
By Jason Easley on Fri, Mar 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm

"While Donald Trump moved his Salt Lake City rally to a smaller venue, Bernie Sanders drew a massive crowd of 14,000 for a rally on the same day in the same city as the Republican frontrunner."
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
Feel it yet?

Hillary already blew Bernie; he's gone!! DNC made sure of it. lmao

Funny, a bunch of fruitloops take over a federal installation armed to the gills, and you people call them protesters, a few protesters get rowdy as your Trumpsters, and you are ready to declare them terrorists and go to war.

The morons that took over the federal building in whatever park that was, are not sent by the Republican Party or any of its Presidential candidates, shit4brains.

And no one is calling these riotous Democrat hooligans to be terrorists. I doubt they could manage to blow the wings off a house fly.
They changed California, Oregon, and Washington state into Democrat Party strongholds by flooding illegals into them. They're trying to speed it up in Texas as well. But with all of these illegals, tons of drugs and diseases are pouring in with them.

Why should they care; its only us 'little people'
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Trump really has not gone into a lot of specifying details, and I think it is largely due to not wanting to bore the target audience to death and also to allow him to look into these subjects from the Oval Office and come up with an approach that is more efficient and consistent with law.

I would not be surprised if Trump focused on penalizing businesses using illegal labor and getting these people to self deport, along with incidental enforcement, i.e. if the illegal gets arrested then deport them as part of that process.

People are reading way too much into Trumps ambiguous announcements, feeding him free press.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
"Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
By Jason Easley on Fri, Mar 18th, 2016 at 8:15 pm

"While Donald Trump moved his Salt Lake City rally to a smaller venue, Bernie Sanders drew a massive crowd of 14,000 for a rally on the same day in the same city as the Republican frontrunner."
Bernie Sanders Blows Out Donald Trump As 14,000 Show Up For Salt Lake City Rally
Feel it yet?

Hillary already blew Bernie; he's gone!! DNC made sure of it. lmao


"Hillary already blew Bernie"

Really? Well if Hillary would have done same to Bill, then he wouldn't have got into situation with Monica Lewinsky :smoke:
They changed California, Oregon, and Washington state into Democrat Party strongholds by flooding illegals into them. They're trying to speed it up in Texas as well. But with all of these illegals, tons of drugs and diseases are pouring in with them.

Why should they care; its only us 'little people'

Politicians only want the "little people" at election time.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Good...the Secret Service are feds....those will be Federal Charges.....
There were no arrests and the incident is being grossly mischaracterizes by Trump supporters. SLPD reports there was a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. It was serious enough that a circle was formed and a dance off was conducted between the opposing sides! More like a scene of partying protesters from both sides than a riot.

It's not Trump's goals that his opposition opposes, it's his proposed methods of reaching those goals.

There are far better methods of solving illegal immigration than using federal agents to roundup and transport suspected illegals to concentration camps to await legal deportation proceedings. Building walls around the country is not just costly but will fail. As the saying goes, "Show me a 50 foot wall and I will show you a 51 foot ladder. Insisting that Mexico pay for this boondoggle and breaking NAFA will create serious economic problems in both countries that will cost us millions of jobs in the US.

Falling illegal immigration over the last 10 years has reduced the illegal immigrant population by over a million. The Pew Research Center estimated that the number will decline over twice that amount over the next 10 years without any changes in immigration policy. This is due primarily to a growing shortage of low skilled workers in Mexico and the increased security on the southern boarder. Immigration officials say that we can reduce the number of illegals by over a million by implementing a work visa reporting and tracking system and if we pass real immigration reform, we will not only have few illegal immigrants but more secure boarders.

Trump's proposal of breaking free trade treaties have been widely condemned by economists across the country. The fact is America benefits from free trade. There are of course problems in the treaties but that does not mean the best way of fixing them is to walk away from treaties that have taken 5 to 10 years to negotiate. Mechanisms for renegotiating the treaties are built into the documents. Without a free trade agreement, tariffs on American exports and imports will cost jobs and raise prices.

Doing a better job of stopping terrorist attacks in the US is widely supported by both parties and there is much that can be done. However, denying entrance to the country based on one's religion is not one of them. In fact, many people who have been involved in anti-terrorist activity believe it will serve as a tool to radicalize US Muslims increasing the likelihood of attacks in the US.

America has serious problems and we need serious solutions, not these need jerk reactions that are going create far more problems than they solve.

Walls don't work????

Israel has a wall. It works.
Jails have walls. They work.
China built a massive wall. It worked.
Military base have walls.
Police departments have walls.

Walls work when there are people WHO ENFORCE THE PURPOSE of the wall.

A jail wall won't work if there are no cops to arrest those trying to break through it.
A jail has 4 walls surrounded by guards. Trump has one wall that planes can fly over, tunnels can go under and boats can go around. Not the same thing. Homeland Security says we don't need a wall, but Trump knows better, because he's an expert on board security, right.

The wall in the West Bank Barrier is only 10 miles long, the rest of the barriers, 470 miles when complete is mostly a 30 foot chain link fence. By contrast, the Trump wall would be higher, about 50 feet and up to 2000 miles long.

According to DHS, what we need is not a wall, but more electronic surveillance, drone fights, some additional fencing and more boots on the ground. Walls and fences do not stop intruders, they just delay them till guards arrive.

Even if the wall were impregnable, it would not even come close to solving our illegal immigration problem because nearly 50% of the illegal immigrants entered the country legally and overstay their visa. About 5% enter the country through boarder crossings and ports of entry with stolen or forged documents or hidden in motor vehicles.
Electronic surveillance won't keep them out. It allows us to arrest them then release them in America. We don't want them in America. Only a wall will keep them out. and if it keeps out 50% of them then it keeps out more than no wall at all.
A wall with not keep people out just as prison walls don't keep inmates in. In both cases it take guards. Anyone with a ladder can cross a wall, if there are no guards there to stop them. A wall only slows the process down.
50 foot ladders are easy to shoot down.
And what about the other side? Need another 50 foot ladder.
Illegal with broken feet easy to put out of their misery.
Problem solved.

It's quite simple, build wall that stretches across entire border, every say 20 yards Observation Towers with mounted machine guns.

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