Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm not even going to bother with an ignorant question such as this.
You're right. It is an ignorant way of thinking. Wonder where I got it from...
There is no comparison. The man you're talking about hacked up the guy and literally ate some of his body parts in front of other bus passengers. He didn't commit the horrific murder in the name of his religion (which isn't even mentioned) he didn't try and convert anyone around him to the religion (which again isn't even part of the story) and Christians (which still were not mentioned in the story) around the world were not calling for other Christians (mind you his religions is not even mentioned) to kill non-believers.

What we have here is a complete fail on your part.

And of course we do have here the usual mindless reply by liberals when they hear their precious Islam put down. "But, but, but Christians.............................................."
The only reason this guys religion was mentioned is because of the american mindset on Islam and Muslims. In fact anytime a person of Muslim faith kills someone in America, I'm betting his religion will be mentioned in the headline. We will then get the reactionary comments by the biggots who will say something akin to what Ann Coulter might say. Precious Islam.?? I think the religion is a disgrace but I'm not going to call out for a complete removal of a whole group of people because of one man's actions.
I'm nearly speechless. We have to start getting in the mosques all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7.
Back in 2009 in Canada there was a beheading on a bus by a christian. Do you think it was a random incident or should we have started getting in the churches all across this country, and either get these mother fuckers out of our country, or monitor all of them 24/7?
I'm not even going to bother with an ignorant question such as this.
You're right. It is an ignorant way of thinking. Wonder where I got it from...
There is no comparison. The man you're talking about hacked up the guy and literally ate some of his body parts in front of other bus passengers. He didn't commit the horrific murder in the name of his religion (which isn't even mentioned) he didn't try and convert anyone around him to the religion (which again isn't even part of the story) and Christians (which still were not mentioned in the story) around the world were not calling for other Christians (mind you his religions is not even mentioned) to kill non-believers.

What we have here is a complete fail on your part.

And of course we do have here the usual mindless reply by liberals when they hear their precious Islam put down. "But, but, but Christians.............................................."
The only reason this guys religion was mentioned is because of the american mindset on Islam and Muslims. In fact anytime a person of Muslim faith kills someone in America, I'm betting his religion will be mentioned in the headline. We will then get the reactionary comments by the biggots who will say something akin to what Ann Coulter might say. Precious Islam.?? I think the religion is a disgrace but I'm not going to call out for a complete removal of a whole group of people because of one man's actions.
One mans actions ? Have you taken your head out of the sand long enough to look around the world ?
Not to mention that these damn fools give aid and comfort to the enemy by spreading their message for them.

"The enemy"? What enemy?

ISIS is not my enemy. Muslims are not my enemy.

The only actual enemies I have left know me by name.

I don't blame ISIS for considering me their enemy, because they should. I am an American.

But I am done fighting this country's wars. My life is about me now. The fucking universe revolves around me now.

America vs X no longer equals Ashtara vs X.
Not to mention that these damn fools give aid and comfort to the enemy by spreading their message for them.

"The enemy"? What enemy?

ISIS is not my enemy. Muslims are not my enemy.

The only actual enemies I have left know me by name.

I don't blame ISIS for considering me their enemy, because they should. I am an American.

But I am done fighting this country's wars. My life is about me now. The fucking universe revolves around me now.

America vs X no longer equals Ashtara vs X.

Great, now please get back aboard the ship, and put it in warp 8.
Great, now please get back aboard the ship, and put it in warp 8.


Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? That hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims travel to and visit Muslim countries every year?

Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be?

As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? And don't say the women convert because every woman I know who has married a Muslim has not converted. How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synagogues, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an overwhelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
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Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be? As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synogogs, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an over whelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
Maybe you could explain why Christians and Jews have emigrated form these peace-loving Muslim countries in droves, Uniformly, the diaspora of majority-Muslim countries have been predominately Christian, most Jews having fled long ago.

Islam was once a tolerant and enlightened religion. Instead of progressing to a more liberal form as have most other faiths, Islam has been hijacked by those demanding stricter adherence to Islamic law and forced conversion of non-believers. The manifestation of this, terrorism, intolerance of other religions, sexual orientations and whatever else does not conform to their views is obvious.

Apologizing for true and overbearing fanaticism is certainly not impressive. Esmeralda even less so.
Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? That hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims travel to and visit Muslim countries every year?

Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be?

