BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

There was no riot. Trump worshippers are just whining very loudly. A faction of Trump's opponents is just branding that hateful malicious man with visions of things to come. The real riots will occur when they see the Republicans switch and manipulate delegates at the convention that make it possible to give the Trumpster the boot.
Riots? What riots?

The events in the video fit the first two definitions of the word 'riot', dumbass.

1. A wild or turbulent disturbance created by a large number of people.
2. Law A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose.

Nope. Not riots. Please grow a pair.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?
"Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!"

This is a lie.

In no news account are the protesters identified as 'leftists,' or associated with, or representative of, 'the left.'

Supporters, Protesters Clash Outside Trump Rally in Utah

Not true. The Fox reporter was in the middle of them. Their chants and signs were clear. Mostly Bernie Sanders supporters. Reporter confirmed it.

You leftists are becoming more violent and rabid. Society may have to put you down like rabid dogs.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?

He's a leftist man. That's what kind. THEY WANT VIOLENT REVOLUTION.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?

He's a leftist man. That's what kind. THEY WANT VIOLENT REVOLUTION.
They should get it to. That would be a good way to put them down for years.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?

He's a leftist man. That's what kind. THEY WANT VIOLENT REVOLUTION.
They would lose. Badly.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?

He's a leftist man. That's what kind. THEY WANT VIOLENT REVOLUTION.
They should get it to. That would be a good way to put them down for years.
Not enough of you pasty faced old crackers in this country anymore cletus
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

Good...the Secret Service are feds....those will be Federal Charges.....
if the German people did this to hilter and his brown shirts in the early 30's the world would have avoid world chaos and war, they thought he was a harmless kook too and didn't take him literally until it was to late

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce." was hitlers people doing the attacking........and trying to silence opposition........the morons storming the tent are the brown shirts....
Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders. are not "liberal" like the are a left wing nut job who has appropriated the name "liberal" because it conceals what you really are.....a left wing socialist/communist/statist.......who believes government is god.
"Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!"

This is a lie.

In no news account are the protesters identified as 'leftists,' or associated with, or representative of, 'the left.'

Supporters, Protesters Clash Outside Trump Rally in Utah
Right. The Bernie Sanders signs aren't a dead giveaway.

The chants too. Two of the most recognizable leftist chants were there. The stupid "hey hey ho ho...blah blah blah has got to go" and "whose streets? Ours streets!"

Lefties trying to deny these violent mobs are THEIRS is so pathetic.
Poor Trump, his Nazi party is receiving a little flack..

Trump isn't the socialist in this election cycle...hilary and sanders are...and it is their supporters attacking the other political party......

the brown shirts are the democrat/socialists....just like they were in Germany.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now.
May the streets run knee deep in blood? What kind of sick, evil fuck are you?

He is a left winger...nuff said?
And just a reminder folks:

Republicans freed the slaves.
Republicans passed Civil Rights.
Democrats founded the KKK.
Democrats opposed civil rights.

4 absolute facts your leftist median won't tell you.

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