BREAKING: Lurch Didn't Fire Strzok!


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The plot thickens....turns out McCabe took Strzok off the hoax-squad and sent his sniveling ass to human resources. McCabe knew the IG had the love birds' emails and did the ol duck and cover to protect himself. Why is this important? Because it shows Mueller had no intention of doing a valid investigation, knowing the first day on the job there was no "collusion". For TWO YEARS these weasels and their pravda-style media creeps ran this game on the President and the American people and now it's all coming out in the open.


McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript
What? You do understand that this is what usually happens? It's very rare that a guy that has worked for the government 20+ years does something and gets fired immediately. He was transferred to a job that he had nothing to do with the investigation and could not do anything suspicious for the conspiracy theorist... unless he changed the number of someone's vacation days.
What? You do understand that this is what usually happens? It's very rare that a guy that has worked for the government 20+ years does something and gets fired immediately. He was transferred to a job that he had nothing to do with the investigation and could not do anything suspicious for the conspiracy theorist... unless he changed the number of someone's vacation days.

The plot thickens....turns out McCabe took Strzok off the hoax-squad and sent his sniveling ass to human resources. McCabe knew the IG had the love birds' emails and did the ol duck and cover to protect himself. Why is this important? Because it shows Mueller had no intention of doing a valid investigation, knowing the first day on the job there was no "collusion". For TWO YEARS these weasels and their pravda-style media creeps ran this game on the President and the American people and now it's all coming out in the open.


McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

The entire bullshit scam is unraveling and it's Hillaryous.

Lynch turning on Comey. Clapper turning on Brennan. Comey turning on Brennan.

When the first one of these Communists gets indicted the house of cards will come crashing down and I think Barr will time all of this just in time for the elections.

These assholes thought they were above the law. They thought their own conceived moral authority was above the law.

The real conspiracy to interfere with an election comes directly from Hillaryous and Obama. These clowns were the perfect egos to try it.


What? You do understand that this is what usually happens? It's very rare that a guy that has worked for the government 20+ years does something and gets fired immediately. He was transferred to a job that he had nothing to do with the investigation and could not do anything suspicious for the conspiracy theorist... unless he changed the number of someone's vacation days.


If you think I'm wrong you've never worked a government or union job. Now if you are working at Carl Jr.'s and you screw up big time, yes you probably got fired.
The plot thickens....turns out McCabe took Strzok off the hoax-squad and sent his sniveling ass to human resources. McCabe knew the IG had the love birds' emails and did the ol duck and cover to protect himself. Why is this important? Because it shows Mueller had no intention of doing a valid investigation, knowing the first day on the job there was no "collusion". For TWO YEARS these weasels and their pravda-style media creeps ran this game on the President and the American people and now it's all coming out in the open.


McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript

The entire bullshit scam is unraveling and it's Hillaryous.

Lynch turning on Comey. Clapper turning on Brennan. Comey turning on Brennan.

When the first one of these Communists gets indicted the house of cards will come crashing down and I think Barr will time all of this just in time for the elections.

These assholes thought they were above the law. They thought their own conceived moral authority was above the law.

The real conspiracy to interfere with an election comes directly from Hillaryous and Obama. These clowns were the perfect egos to try it.



I bet Barr's mailbox is filling up with pleas for immunity to rat out the rest of the money is still on Comey being the first to flip but Clapper is running a close second. :lol:
If you think I'm wrong you've never worked a government or union job. Now if you are working at Carl Jr.'s and you screw up big time, yes you probably got fired.

Here's a tip about posting in the OP s l o w l y to discover what it's about...From what I've seen of you, your first impression will be wrong like it was here. HR has literally nothing to do with the subject of my OP.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe....

- recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking information during the Trump 'coup attempt' ('Confirmed' by his boss, former FBI Director James Comey who threw McCabe under the bus some time ago) AND who is under investigation by the US IG (FISA Court Abuse investigation) & DOJ -

...has now claimed that it was HE, not his boss (Comey) fired disgraced / criminal former FBI Agent Peter Strzok after the 'secret' text message between he and former FBI agent and love interest Page were publicly exposed.

After being thrown under the proverbial bus by his boss, accused of being a LEAKER and being recommended for indictment by US IG for that very reason, McCabe has been proven to be one of the key conspirators in the illegal FBI Trump investigation....BUT NOW HE WANTS TO CLAIM HE WAS ONE OF THE 'GOOD GUYS' BECAUSE HE FIRED STRZOK.

That is going to be a 'Hard Sell', especially since he has been proven to be a liar, a leaker, and a fellow co-conspirator who has already been recommended for Indictment by the US IG.

McCabe says he 'made the decision' to remove Strzok from Mueller team: transcript
Another interesting 'revelation' is how Former FBI Agent and co-conspirator Strzok was the one who opened the FBI investigation into Trump - called 'Crossfire Hurricane' - in July 2016....but he was assigned to Mueller's Team AFTER Crossfire Hurricane...

So, Strzok was the one responsible for opening up a counter-Intelligence investigation - an illegal investigation - on Trump... while he was having an affair with his partner and texting Page about the 'Secret Society', meetings already had, Obama wanting to be kept briefed on everything going on, how the FBI had a 'Leak Strategy' (SOP in Counter-Intelligence Operations), etc....and the proven criminal / co-conspirator Strzok who started the FBI's illegal investigation joins Special Counsel Mueller's Team of Democrat/Hillary supporters/donors in charge of investigating Trump....

If you think I'm wrong you've never worked a government or union job. Now if you are working at Carl Jr.'s and you screw up big time, yes you probably got fired.

Here's a tip about posting in the OP s l o w l y to discover what it's about...From what I've seen of you, your first impression will be wrong like it was here. HR has literally nothing to do with the subject of my OP.

I read the OP, and you think it is wrong that Strzok wasn't fired and instead was moved him to a different job. This was PUBLIC at the time it was done. It was not hidden... no conspiracy to it. He didn't get fired because that is what often happens when it has to do with guys with a former record like his of being a great member of the FBI.

"When the issue arose, Strzok was taken off the Mueller team in late July, and he was given a job in the human resources division of the FBI - widely viewed internally as a demotion, according to people familiar with the matter."

Oh... let me see... what article is this from and when was it put out?

IT'S FROM DECEMBER 2017! Maybe if you would have paid attention and read the news, you wouldn't think it is a big deal you are just now finding out in 2019. Here's a tip, if you are going to start a thread that you think is going to blow the lid off of the FBI, maybe you should know what the fuck you are talking about.

FBI Russia investigator axed from Mueller team over texts disparaging Trump
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