Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.

They intend to conquer us from within without our becoming sufficiently alarmed to prevent it.

I want to stop this.


Don't you?

So then it's true, you are a Muslim extremist aiding and abetting the enemy. Nice disguise.

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
"Praise be to Allah" is a greeting and part of Islamic prayer, but you apparently choose to twist the meaning.
BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

Muslims Shout "Praise Allah!!" and Surround Oklahoma Police Following a Press Conference on Beheading....

The perp was trying to CONVERT PEOPLE TO ISLAM and he was unsuccessful. That was the reason for the firing. Beheadings are not workplace violence. It's terrorism, plain and simple...even to this administration.

He was trying to convert people to islam but was fired over an argument over his trying to get the workers to stone the female employees.

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
"Praise be to Allah" is a greeting and part of Islamic prayer, but you apparently choose to twist the meaning.

Muslims are trying to conquer America from within and without our getting wise to them.

This needs to be stopped.

Yes or No?
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.

Looks like a really threatening crowd of people talking. Your picture is bullshit. You didn't even read your own link.
This news from his writings on his facebook page sounds like he was very focused on a jihad. He had photos of the twin towers smoldering - and the statue of liberty on fire according to one report....he was listing the sins of America according to his Muslim teachings........ sounds like jihad to me.

OK Beheading Suspect s Alleged Facebook Page Displays Smoldering Twin Towers Fox News Insider

Dnt yall knw why the Eastern part of the world hates Amerika? Everything God says don't do Amerika does. 1.Don't be toxicated (Stores Of Alochol),
2. Don't Gamble (Amerika says its okay to have casinos)
3.Don't Lust (Sex stores with toys and Movies)
4.Marijuana which is an herb that was put here to cook with your food (Ameerika say its okay to smok...e it and Legalized it)
5.Newborns must have circumcision (Amerika say its your choice)
6.Man for Woman Woman For Man (Amerika legalized same sex marriages)
7.Don't eat pork (Amerika sells it in it's Grocerie stores)
8.Cut off the theif hands (Amerika give em paper time and release them to do it again) Someones gonna get killed here
These are the things you join the army and etc to fight for your freedom.
A Future Prophecy Revelation 18:8 She (The statue Of Liberty) is going into flames. She and anybody who's with her.
Looks like he was fully engaged in his conversion to "Islam".
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Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.

Too late.

You needed to tell us about him BEFORE he committed his act of violent, murderous Jihad.

Otherwise we could have 100 acts of terrorist Jihad every day and all we'd have is,

"This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does."

And obviously that would help none and not at all.

Because we can't count on you to police your own violent members we need to put a limit on how many Muslims can live in the US at a time.

That way we'll never reach the Second Stage of Islam.

That's where this nasty, ugly stuff happens and you would be very worried about reprisals from American patriots taking justice into their own hands.

If we can limit the number of Muslims in America at or below the Stage Two level it will ALSO prevent anger against moderate Muslims from getting out of hand. It will help keep them safe.

And it will spare America from the nastiness of Middle Eastern Muslim habits and culture like female genital mutilation and Honor Killings.
This news from his writings on his facebook page sounds like he was very focused on a jihad. He had photos of the twin towers smoldering - and the statue of liberty on fire according to one report....he was listing the sins of America according to his Muslim teachings........ sounds like jihad to me.

OK Beheading Suspect s Alleged Facebook Page Displays Smoldering Twin Towers Fox News Insider

If that is the case, why didn't he raise a red flag earlier?

Maybe he was being super cautious because he didn't want to get caught. He fancied himself a Sleeper Cell Lone Wolf, I'd guess.

But even more likely, he exhibited enough symptoms to raise red flags but, like Maj. Hassan in Texas, maybe those close to him wanted to be EXTRA NICE to the Muslim to show him, "we aren't Islamophobes."

But, by not reporting him to someone an innocent woman was beheaded. By not alerting anyone to his OBVIOUS Jihadist tendencies his American enablers (that's a bad thing to be...look it up) cost a woman her life.
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Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.

They intend to conquer us from within without our becoming sufficiently alarmed to prevent it.

I want to stop this.


Don't you?

So then it's true, you are a Muslim extremist aiding and abetting the enemy. Nice disguise.

Islam is extremism. What part of that do you not understand?!

Did you read about the Muslims who gathered shouting praise Allah after hearing of the beheading? You need to wake up.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

100 - 120 Muslims just happened to show up for the press conference and didn't know anything about this guys plans to behead someone? I am not so sure about that one.
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Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.

They intend to conquer us from within without our becoming sufficiently alarmed to prevent it.

I want to stop this.


Don't you?

So then it's true, you are a Muslim extremist aiding and abetting the enemy. Nice disguise.

Islam is extremism. What part of that do you not understand?!

Did you read about the Muslims who gathered shouting praise Allah after hearing of the beheading? You need to wake up.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

Another one who has an opinion based on nothing because he didn't bother to read the link.
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.

Too late.

You needed to tell us about him BEFORE he committed his act of violent, murderous Jihad.

Otherwise we could have 100 acts of terrorist Jihad every day and all we'd have is,

"This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does."

And obviously that would help none and not at all.

Because we can't count on you to police your own violent members we need to put a limit on how many Muslims can live in the US at a time.

That way we'll never reach the Second Stage of Islam.

That's where this nasty, ugly stuff happens and you would be very worried about reprisals from American patriots taking justice into their own hands.

If we can limit the number of Muslims in America at or below the Stage Two level it will ALSO prevent anger against moderate Muslims from getting out of hand. It will help keep them safe.

And it will spare America from the nastiness of Middle Eastern Muslim habits and culture like female genital mutilation and Honor Killings.

As clarified by Imam Mojo, Minister of Propaganda for ISIS.
Muslim Man Who Beheaded Woman Promised "JIHAD JIHAD JIHAD" on Facebook Profile

Pundit Press ^

...Later, he states, that he is now a "True Follower Of The Messenger of Allah." In another post, Nolen wrote that he was sent to not bring peace, "but a sword... JIHAD JIHAD JIHAD." With it he posted a picture of a sword: Nolen's profile picture is one of terrorists with assault weapons and an RPG: He also uploaded a number of pictures of himself in Mosque or in Muslim garb: Nolen also talked about very strange subjects, such as masturbating, and whatever this rant is: "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BLACK WOMAN EVERYBODY? AMERIKA AKA BABYLON HAS TURN THEM INTO...

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
Instead of these mother fuckers helping us rid ourselves of the fundies, they double down. Useless mother fuckers. Unfuckingbelievable.
Jeremiah said:

Islam is extremism. What part of that do you not understand?!

Did you read about the Muslims who gathered shouting praise Allah after hearing of the beheading? You need to wake up.

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy – what part of that do you not understand.
Begs the questions: Why do you people have to lie all the time and why are you so fucking stupid?

No one is lying.

You are simply ignorant to the facts.

Or you refuse to accept them.

Could it be everyone here at USMB is all wrong except for you?

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