BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

Hose em down!!

I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
I think you added the term leftist. That was not in the Fox News report. The fact is Republicans, Independents as well as Democrats are pissed that someone of the caliber of Trump could actually get the nomination for president. did some organizing at the Chicago rally. Now, it seems to be spontaneous. Wherever Trump goes pissed off demonstrators will follow.

I think Trump was right when he said that there will be riots. However, I think the riots are likely to occur if he get's the the nomination, not if he is denied. it.
Protesters clash with SLC police outside Trump rally
if the German people did this to hilter and his brown shirts in the early 30's the world would have avoid world chaos and war, they thought he was a harmless kook too and didn't take him literally until it was to late

"History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce."

Yeah, and you are the brown shirts. "I am a Socialist, and a very different kind of Socialist from your rich friend, Count Reventlow" who said that? - Adolf Hitler.

We're trying to stop you from screwing up our entire country. Just like the German people should have stopped Hitler.
I'd like to see the return of good old fashioned water cannons.....effective and non-lethal means of dispersing crowds. Another benefit is that for many of these leftwing scumbags it's like a shower for them! Ya know these hippie wannabe scumbags need a good delousing!


Excellent point. It's cheap. It's non lethal. you's the first bath these filthy liberals have had in a week probably.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
I think you added the term leftist. That was not in the Fox News report. The fact is Republicans, Independents as well as Democrats are pissed that someone of the caliber of Trump could actually get the nomination for president. did some organizing at the Chicargo ralley. Now, it seems to be spontaneous. Wherever Trump goes pissed off demostrators will follow.

I think Trump was right when he said that there will might be riots. However, I think the riots are likely to occur if get's he gets the nomination, not if he is denied. it.
Protesters clash with SLC police outside Trump rally

They were leftists and Bernie supporters. Fox reporter said that on one of the two videos. And their chants are the lefty ones. Including the "Whose Streets? Our Streets!".

So....lefties storming a Secret Service tent at a presidential candidate rally. And WE are the violent ones?
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
I think you added the term leftist. That was not in the Fox News report. The fact is Republicans, Independents as well as Democrats are pissed that someone of the caliber of Trump could actually get the nomination for president. did some organizing at the Chicargo ralley. Now, it seems to be spontaneous. Wherever Trump goes pissed off demostrators will follow.

I think Trump was right when he said that there will might be riots. However, I think the riots are likely to occur if get's he gets the nomination, not if he is denied. it.
Protesters clash with SLC police outside Trump rally

They were leftists and Bernie supporters. Fox reporter said that on one of the two videos. And their chants are the lefty ones. Including the "Whose Streets? Our Streets!".

So....lefties storming a Secret Service tent at a presidential candidate rally. And WE are the violent ones?
From what I have seen conservatives are far more pissed about Trump than liberals. After all it's their party, and their agenda he is stealing and destroying.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
I think you added the term leftist. That was not in the Fox News report. The fact is Republicans, Independents as well as Democrats are pissed that someone of the caliber of Trump could actually get the nomination for president. did some organizing at the Chicargo ralley. Now, it seems to be spontaneous. Wherever Trump goes pissed off demostrators will follow.

I think Trump was right when he said that there will might be riots. However, I think the riots are likely to occur if get's he gets the nomination, not if he is denied. it.
Protesters clash with SLC police outside Trump rally

They were leftists and Bernie supporters. Fox reporter said that on one of the two videos. And their chants are the lefty ones. Including the "Whose Streets? Our Streets!".

So....lefties storming a Secret Service tent at a presidential candidate rally. And WE are the violent ones?
From what I have seen conservatives are far more pissed about Trump than liberals. After all it's their party, and their agenda he is stealing and destroying.

It's not conservatives storming Secret Service tents.
I'll link it asap. Fox breaking news. Salt Lake City police riot team trying to control a mob of left wing "protestors" after the mob stormed and TORE DOWN a Secret Service tent where agents and the candidate were to be held until the Trump rally.

Yeah.....fucking right wingers are the violent ones right?

Fox reporting assaults on SLPD cops right now.
I think you added the term leftist. That was not in the Fox News report. The fact is Republicans, Independents as well as Democrats are pissed that someone of the caliber of Trump could actually get the nomination for president. did some organizing at the Chicargo ralley. Now, it seems to be spontaneous. Wherever Trump goes pissed off demostrators will follow.

I think Trump was right when he said that there will might be riots. However, I think the riots are likely to occur if get's he gets the nomination, not if he is denied. it.
Protesters clash with SLC police outside Trump rally

They were leftists and Bernie supporters. Fox reporter said that on one of the two videos. And their chants are the lefty ones. Including the "Whose Streets? Our Streets!".

So....lefties storming a Secret Service tent at a presidential candidate rally. And WE are the violent ones?
From what I have seen conservatives are far more pissed about Trump than liberals. After all it's their party, and their agenda he is stealing and destroying.

It's not conservatives storming Secret Service tents.
I wouldn't be to sure about that. Trump is no conservative, not even close.
There's some sort of reception "interference" on this thread.
So much noise and baiting and bickering -- you'd think this was personal..

Gonna find the source of this. Thread will reopen shortly.
In the meantime -- leave mom out of it and quit pouring gasoline on the fire please..
Scum........revolting scum...left is scum now and always

That's why I DESPISE liberals. Beat the shit out of them.

I don't see how any such threat of violence is necessary RandallFlagg

Why not just send liberals a bill for the cost of their social programs and agenda?
Hold them to their own policies and make them pay for what they believe should be offered!
Wouldn't that be enough of a "smack in the face"

Isn't there some civilized way to "beat people at their own game"
instead of "beating people up."

If people WANT single payer health care with everything paid for,
assess the costs and how many people per district or state need to pay in to make that happen.
Offer to help liberals use their own Party connections and structure to set up such
a program for their own members! And if they say they don't have the money,
then offer to LEND them money, at an affordable rate, they can pay back
AFTER they build their health care system for all and AFTER they prove that it saves
enough money to justify the cost of investment.

The agenda and ideas just have to be PROVEN first to work cost-effectively,
and there is no reason NOT to invest in them. But until the system is set up and proven,
shouldn't other taxpayers have the CHOICE whether or not to fund a "faith based system
not proven to work yet"

In the meantime, why not offer instead to LEND money to such programs
instead of forcing taxpayers to pay for unproven programs. Why not get rewarded
for funding effective programs, instead of penalized by forced taxation to bailout failed systems.

Wouldn't that approach of encouraging participation and team support
FULFILL the liberal agenda?

Why not use "reverse psychology" and support liberals in achieving their ideal state

Cheer them on! Or kill them with kindness, by actually OFFERING the support
needed to make such ideas work within the FREE MARKET.

Wouldn't that shut them up or shut them down if they aren't really in support of
the real work it would take to implement their party principles in practice?
Last edited:
Please keep the side convos and the baiting to a minimum..
I just did a bit of cleaning.. Have fun..,
Thanks. Will do.

The mob at the SLC rally is mostly Bernie supporters says media. can they call RWers violent when THEY are trashing down Secret Service tents?
The event itself came off without s hitch. The communists tried to force their way in but the police held the line and kept them out.

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