Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

How about we start denying these cult members visa's into this country, recognize any Imam preaching against infidels as hate speech and if he's a foreigner in the USA, deport his ass. That would be a start. As far as the ones we have here already 0 tolerance for any Islamic BS and stop catering to their asses. Either they get with the program or get out of the country. I don't care if they were born here or not, there is no room for this crap in the USA.

Admit we ARE at war with Islam and insist on modernization or outlaw the religion on the basis of crimes against humanity. For heavens sakes people Educate yourselves on what Islam is and open your eyes. Just because something has been around 1400 years doesn't make it a religion. Islam is a death cult that promotes violence against women and pedophilia. If you support Islam you support the insanity that goes with it.

IMHO it's time we start looking at the definition of what a religion should be and make global guidelines for all religions that prohibit any teachings that call for the killing of non members,violence against non members and the subjugation of any members or non members I.E. women and the promotion of slavery. We need to prohibit globally, forced marriage and underage marriage and any teaching that promotes pedophilia.
Libs will never agree to that.
guess I
Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?

Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.

If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.

You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

You don't truck with racists do you?
You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

that may be, but i think they need to do something more, It is the fault of the media then. They are the ones with the power to disseminate information.
They have to do more than say this is not what Islam is all about. Im not Muslim so I dont know what the Good ones have to say to the ones who are obviously misguided, but I think it has to be a little tougher dialouge, what their saying now isnt working when suicide bombers and jihadists are regarded as rockstars

What do you purpose they do? As they see western culture as historical meddlers in their affairs its kind of hard to have them draw a line between religion and politics.

Im not saying its not a fucking mess. If they dont do something they will also continue to brutalize each other as well though. What Muslims need to do in their community only they know. Im not Muslim. Maybe some of our muslim posters here can give us some ideas . it is not just a battle of bombs of guns and bombs, is what im saying. It can never be won that way, only on an idealogical level, which is why Im said they need a reformation, . Then the other half of the factor is what we do in the west, and that Im not sure but we need to protect ourselves.

I think the first step is minding our own business. If they want to kill each other so be it. Eventually everything will reach an equilibrium. The less the US has to do with them the better. If someone attacks the US then wipe them off the world map. The problem is (especially for people that are unaware of just how corrupt our government is and has been in the middle east) the nutcases wishing to seek vengeance on the US. People here in the states have no clue how much the US is hated and feared due to their policies. Has nothing to do with religion.
Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.

If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.

You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

Probably because of Israel taking their land. I know some Palestinians are racists. I also know some that are not. Same with Israelis. Some of them would make a grand wizard blush in shame.
This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook
Sounds like a nutcase to me complete with the same end of the world doomsday proclamations as some of you on this thread.

So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.
Even when they say it does.....listen to libs and your civil war is only a matter of time. EUs is closing fast. Govt has no intention of protecting of trying to minimize this...DHS is to invested in having it will only grow
traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

that may be, but i think they need to do something more, It is the fault of the media then. They are the ones with the power to disseminate information.
They have to do more than say this is not what Islam is all about. Im not Muslim so I dont know what the Good ones have to say to the ones who are obviously misguided, but I think it has to be a little tougher dialouge, what their saying now isnt working when suicide bombers and jihadists are regarded as rockstars

What do you purpose they do? As they see western culture as historical meddlers in their affairs its kind of hard to have them draw a line between religion and politics.

Im not saying its not a fucking mess. If they dont do something they will also continue to brutalize each other as well though. What Muslims need to do in their community only they know. Im not Muslim. Maybe some of our muslim posters here can give us some ideas . it is not just a battle of bombs of guns and bombs, is what im saying. It can never be won that way, only on an idealogical level, which is why Im said they need a reformation, . Then the other half of the factor is what we do in the west, and that Im not sure but we need to protect ourselves.

I think the first step is minding our own business. If they want to kill each other so be it. Eventually everything will reach an equilibrium. The less the US has to do with them the better. If someone attacks the US then wipe them off the world map. The problem is (especially for people that are unaware of just how corrupt our government is and has been in the middle east) the nutcases wishing to seek vengeance on the US. People here in the states have no clue how much the US is hated and feared due to their policies. Has nothing to do with religion.

Wow. Did you figure that out all by yourself or did a kid show you a picture of it in crayon.

You figured it out. The Terrorist Hate us.............Dang...........and all this time we thought we were friends........... solved the whole dang thing.

Way to go.
Maybe he was acting alone.

But NewsOK, the web operation of The Oklahoman newspaper, snagged a Facebook statement from a woman they believe is Nolen’s sister. They did not identify her. “He is alive and doing well,” the message read. “Thanks to all praying warriors out there friends and family. To god be the glory! My bro is alive and just know that the devil is a lie. Please continue prayers.”

The Islamic Council of Oklahoma said they had not heard of Nolen before the deadly attack. “He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques,” said Sheryl Siddiqui, the group’s flak. “We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Among other things, Nolen’s rap sheet includes arrests for possession of a controlled substance, assault and battery on a police officer, and escape from detention. Citing local Corrections Department records, NewsOK reported that Nolen has tattooed on his abdomen “as-salaamu alaikum,” which is Arabic for “peace be with you.”