As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? And don't say the women convert because every woman I know who has married a Muslim has not converted. How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synagogues, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an overwhelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?

the koran doesnt REQUIRE all non believers heads be cut off. But there is enough in the Koran to fuel that belief among MANY muslims. If you deny that then explain why the lebanese christians were forced to leave their homes and so many slaughtered by Radicals. The armenians who were slaughterd by the Turks. You cant carry a bible in saudi Arabia , why is that? if the Muslim world is such a christian paradise? What about the Coptic Christians of Egypt? your only painting half of the picture.
Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be? As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synogogs, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an over whelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
Maybe you could explain why Christians and Jews have emigrated form these peace-loving Muslim countries in droves, Uniformly, the diaspora of majority-Muslim countries have been predominately Christian, most Jews having fled long ago.

Islam was once a tolerant and enlightened religion. Instead of progressing to a more liberal form as have most other faiths, Islam has been hijacked by those demanding stricter adherence to Islamic law and forced conversion of non-believers. The manifestation of this, terrorism, intolerance of other religions, sexual orientations and whatever else does not conform to their views is obvious.

Apologizing for true and overbearing fanaticism is certainly not impressive. Esmeralda even less so.
Cite your sources for your knowledge claims. What concrete, reliable evidence do you have that non-Christians have been leaving Muslim countries, because from what I have seen, this is definitely not true.

It is true that Muslims feel Islam has been 'hijacked' by the terrorists. That is a point which favors my argumentative stance: that most, by far the majority, of Muslims do not support terrorist behavior; however, non-Muslims are not fleeing most Muslim countries, except for countries at war or whose government is antagonist toward them, unstable countries like Iraq, Iran, Sudan or Syria. I know for a fact hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims, mostly Westerners, continue to live in Egypt, for example, and non-Muslim tourists continue to visit Egypt in great numbers.

Still, you did not answer my question. Why are all the millions of expats in Islamic countries, people who are not Muslim, allowed to live in peace, unmolested, worshiping in their own places of worship, and with their heads intact? Why? Explain. Don't deflect. Give a straight forward answer that is based on reliable, concrete evidence.
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Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be? As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synogogs, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an over whelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
Maybe you could explain why Christians and Jews have emigrated form these peace-loving Muslim countries in droves, Uniformly, the diaspora of majority-Muslim countries have been predominately Christian, most Jews having fled long ago.

Islam was once a tolerant and enlightened religion. Instead of progressing to a more liberal form as have most other faiths, Islam has been hijacked by those demanding stricter adherence to Islamic law and forced conversion of non-believers. The manifestation of this, terrorism, intolerance of other religions, sexual orientations and whatever else does not conform to their views is obvious.

Apologizing for true and overbearing fanaticism is certainly not impressive. Esmeralda even less so.
Cite your sources for your knowledge claims. What concrete, reliable evidence do you have that non-Christians have been leaving Muslim countries, because from what I have seen, this is definitely not true.

It is true that Muslims feel Islam has been 'hijacked' by the terrorists. That is a point which favors my argumentative stance: that most, by far the majority, of Muslims do not support terrorist behavior; however, non-Muslims are not fleeing most Muslim countries, except for countries at war or whose government is antagonist toward them, unstable countries like Iraq, Iran, Sudan or Syria. I know for a fact hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims, mostly Westerners, continue to live in Egypt, for example, and non-Muslim tourists continue to visit Egypt in great numbers.

Still, you did not answer my question. Why are all the millions of expats in Islamic countries, people who are not Muslim, allowed to live in peace, unmolested, worshiping in their own places of worship, and with their heads intact? Why? Explain. Don't deflect. Give a straight forward answer that is based on reliable, concrete evidence.
I have certainly never held you to a very high standard on any level, but I figured you knew how to use google.

Knock yourself out:

Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be? As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synogogs, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an over whelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
Maybe you could explain why Christians and Jews have emigrated form these peace-loving Muslim countries in droves, Uniformly, the diaspora of majority-Muslim countries have been predominately Christian, most Jews having fled long ago.

Islam was once a tolerant and enlightened religion. Instead of progressing to a more liberal form as have most other faiths, Islam has been hijacked by those demanding stricter adherence to Islamic law and forced conversion of non-believers. The manifestation of this, terrorism, intolerance of other religions, sexual orientations and whatever else does not conform to their views is obvious.

Apologizing for true and overbearing fanaticism is certainly not impressive. Esmeralda even less so.
Cite your sources for your knowledge claims. What concrete, reliable evidence do you have that non-Christians have been leaving Muslim countries, because from what I have seen, this is definitely not true.

It is true that Muslims feel Islam has been 'hijacked' by the terrorists. That is a point which favors my argumentative stance: that most, by far the majority, of Muslims do not support terrorist behavior; however, non-Muslims are not fleeing most Muslim countries, except for countries at war or whose government is antagonist toward them, unstable countries like Iraq, Iran, Sudan or Syria. I know for a fact hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims, mostly Westerners, continue to live in Egypt, for example, and non-Muslim tourists continue to visit Egypt in great numbers.

