Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.
You do realize that the same people we fight along side with are also Muslims.....don't you. The Kurds for example who have worked very closely with US forces, you know they're Muslims.....right?

We've allied with all kinds of people over the years, including Nazis; that doesn't mean we have to tolerate any of them within our own borders. They're allies of convenience.
We were never allies with the Nazis, try not to spout nonsense.

Actually we were allied with Nazis, through our multi-national corporations before the war, and also afterwards during the Cold War. Don't spout blatant ignorance.

Corporations don't make diplomatic or military alliances. Your history is all screwed up.
Yeah that's all fine, but in 2014 we need to be keeping an eye on this particular religion and it's followers.
They are the ones in 2014 who have the radical ones amongst them who will kill you for even daring to criticize their pedophile prophet.
You see, I'm glad to get this opportunity to educate you, you've made it clear in this thread that you were obviously unaware that this particular religion is the one fighting western culture.

Dont be upset that decades of western culture meddling in the middle east has resulted in this. What did you expect? Hold the people responsible for creating the atmosphere. accountable.


Took 25 pages, but there it is folks. Liberals always eventually come through with the "It's America's Fault" stuff.
You seem quite excited! What did you see?
That as usual the American lib will always point the finger at the wrongs of America, and NEVER admit all the good America has done around the world. So typical. We'll do things for instance like helping poor starving countries obtain potable water, and libs will just say centuries of "meddling" is why the payback is happening.
Typical, you've passed the exam. Congratulations.
I can see you have never passed an exam in your life. Why would I point out the US gives water to people when thats not what we are discussing? We are talking about the reasons the middle east may have to hurt the US.

I see comprehension is not quite at the top of the list of your strengths.
Well, Isis did say they were here and beheadings could happen in any city on any street. Convert or die. That's the method.

Better check under your bed tonight, thats if the commie under there left and the muslim took over his spot

And you had better check to see if ZIMMERMAN is under yours.
It appears the Islam apologist has left the site to regroup his talking points.



Excellent work smacking down the I-A. I think it's time for a glass of wine...

I am enjoying a delicious La Crema Chardonnay!
If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.

You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

Probably because of Israel taking their land. I know some Palestinians are racists. I also know some that are not. Same with Israelis. Some of them would make a grand wizard blush in shame.

World Affairs

Hal Lindsey
  • Length: 7 hrs and 43 mins
  • Unabridged Audiobook
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Best-selling author Hal Lindsey explains how, on September 11, an ancient fight-to-the-death conflict exploded on the shores of the U.S. Though most Americans didn't realize it, we were already involved in this struggle. A struggle driven by a hatred that goes back over 4,000 years. Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order. Every American needs to understand the enormity of the threat we face and why.
Read more
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.
You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

Probably because of Israel taking their land. I know some Palestinians are racists. I also know some that are not. Same with Israelis. Some of them would make a grand wizard blush in shame.

World Affairs

Hal Lindsey
  • Length: 7 hrs and 43 mins
  • Unabridged Audiobook
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Best-selling author Hal Lindsey explains how, on September 11, an ancient fight-to-the-death conflict exploded on the shores of the U.S. Though most Americans didn't realize it, we were already involved in this struggle. A struggle driven by a hatred that goes back over 4,000 years. Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order. Every American needs to understand the enormity of the threat we face and why.
Read more
You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

Probably because of Israel taking their land. I know some Palestinians are racists. I also know some that are not. Same with Israelis. Some of them would make a grand wizard blush in shame.

World Affairs

Hal Lindsey
  • Length: 7 hrs and 43 mins
  • Unabridged Audiobook
Whispersync for Voice-ready
Best-selling author Hal Lindsey explains how, on September 11, an ancient fight-to-the-death conflict exploded on the shores of the U.S. Though most Americans didn't realize it, we were already involved in this struggle. A struggle driven by a hatred that goes back over 4,000 years. Islamic fundamentalism's purpose is to replace the JudeoChristian world order with an Islamic world order. Every American needs to understand the enormity of the threat we face and why.
Read more

No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?
guess I
Right, and the catholic church deserves criticism for that. We all know how they used the peoples of the Americas, and we can condemn them for that. You can keep condemning them for that right now but how will that be relevant for today? Islam needs to be criticized the same way, its easy to pick on christians, you can paint a picture of jesus Christ in any derogatory way you want and they will call that art. Try doing that with a likeness of Muhammad and you will have a hit put on you.

Islam cant take criticizm without first mentioning Christianity and the things they did 300 plus years ago, ever. How is Islam supposed to have a reformation if they cant even admit there is a problem?

