BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

Scum........revolting scum...left is scum now and always

douse them with water cannons! drop silly string cluster bombs, sprinkle them with confetti and bacon bits then send in the dogs! - my recipe for law and order :)
Cancel their safe spaces.
Start reading a Bible.

Stuff that will disperse the liberal crowd immediately.
As I've been posting lately, I don't see Trump as the racist. Also, how many right wingers are crashing and protesting the democrat rallies ? None as far as I know. Trump's the only one who won't have to serve the billionaire class; he's against the crappy trade pacts that the clintons, bushes and obamas have signed and which have sold the American worker out. He speaks against the mass illegal immigration we Americans have to put up with, and we are the only country that allows this. Will Trump follow through on his promises if he takes the white house? Not sure, but we know who Hillary or Cruz will serve for sure, and it won't be the ordinary workers and voters.
if the German people did this to hilter and his brown shirts in the early 30's the world would have avoid world chaos and war, they thought he was a harmless kook too and didn't take him literally until it was to late

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."

Er: Hitler did it to the moderates. They are what they are; future fascists!!!

These people are supporters of the Bernie and Hitlery. so vote for that again as if Obama wasn't enough
These people are supporters of the Bernie and Hitlery. so vote for that again as if Obama wasn't enough

Hillary supporters believe in getting what they want through brute force, and have a three word vocabulary. Calling them protesters is an insult to protesters who have ever put together a coherent dialogue.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

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I wouldn't bet on that! heh heh heh!
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.

I guess they're "leftists". They seem like a different breed of leftist protester than I hung around with in my day. Angrier, looking for trouble, even violence. When you think of the riotous Chicago convention protests you have to remember that was a unique time, the Vietnam war was near its height. RFK had been killed that year and of course MLK. And you can't blame it all on Trump, certainly he has engendered an atmosphere that seems to enable the stirring up of old and new hates, but these protesters seem to bring along their own baggage of hate. They never would have fit in with our crowd.
These people are supporters of the Bernie and Hitlery. so vote for that again as if Obama wasn't enough

Hillary supporters believe in getting what they want through brute force, and have a three word vocabulary. Calling them protesters is an insult to protesters who have ever put together a coherent dialogue.

true, that's how they can be played so easily by their party. useful idiots
These people are supporters of the Bernie and Hitlery. so vote for that again as if Obama wasn't enough
That may not be true...These rioters just might be establishment Republicans who are disenchanted with Trump
Was this another event sponsored by Move On Dot TERRORIST Dot Org.....................and that scumbag Soros................

Crack some heads................They keep asking for a fight and they will finally get one...............Did they escape from a zoo.
Was this another event sponsored by Move On Dot TERRORIST Dot Org.....................and that scumbag Soros................

Crack some heads................They keep asking for a fight and they will finally get one...............Did they escape from a zoo.

These people were dim wits, they had nothing to say. My bet is they were just going along like sheep by whoever sent them there
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
Leftists? In Salt Lake City? More likely Robmoney and his cultist cabal.
Was this another event sponsored by Move On Dot TERRORIST Dot Org.....................and that scumbag Soros................

Crack some heads................They keep asking for a fight and they will finally get one...............Did they escape from a zoo.

These people were dim wits, they had nothing to say. My bet is they were just going along like sheep by whoever sent them there
In the past they have paid roving mobs that they bus in..............I'm sure they are up to the same old tactics............I think the new water cannons should be tested............should have a betting pool on how many the water can knock down in one sweep...........That would be a hoot.

New Reality TV series................
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
Leftists? In Salt Lake City? More likely Robmoney and his cultist cabal.
probably a mixture of both.

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