BREAKING: Leftists storm Secret Service tent at Trump rally in Salt Lake City; Riot cops on scene!

Excelllent.............. been lot of advances in crowd control lets see some demonstrations of crowd taser or sonic thunder .....easier to arrest while they twitch

Hell yes! Pass the popcorn if they decide to bring the new shit out...
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Why don't we just set up a fight, for real, but sell tickets and manage this as professional MMA, boxing or wrestling is conducted? Trump and his supporters vs. Sanders and his groupies.

The money made off ticket sales, pay per view, or gambling and betting on who lives or dies
can go toward paying migrant workers at a liveable wage
to build a wall across the border, bribing Mexican officials to comply with these plans,
and/or turning the Post Office into Banks under Sanders' economic reform plans,
creating jobs for Veterans to run govt banks into the ground for 700 million a year.
So at least the loss to taxpayers is going toward a service providing loans to people.

With the money Trump made by selling his pageant business to a new owner,
maybe he could set up a reality show where contenders really fight it out,
physically in the ring, and fiscally to see whose reform ideas get funded or not!
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders.
Oh I can only hope you leftist motherfuckers really...REALLY...try to pick this fight. We won't start it. But God help you motherfuckers if you do.
May the streets run knee deep in blood. You've made the worst kind of enemies, the powerless with nothing to lose. Only God can help you now. guys cry when you're campus safe space is violated. And you think you're gonna pick a fight like that and have any God damn hope??? You said you are powerless. Yes. Because we have the money and weapons.

Our GIRLS would take your guns from you and make you beg

View attachment 68061
I'm not powerless, they are, and you won't be fighting me since I win either way.

A question....are you leftist? PaintMyHouse?
Nope. I'm a liberal, like the Founders.


because sometimes you sound you like the left better .....


^ Says he who got killed, left for dead lying in the political bed that he built with his colleagues
that cost him his life when they turned against him ^

I think that is really sad. Who knows if Malcolm X would have been sad or mad or what, since he was no longer here to represent his reaction to how his own chickens came home to roost.
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Why don't we just set up a fight, for real, but sell tickets and manage this as professional MMA, boxing or wrestling is conducted? Trump and his supporters vs. Sanders and his groupies.

The money made off ticket sales, pay per view, or gambling and betting on who lives or dies
can go toward paying migrant workers at a liveable wage
to build a wall across the border, bribing Mexican officials to comply with these plans,
and/or turning the Post Office into Banks under Sanders' economic reform plans,
creating jobs for Veterans to run govt banks into the ground for 700 million a year.
So at least the loss to taxpayers is going toward a service providing loans to people.

With the money Trump made by selling his pageant business to a new owner,
maybe he could set up a reality show where contenders really fight it out,
physically in the ring, and fiscally to see whose reform ideas get funded or not!

Impossible to do that. Liberals cry over safe space violations man. What makes you think they wouldn't crumble in tears in the face of an actual fair fight?
You wanted a fight, now you got one. Let the dead, high and low, lay where they may.

Why don't we just set up a fight, for real, but sell tickets and manage this as professional MMA, boxing or wrestling is conducted? Trump and his supporters vs. Sanders and his groupies.

The money made off ticket sales, pay per view, or gambling and betting on who lives or dies
can go toward paying migrant workers at a liveable wage
to build a wall across the border, bribing Mexican officials to comply with these plans,
and/or turning the Post Office into Banks under Sanders' economic reform plans,
creating jobs for Veterans to run govt banks into the ground for 700 million a year.
So at least the loss to taxpayers is going toward a service providing loans to people.

With the money Trump made by selling his pageant business to a new owner,
maybe he could set up a reality show where contenders really fight it out,
physically in the ring, and fiscally to see whose reform ideas get funded or not!

Impossible to do that. Liberals cry over safe space violations man. What makes you think they wouldn't crumble in tears in the face of an actual fair fight?

Hey wouldn't you pay to see that on camera? confronting Sanders and Trump and challenging them to put their business ideas TOGETHER, audition people for JOBS implementing these plans, and then seeing who survives, who gets fired or bails out. How many of the current candidates could handle jobs as Supreme Court Justice (Ted Cruz?), Surgeon General (Ben Carson?), or the Czar in charge of ending trafficking, rape, abuse and bullying (Hillary Clinton? Sarah Palin?)
Who would you promote or hire for these jobs? What dream team of leaders from Left to Right could handle the challenge of working together to solve economic and political problems. Who would lead and who would bleed out?
Here's the deal. Either we stand up to these assholes, or there will be the same crap that the left pulled at the DNC convention in Chicago in 68.

Best these assholes till blood pours out of their ears. Send them packing back to momma and daddy's basement, where he jerks belong.
Here's the deal. Either we stand up to these assholes, or there will be the same crap that the left pulled at the DNC convention in Chicago in 68.

Best these assholes till blood pours out of their ears. Send them packing back to momma and daddy's basement, where he jerks belong.

I agree. But the problem is....cops are so hamstrung and reluctant to do anything these days (can't blame em) that these leftist hooligans are gonna run rampant. At least for a while...
The LWNJ's are being paid to protest by George Soros. Acting like a s scumbag is now a "job".

Would that now be a federal offense? At least, this time, unlike when the terrorists attacked at Benghazi no one died.
I'd like to see the return of good old fashioned water cannons.....effective and non-lethal means of dispersing crowds. Another benefit is that for many of these leftwing scumbags it's like a shower for them! Ya know these hippie wannabe scumbags need a good delousing!


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