Oklahoma man beheads woman stabs 2nd victim during workplace fight day after being fired from job - NY Daily News
This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook
Sounds like a nutcase to me complete with the same end of the world doomsday proclamations as some of you on this thread.

So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.

aka I can't think of Propaganda to cover this, so I'll just use wacky ass data to divert the subject.............

Let's say your right..........He came at me with the knife...............The ending would be he should have brought a gun.......
guess I
Papal Bull by the Roman Catholic Church to go forth and enslave everyone and take their lands.

Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?

Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.

If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.

You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?

Articles The Five Stages of Islam

May 29, 2011

The Five Stages of Islam
By Richard Butrick

Forget the Five Pillars of Islam. It is the Five Stages of Islam that threaten the fundamental freedoms of Western Democracy. Freedoms which include freedom of thought, expression, and association and the crucial derived right of freedom of the press. We should never forget that "Islam" means submission -- the opposite of self-determination and Enlightenment values.

Six years ago Dr. Peter Hammond published a remarkable book which included a statistical study of the correlation between Muslim to non-Muslim population ratios and the transition from conciliatory Islam to fascist Islam. The stages are the same in 2011 but the demographics have changed to show an alarming progression. Many European nations and the U.S. are on the cusp of moving to a higher bracket. The demographics change but the story is the same. First comes the taqiyya and the kitman; then comes the Sword of Islam. Imam Rauf, the Ground Zero Mosque promoter, is the current master of taqiyya. He has gulled everyone fromBloomberg to Maureen Dowd of the NYT -- who fanaticizes over male Muslims. Expect doppelgangers of Khomeini for stage 5 and Islamic PEACE at last.

Stage 1. Establish a Beachhead

Population density à 2% (US, Australia, Canada).

Muslims are conciliatory, deferential but request harmless special treatment (foot bath facilities, removal/elimination of that which is offensive to delicate Muslim sensibilities - like walking dogs near Mosques).

Stage 2. Establish Outposts

Population density 2% - 5% (UK, Germany, Denmark).

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs. A recent example is that of Sheikh Abdullah el-Faisal who is back in Jamaica after being kicked out of the UK. Sound harmless? Read on:

The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons.

Stage 3. Establish Sectional Control of Major Cities.

Population density 5% - 10% (France, Sweden, Netherlands).

First comes the demand for halal food in supermarkets, and the blocking of streets for prayers; then comes the demand for self rule (within their ghettos) under Sharia. When Muslims approach 10% of the population the demands turn to lawlessness. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any criticism of Islam results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam. In France which may be over the 10% range, the minority Muslim populations live in ghettos, within which they are 100% Muslim, and within which they live by Sharia Law. The national police do not even enter these ghettos. There are no national courts, nor schools, nor non-Muslim religious facilities. In such situations, Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. The children attend madrassas. They learn only the Koran. To even associate with an infidel is a crime punishable with death.

Stage 4. Establish Regional Control.

Population density 20% - 50% (Europe 2020?).

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.

Stage 5. Total Control, Brutal Suppression, and Dhimmitude.

Population density > 50%.

Unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and jizya, the tax placed on infidels. As Muslim population levels increase and all infidels cower in submission there will peace at last. Dar al-Islam is achieved and everyone lives under Sharia and the Koran is the only word.

Our current Western world leaders are suckered by taqiyya and kitman and steering us into stage 3. Allen West seems to get it but I can't see that any of the crop of current GOP contenders really get it. Fear of bigotry at stage 2 is the Islamists' greatest weapon. Crucified on the cross of bigotry -- is that the future of the Western democracies? Bigotry is only bigotry if it is out of touch with reality and it is the suckers who believe the stage 1-2 peace pitch of Islam who are the ones who are out of touch with reality -- not to mention our mesmerized President. The first GOP candidate who announces to Imam Rauf and his supporters, "Fine. A Mosque at ground zero. But how about a cathedral in Mecca first? It is part of our Christian outreach program of bridge building." will be the first to get it and a big boost in the polls.
This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook
Sounds like a nutcase to me complete with the same end of the world doomsday proclamations as some of you on this thread.

So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.

aka I can't think of Propaganda to cover this, so I'll just use wacky ass data to divert the subject.............

Let's say your right..........He came at me with the knife...............The ending would be he should have brought a gun.......

I dont understand your point. Are you angry and emotionally or just stupid?
I would guess getting fired was motivating factor in this case.

oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.

What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Islam?
What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Christianity?

Good god how cliche you people are beyond help.
This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook
Sounds like a nutcase to me complete with the same end of the world doomsday proclamations as some of you on this thread.

So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.

aka I can't think of Propaganda to cover this, so I'll just use wacky ass data to divert the subject.............

Let's say your right..........He came at me with the knife...............The ending would be he should have brought a gun.......

I dont understand your point. Are you angry and emotionally or just stupid?

I'm a rabid animal with fangs and horns growing out of my head with a tail and a spear behind it................

That's how you picture us isn't it..........who cares..........

Do your job........and say Islam Great, Christian bad, and earn your check you troll.
Maybe he was acting alone.