Its relevant because it supports my point. People use religion to do evil things. There is nothing evil about a religion. It is the interpretation of the human that uses it to do evil deeds. There is no need for a reformation. Just like people who practiced christianity did bad things in the name of christianity the same goes for islam. Personally both religions are a crock of shit (if you ask my personal opinion) due to the falsehoods and hypocrisy but people can practice what they want and I try to stay non-judgmental on it.
Yeah that's all fine, but in 2014 we need to be keeping an eye on this particular religion and it's followers.
They are the ones in 2014 who have the radical ones amongst them who will kill you for even daring to criticize their pedophile prophet.
You see, I'm glad to get this opportunity to educate you, you've made it clear in this thread that you were obviously unaware that this particular religion is the one fighting western culture.

Dont be upset that decades of western culture meddling in the middle east has resulted in this. What did you expect? Hold the people responsible for creating the atmosphere. accountable.


Took 25 pages, but there it is folks. Liberals always eventually come through with the "It's America's Fault" stuff.

He's a propaganda tool and nothing more............But he slipped up didn't he..

This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook

I am beginning to think in terms of "lone wolf"...... it would make sense in this case walks like a duck.....sounds like a duck..... by George! it's a duck!
Yes, and no doubt he's been listening to those calls sent out by Islamic terrorist groups who call for Muslims around the world to strike the infidel.
If just for their own sake alone they need some kind of reformation or reconcilliation whatever its called because they are killing each other. Even if we choose to say there is no threat from Islam there are enough of them who will consider themselves at war with us no matter what our stance. Obviously there are a billion plus muslims who are peaceful but they are powerless. The ones with the power are the ones who pick up the weapons and join the cult of destruction, mostly now the disafected youth around the world. look at the problems in Europe. there are no Christian ghettos where its not safe for police to go but there are some muslim ones in France and England. Im not condeming all Muslims and I bet most people here dont either. Just trying to recognize whats going on around us I think.

You would be wrong in your assumption. The people on this thread dont seem to share your objectivity about Islam. They want to blanket condemn all Muslims. I'm fine with exterminating people attempting to do me harm but not people that may be the same religion.

traveling to kenya for a while gave me an interesting perspective, in my time in Mombassa which is heavily muslim, I got to know a few people on a personal level. people would be supprised how well the christians and Muslims there get along, i know boyfriend/ girlfriend relationships there that cross religious lines and Ive seen them interact peacefully everyday. But even my friends there dont deny there is a problem, theres a lot of corruption and they willl tell you the main problem now is muslim somalis and nigerians coming in, bringing weapons trying to cause trouble. it really is a mixed bag. you can extrapolate this all over the world. they have to have metal detectors everywhere, putting our head in the sand wont be helpful. hating a group is not whats called for but maybe someone could be proactive at this point? world leaders of the muslim abstraction standing up being very vocal? any attemp to change the minds of youth?

So many people here point out the problems with the US and say the US needs a fundamental change. well on this other topic of radical islam, if they dont need a reformation then what is the answer?
There are plenty of Islamic people standing up and saying that this type of aggression is not what Islam is about. They are not heard because their story doesnt fufill the emotional appeal needed to make primetime viewing for the sheep.

So, why are so many Muslims anti-Semitic? And that doesn't even do them justice. Many of them are murderous, lying racists.

And don't talk to me about U.S. slavery.

I mean look at the everlasting, virulent, murderous hatred of Jews.

It went on in the Hitler regime when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem helped Hitler kill Jews and was instrumental in helping to recruit Baltic Muslims to serve in Hitler's SS.

It went on for thousands of years before that.

You probably think everyone who smiles in your face has the same interests as you.

That isn't always the case.

Some of the nicest Palestinians are the worst fucking racists you can imagine. Worse than the KKK.

You don't truck with racists do you?

You do realize that the same people we fight along side with are also Muslims.....don't you. The Kurds for example who have worked very closely with US forces, you know they're Muslims.....right?

Yes, no one is denying that. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but know the rest.
Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.

They also would like us to look the other way as they instill fear and take over the weaker areas of the world.
This reportedly is his Muslim name, and this is his Facebook account. Better look before they remove it !

Jah Keem Yisrael Facebook

I am beginning to think in terms of "lone wolf"...... it would make sense in this case walks like a duck.....sounds like a duck..... by George! it's a duck!
Yes, and no doubt he's been listening to those calls sent out by Islamic terrorist groups who call for Muslims around the world to strike the infidel.

Exactly right.

They are answering the call made by ISIS to kill, murder and behead infidels.... . Barack Hussein is weak and the world knows it..... so they take advantage.

It's all plain sailing for jihadists in US soil now.
Well, Isis did say they were here and beheadings could happen in any city on any street. Convert or die. That's the method.

Better check under your bed tonight, thats if the commie under there left and the muslim took over his spot

This from the goon who posts thread after thread that white Christians are about to go on a killing spree at any minute.
Then when we post actual real stories about Muslim atrocities, you run in and make sarcastic comments like this
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islami system. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islami system. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

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