Still, you did not answer my question. Why are all the millions of expats in Islamic countries, people who are not Muslim, allowed to live in peace, unmolested, worshiping in their own places of worship, and with their heads intact? Why? Explain. Don't deflect. Give a straight forward answer that is based on reliable, concrete evidence.
I have certainly never held you to a very high standard on any level, but I figured you knew how to use google.

Knock yourself out:

You just keep repeating the same old same old. You still have not answered my question. And you have not given any concrete, reliable sources to support your claim that non-Muslims are fleeing Muslim countries, other than those at war.
Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be? As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synogogs, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an over whelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
Maybe you could explain why Christians and Jews have emigrated form these peace-loving Muslim countries in droves, Uniformly, the diaspora of majority-Muslim countries have been predominately Christian, most Jews having fled long ago.

Islam was once a tolerant and enlightened religion. Instead of progressing to a more liberal form as have most other faiths, Islam has been hijacked by those demanding stricter adherence to Islamic law and forced conversion of non-believers. The manifestation of this, terrorism, intolerance of other religions, sexual orientations and whatever else does not conform to their views is obvious.

Apologizing for true and overbearing fanaticism is certainly not impressive. Esmeralda even less so.
Cite your sources for your knowledge claims. What concrete, reliable evidence do you have that non-Christians have been leaving Muslim countries, because from what I have seen, this is definitely not true.

It is true that Muslims feel Islam has been 'hijacked' by the terrorists. That is a point which favors my argumentative stance: that most, by far the majority, of Muslims do not support terrorist behavior; however, non-Muslims are not fleeing most Muslim countries, except for countries at war or whose government is antagonist toward them, unstable countries like Iraq, Iran, Sudan or Syria. I know for a fact hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims, mostly Westerners, continue to live in Egypt, for example, and non-Muslim tourists continue to visit Egypt in great numbers.

Still, you did not answer my question. Why are all the millions of expats in Islamic countries, people who are not Muslim, allowed to live in peace, unmolested, worshiping in their own places of worship, and with their heads intact? Why? Explain. Don't deflect. Give a straight forward answer that is based on reliable, concrete evidence.
I have certainly never held you to a very high standard on any level, but I figured you knew how to use google.

Knock yourself out:

You just keep repeating the same old same old. You still have not answered my question. And you have not given any concrete, reliable sources to support your claim that non-Muslims are fleeing Muslim countries, other than those at war.
You seem to think that you are the teacher here. You are not. At best you are a petulant, immature and remedial student incapable of using the ample facilities available to us today to research the Christian diaspora from Muslim countries in recent years, even after I took the time to provide a google search link.

On a more personal note, I have know many Assyrians, Armenians, Copts, Maronites and Jews who fled their homelands to escape persecution of increasingly intolerant Muslims.

Apologists for anything are unimpressive. But demanding proof of what is so easily attainable and obvious is ditzy beyond belief.
This was not the first beheading on American soil by a Muslim. The first was a widely reported case some years back where a Muslim media exec beheaded his wife when she wanted a divorce. He was a 'moderate' Muslim who was starting up a new network here to promote 'moderate' Islam. lollerz.

there is no such thing as 'moderate Islam'. All it takes is for the clueless morons who keep claiming that to actually read the Koran, and in chronological order. Only idiots would keep claiming there are 'moderate' Muslims; there is no such thing.
Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? That hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims travel to and visit Muslim countries every year?

Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be?

As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? And don't say the women convert because every woman I know who has married a Muslim has not converted. How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synagogues, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an overwhelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?

You never lived in a muslim country. Not one.
The only country governed by a muslim majority, however just sligtly over 50%, that grants other than muslim citizens (mainly Chinese, Thai and Indians besides some rural tribes) a relatively high personal freedom compared to all, ALL, other muslim countries, is Malaysia. Was there, worked there, know that.
The second one was Syria, until your fucking stupid government decided to overththrow the Assad Regime.
Both countries are, Malaysia not in writing but de facto, dictatorships.

Islam never was enlightened. This is the common fairytale of euphemistic mental softies.
Islam forced its way from the beginning without excption by violence, warfare and supression over whole north Africa, had conquered and brutally opressed Spain for Centuries ( no, there was no peaceful coexistence of Muslims, Chistians and Jews, except you define jizya, the sole tax for nonbelievers, the prohibition to ride a horse, carry a weapon and the rule to leave the sidewalk if coming in the way of a muslim, and slave labor as peaceful coexistence), proceeded two times to conquer the rest of Europe where they were luckily stopped two times at the last minute at the Vienna city gates.