But NewsOK, the web operation of The Oklahoman newspaper, snagged a Facebook statement from a woman they believe is Nolen’s sister. They did not identify her. “He is alive and doing well,” the message read. “Thanks to all praying warriors out there friends and family. To god be the glory! My bro is alive and just know that the devil is a lie. Please continue prayers.”

The Islamic Council of Oklahoma said they had not heard of Nolen before the deadly attack. “He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques,” said Sheryl Siddiqui, the group’s flak. “We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Among other things, Nolen’s rap sheet includes arrests for possession of a controlled substance, assault and battery on a police officer, and escape from detention. Citing local Corrections Department records, NewsOK reported that Nolen has tattooed on his abdomen “as-salaamu alaikum,” which is Arabic for “peace be with you.”

Oklahoma man beheads woman stabs 2nd victim during workplace fight day after being fired from job - NY Daily News

Could the Muslim organization there be throwing him under the bus?

"Nolen? Nolen...hmmm, never heard of the guy."

It SURE would be what I'd be claiming to the press if I were them.
Sounds like a nutcase to me complete with the same end of the world doomsday proclamations as some of you on this thread.

So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.

aka I can't think of Propaganda to cover this, so I'll just use wacky ass data to divert the subject.............

Let's say your right..........He came at me with the knife...............The ending would be he should have brought a gun.......

I dont understand your point. Are you angry and emotionally or just stupid?

I'm a rabid animal with fangs and horns growing out of my head with a tail and a spear behind it................

That's how you picture us isn't it..........who cares..........

Do your job........and say Islam Great, Christian bad, and earn your check you troll.

I hope you dont go out and cut someones head off. You sound like a nut case as well. I dont have a job. Both Islam and Christianity are dumb to me. No disrespect to those who practice either one but thats just my viewpoint.
So now you compare us to the head choppers. Aren't you a little Islamic propaganda doll........If your string is pulled how many versus of BS do you quote in your propaganda............

And if I was like this heathen scum nutcase............I'd be telling you to Convert to Islam or I'll chop your head off...........Which is BS....

If we were like the current radicals of the Islamic faith, we'd be mounting guns on Church steeples shooting at other Christian Religions..........The Catholic church planning a mortar attack on the Baptist after services and BS like that.

Funny thing is I don't see this happening.........Because it's BS and your attempt to deflect from a convert who cut a woman's head off in his new religion.

Calling a spade a spade............
I havent heard any reports that say he said he would chop your head off if you didnt convert but feel free to post a link.

aka I can't think of Propaganda to cover this, so I'll just use wacky ass data to divert the subject.............

Let's say your right..........He came at me with the knife...............The ending would be he should have brought a gun.......

I dont understand your point. Are you angry and emotionally or just stupid?

I'm a rabid animal with fangs and horns growing out of my head with a tail and a spear behind it................

That's how you picture us isn't it..........who cares..........

Do your job........and say Islam Great, Christian bad, and earn your check you troll.

I hope you dont go out and cut someones head off. You sound like a nut case as well. I dont have a job. Both Islam and Christianity are dumb to me. No disrespect to those who practice either one but thats just my viewpoint.

I would guess getting fired was motivating factor in this case.

oh no it's my faith made me do it ploy...
I guess it's easier to criticize the method.
jeffrey dahmer had a bunch of heads in a beer cooler and nobody blamed his religion

Jeffrey Dahmer's religion wasn't the motivating factor when he committed his crimes.

What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Islam?
What about all the other millions of cases where people kill in the name of Christianity?

You are an unskilful bullshitter.

A good thing, perhaps.

The only people killed in the name of Christianity was hundreds of years ago when the two religions may have been as similar as you'd like us to believe they still are today but aren't.

You can't use that as a talking point because it is not true.

And why would you defend a religion which forced you to lie to defend it?
Maybe he was acting alone.

But NewsOK, the web operation of The Oklahoman newspaper, snagged a Facebook statement from a woman they believe is Nolen’s sister. They did not identify her. “He is alive and doing well,” the message read. “Thanks to all praying warriors out there friends and family. To god be the glory! My bro is alive and just know that the devil is a lie. Please continue prayers.”

The Islamic Council of Oklahoma said they had not heard of Nolen before the deadly attack. “He was not known to any of the leadership in Oklahoma mosques,” said Sheryl Siddiqui, the group’s flak. “We do not have any confirmation of his conversion either in prison or out in the community.”

Among other things, Nolen’s rap sheet includes arrests for possession of a controlled substance, assault and battery on a police officer, and escape from detention. Citing local Corrections Department records, NewsOK reported that Nolen has tattooed on his abdomen “as-salaamu alaikum,” which is Arabic for “peace be with you.”

Oklahoma man beheads woman stabs 2nd victim during workplace fight day after being fired from job - NY Daily News

Could the Muslim organization there be throwing him under the bus?

"Nolen? Nolen...hmmm, never heard of the guy."

It SURE would be what I'd be claiming to the press if I were them.

I think they would. No matter whether he was with them or alone. His act was the same as the recent beheadings I do not see a difference.

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