Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Actually I became a person when I was conceived.
The US Constitution does not recognize your personhood at conception.

What is the source that says you were a “person” at conception?

This ain’t it:

“The Bible does teach that life begins at conception.”

I am on record on this forum for several years in full agreement with the science that life begins at conception.

What is your source or authority or whatever for your belief that personhood is created at conception. There is a difference.

The God of Abraham has told his chosen people that he breathes his spirit into their carnal bodies at birth.

If you are a Christian, you need to listen to your God personhood.

It’s not when life begins. According to the god of Abraham.
The US Constitution does not recognize your personhood at conception.

What is the source that says you were a “person” at conception?

This ain’t it:

“The Bible does teach that life begins at conception.”

I am on record on this forum for several years in full agreement with the science that life begins at conception.

What is your source or authority or whatever for your belief that personhood is created at conception. There is a difference.

The God of Abraham has told his chosen people that he breathes his spirit into their carnal bodies at birth.

If you are a Christian, you need to listen to your God personhood.

It’s not when life begins. According to the god of Abraham.
The US Constitution doesn't allow for the killing of The Unborn. Show me where it does? Are you ashamed to be an atheist?
So you just make up the rules that you think God would want? That suit your purpose?
Jefferson was a rational theist. He founded a darn great nation with other rational theists name Washington Adams, Madison, Thonas Paine, and Benjamin Franklin, Ethan Allen and more.
The US Constitution doesn't allow for the killing of The Unborn.
It must. Unless Sam Alito knows absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

Snuffing out fetus life is obviously OK with a Catholic dominated SCOTUS if you listen to Alito:

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..
The US Constitution doesn't allow for the killing of The Unborn. Get it straight

From the archives:

NFBW230310-#7,550 • So give me a secular reason why you believe every woman’s reproductive organs are your business if you have one..

BackAgain230310-#7,551 • . . . lots of people who aren’t particularly religious (I am one of them) opposes abortion on demand as a form of birth control.Many of us simply place a higher value on life than you happen to.

NFBW230310-#7,554 • I place as high a value on unborn life as anybody else including the Pope of all Catholicism. That is why I got a vasectomy after my second daughter was born.

BackAgain230310-#7,556 • Good for you. What the fuck does that have to do with snuffing out any human life?

NFBW: I oppose abortion on demand as a form of birth control. My form of birth control is vasectomy. Why are you bringing up snuffing out human life on a Dobbs thread? Snuffing out fetus life is obviously OK with a Catholic dominated SCOTUS if you listen to Alito:

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..
The US Constitution doesn't allow for the killing of The Unborn. Get it straight
Snuffing out fetus life is obviously OK with a Catholic dominated SCOTUS if you listen to Alito:

“For our part, we do not question the motives of either those who have supported and those who have opposed laws restricting abortion,” Sam Alito..

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