Turkey, the remains of the Osmanic Empire, was guided into the NATO by your fucking stupid government as leverage for deploying your nuclear Jupiter missiles there against the Soviet Union in the 50's.
This was done by you, god's own country, despite the fact that Turkey had forced its large christian part of the population violently out of the country, besides its massacres of the Armenians, today it is prohibitet to built churches in Turkey, no priest education is allowed and the christian population is down to below 0,5% and almost extinct..
Actually I am an Atheist to the bone, but facts remain facts.

In Egypt, formerly mainly chrstian orthodox, muslims are committing massacres on churches and funerals of christians.
Presently it is a bit more quiet because the military is back in power. But you had to overthrow Mubarak, initiate the "arab spring" (what humongous bullshit) and help to install the muslim brotherhood to gain power.

All this is now starting to come back to you. Be aware of that. 30% of the muslims in Turkey sympathise wit the IS. Same can be said for the turkish social welfare immigrants in Germany, France and GB have even more severe problems to face with their lightheartedly invited Maghreb and Pakistani wannabe world rulers.

You are just totally misguided because Islam was marginalized from the 18th to the 20th century, they could not participate in the progresses of the rest of the world because communication and trade were unavailable. They had nothing to bargain with. Until the oil boom.

No Islam has everything, not by their own cleverness or labour, but just bought with the money from the dumb people of the oil consuming countries working their asses off. But the islamic mentality stays the same.

And if you talk about the vast majotity of peaceful muslims: they are just the sheep. The peaceful majority did never count in history when trouble was at the doorstep. They do NOT stand up against the trocities of their brothers in faith. They only, without exception, repeat the samer mantra: this has nothing to do with islam.
All I have to tell them, and you, too: read the fucking quran and the hadith. Its the manual, and it is all written there. There can be no misunderstanding. It is not meant for interpretation, it is the direct word i.e. instruction of allah.

I don't know if you are lying when you say you know muslims, or marriages between muslims and nonbelievers where no one had to convert to islam.
We have a lot of them here and I can tell you, this happens but then the muslim is no muslim. He just doesn't quit because first you cannot quit islam, second you put yourself in lifethreatening danger if you do so openly. So you better just hide it.
Actually this is a extremely tiny part of the male musims anyway, muslim women absolutely do not marry outside islam. Not in Europe, we have officialy around 50 women each year killed by their relatives trying to do that. Honour killing, that is. No one knows the number of tortured, send back to their home countries where they often officially fled as politically opressed refugees (bwahahaha) and forced into arranged marriages with their cousins or similar.

Listen, we did not have that 50 years back. It simply did not exist. Today we have about 5 to 7 millions, nobody knows exactly, alone in my country. And it is getting worse day by day.

And don't try to lecture me about foreign experience. I was living around 6 years in asian and south american countries as a professional, I know what I am talking about.
You are talking like the typical western tourist on the Maledives. How beautiful everythng is, and what you see is just the natural surrounding the muslims did not build, and the rest is a Potiemkin village to keep you blind and get the money out of your pocket. The Maledives are actually one of the best examples for the great Taquia show of the part of the muslim world.which is presently not that active in conquering and killing unbelievers.

Take off the blinds.
You just keep repeating the same old same old. You still have not answered my question. And you have not given any concrete, reliable sources to support your claim that non-Muslims are fleeing Muslim countries, other than those at war.

I cannot believe that one person alone can be that dumb.
Would one of you right wingers explain to me that if beheading is part of Islam and all Islamics are required to, by the Koran, cut off the head of all non-believers in Islam, all infidels, then why is it and how is it that in the vast majority of Muslim countries, millions of Christians and people of many other religions have lived there and continue to live there unmolested, their heads still intact? That hundreds of thousands of non-Muslims travel to and visit Muslim countries every year?

Why and how is it that for generations and even centuries, for the very most part, non-Muslims have lived in Muslim countries in peace and harmony with Muslims? Why is that? If you are going to insist that at heart every Muslim wants to chop off the head of all non-Muslims, then how can this be?

As well, there are countless mixed marriages between Muslims and those of other religions. How do you explain that? And don't say the women convert because every woman I know who has married a Muslim has not converted. How do you explain that in the 3 Muslim countries in which I have lived, there are churches, and in one, synagogues, and the Muslim people have left the Christians and Jews to worship without molesting them in any way? How do you explain these things, which, btw, exist in an overwhelming way in the vast majority of Muslim countries?
You are an annoying longwinded broken record.

Who said all Muslims adhere to the radical Jihadist practices?
There are moderate people who call themselves Muslims. But there is no moderate Islam. ISIS and ISIL are Islam. It's not of God at all.

Moderate Islam exists. I don't follow an extreme version of it. The version I follow promotes love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness.

That's Christianity. Not Islam.

It is Islam. I do not subscribe to a religion which hates.

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