Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.
You're a Muslim Noomi ? Seriously ?
Noomi Quote:#631
Yes, although I am very lapsed. Hopefully when the new Mosque is built in my city I can attend. I don't go around promoting my faith which is probably why you didn't know about it.[/QUOTE]

Hmm You do know that Lesbian/gay activity is contrary to Islam right? I call BS

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
Instead of these mother fuckers helping us rid ourselves of the fundies, they double down. Useless mother fuckers. Unfuckingbelievable.

They may be trying to get us to act violently toward them so they can have another excuse to bring violence to America.
There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

You shouldn't have admitted that to these animals....your fucked now as far as they're concerned.
Rather than dividing and conquering our enemies the dummies on this thread think it's a better idea to herd all the Muslims together in a common cause.

They have had that one since 622 A.D. World domination - Islam.

The abridged simpleton's version of history.

Definitely Paint my house. I could pick you out in a crowded room, I believe. Even without your glasses! How about that?
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BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
Instead of these mother fuckers helping us rid ourselves of the fundies, they double down. Useless mother fuckers. Unfuckingbelievable.

They may be trying to get us to act violently toward them so they can have another excuse to bring violence to America.

That would already be covered under Obama's air strike. They will milk that one for all it's worth!
Rather than dividing and conquering our enemies the dummies on this thread think it's a better idea to herd all the Muslims together in a common cause.

They have had that one since 622 A.D. World domination - Islam.

The abridged simpleton's version of history.

Definitely Paint my house. I could pick you out in a crowded room, I believe.

Paint....I think we may have found a subject you know something about.
There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

That's Christianity. Not Islam.
Looks like I lost another really are this stupid.

This is for you, disco duck.

There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

That's Christianity. Not Islam.
Looks like I lost another really are this stupid.

This is for you, disco duck.

I'm sorry if I disrupted your black and white, us vs them, right or wrong, good vs Muslims superficial half wit train of thought.
Rather than dividing and conquering our enemies the dummies on this thread think it's a better idea to herd all the Muslims together in a common cause.

They have had that one since 622 A.D. World domination - Islam.

The abridged simpleton's version of history.

Definitely Paint my house. I could pick you out in a crowded room, I believe.

Paint....I think we may have found a subject you know something about.

There wasn't much to learn. You only had two gears. Slow and slower. ( jk - laugh a little - you lost that grin I see.....)
On September 21st ISIS sent out this message to Muslims around the world:

A 42-minute audio recording by an ISIS spokesman was released on social media Sunday, in which the group calls on Muslims to kill civilians in countries that belong to the anti-ISIS, U.S.-led coalition.
"If you can kill a disbelieving American or European, especially the spiteful and filthy French, or an Australian, or a Canadian or any other disbeliever, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be," an ISIS spokesman says.

But of course liberals will come to the rescue and claim there could be no connection to this beheading.

Oh, and Christianity and Christians are just as bad.
This person does not represent my religion. Shame on you for believing it does.
You're a Muslim Noomi ? Seriously ?
Noomi Quote:#631
Yes, although I am very lapsed. Hopefully when the new Mosque is built in my city I can attend. I don't go around promoting my faith which is probably why you didn't know about it.
Hmm You do know that Lesbian/gay activity is contrary to Islam right? I call BS[/QUOTE]

I hope you don't claim to be a Christian because I'd have to call BS on that.
There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

That's Christianity. Not Islam.

Jeremiah... you ignorant fool.

As if only Christianity is the only religion that one can use to worship God/ YHWH/ Allah while following a path of "love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness."

One can use Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, even Paganism or certain other religions to walk a path like that.

See, you use Christianity to spread your hate, but numerous other people have used it for love. Countless others have used Islam to walk a path of peace and love too, without spreading hate like you do.

There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

That's Christianity. Not Islam.

Jeremiah... you ignorant fool.

As if only Christianity is the only religion that one can use to worship God/ YHWH/ Allah while following a path of "love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness."

One can use Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, even Paganism or certain other religions to walk a path like that.

See, you use Christianity to spread your hate, but numerous other people have used it for love. Countless others have used Islam to walk a path of peace and love too, without spreading hate like you do.

Not to mention that these damn fools give aid and comfort to the enemy by spreading their message for them.
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm not even going to bother with an ignorant question such as this.
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm not even going to bother with an ignorant question such as this.
You're right. It is an ignorant way of thinking. Wonder where I got it from...
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm not even going to bother with an ignorant question such as this.
You're right. It is an ignorant way of thinking. Wonder where I got it from...
There is no comparison. The man you're talking about hacked up the guy and literally ate some of his body parts in front of other bus passengers. He didn't commit the horrific murder in the name of his religion (which isn't even mentioned) he didn't try and convert anyone around him to the religion (which again isn't even part of the story) and Christians (which still were not mentioned in the story) around the world were not calling for other Christians (mind you his religions is not even mentioned) to kill non-believers.

What we have here is a complete fail on your part.

And of course we do have here the usual mindless reply by liberals when they hear their precious Islam put down. "But, but, but Christians.............................................."

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