Breaking: Muslim Beheads Coworker In Oklahoma

Here's the point dummies: Your whole Muslims vs Western civilization nonsense plays right into the hands of extremists, exactly what they want to hear. It's as if you want to spread Muslim extremism with your black and white, good vs evil, them or us kind of half wit reasoning. You are in effect the best source of propaganda the terrorists could ever hope for. In fact I suspect the most vehement of the generic anti Muslim talk on this thread comes from Muslim terrorists posing as not very bright Americans. Brilliant subterfuge.

They intend to conquer us from within without our becoming sufficiently alarmed to prevent it.

I want to stop this.


Don't you?
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islami system. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.

And you love and support racism and racists.
No every American doesn't need to understand the enormity, because not even close to the amount of people that live in one little metropolitan city in the united states are currently active in any 'jihad,' they don't let the sensationalism of the news shape their fears.

When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islptem. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.
Meathead? I'm not the one ready to huff and puff and blow 1.6 billion ppls house down because 0.0000000000000000001% of them are violent. Guess that's a "trend" in a pussy's eyes though.

I still doubt you realize how many 1.6 billion REALLY is.
When you finally figure out what's going on regarding this topic let me know.

Until then, PLEASE stop spreading ignorance.
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islptem. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.
Meathead? I'm not the one ready to huff and puff and blow 1.6 billion ppls house down because 0.0000000000000000001% of them are violent. Guess that's a "trend" in a pussy's eyes though.

I still doubt you realize how many 1.6 billion REALLY is.

What is it with you and the number 1.6 billion?

Are you OCD or something?

WTF Rainman!

What's your point?

15% - 30% of those 1.6 billion Muslims want non-Muslims put down or wiped away and they are willing to help do it.

Now say what?
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islptem. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.
Meathead? I'm not the one ready to huff and puff and blow 1.6 billion ppls house down because 0.0000000000000000001% of them are violent. Guess that's a "trend" in a pussy's eyes though.

I still doubt you realize how many 1.6 billion REALLY is.

What is it with you and the number 1.6 billion?

Are you OCD or something?

WTF Rainman!

What's your point?

15% - 30% of those 1.6 billion Muslims want non-Muslims put down or wiped away and they are willing to help do it.

Now say what?
Where are they all? Under your bed? That's the population of america......yet all we see are..................what? A flash in the pan rash of close to nothingness.

You don't understand numbers too well do ya?
The man had just been fired earlier that day. He came back shortly after with the same kind of knife they use in the plant. This wasn't a jihadist. He was a disgruntled employee.

So whatever the facts are, lets all be brave enough to see the truth, the thing that got me this morning is people saying it wasnt even a news story. And their motivation was that it might be offensive to Muslims. With the events of ISIS beheadings, the plot in Australia, I feel a beheading of an innocent woman at LEAST gets to be called a news story and not swept under the rug immediatly. thats treating people like 5 year olds and not a rational society

The predictable result when Political Correctness completely pollutes a culture. When a society avoids an honest discussion of a problem because it does not want to "offend" certain groups of people, how can that problem be fixed? It cannot, and this irrational behavior only exacerbates the decay.


very well said, Mac. Bravo!
The ignorance spreading is yours.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.....which in turn will turn into a mountain. Genius.

1.6 billion.

You comprehend that # yet?

Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islptem. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.
Meathead? I'm not the one ready to huff and puff and blow 1.6 billion ppls house down because 0.0000000000000000001% of them are violent. Guess that's a "trend" in a pussy's eyes though.

I still doubt you realize how many 1.6 billion REALLY is.

What is it with you and the number 1.6 billion?

Are you OCD or something?

WTF Rainman!

What's your point?

15% - 30% of those 1.6 billion Muslims want non-Muslims put down or wiped away and they are willing to help do it.

Now say what?

I find the numbers are exaggerated. Many Muslims have left Islam - quite a few have converted to Christianity - some have become athiests - number is probably closer to 1 billion - if that - no telling how many are moderate people that don't really follow it - still Islam itself is not moderate and therein lies the problem.
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

That's you're first reaction towards hearing this??
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

To Esmeralda;

If you have two puppies and one of them is ALMOST house broken and the other is taking a longer time to figure out where to potty.

In the morning you find out that ONE of the puppies went potty on the kitchen floor.

You THINK it was puppy A. But it could have been puppy B.

Rather than trying to detect which one is the pisser, the one certain solution to peeing on your floor is to put both of them in the garage til they are house trained.

We can't always figure out which Muslims are going to commit acts of violent jihad before the fact so the only prudent course of action is to simply limit our potential liability exposure to ALL Muslims.

The United States routinely denied entry to this country by people infected with communicable diseases and conditions.

Because you can't figure out which one was which, safe or contagious upon sight, anyone who has been exposed to those who are contagious or those who might be asymptomatic carriers are kept out at least for a while until their health status can be ascertained.

Limit the numbers of ALL Muslims in America.
That would be a rational approach, if we didnt have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning than ever even SEEING a violent muslim in person, save for the military.

Don't tell me that.

If a child molester were to move into your neighborhood you might not freak out if your pure, sweet, innocent young daughter isn't harmed.

But if a little girl a few streets over gets raped by a molester, what are you gonna do, say and think?

Or are you a 'feelings' kind of guy?

Muslims have a goal to conquer the world by any means.

They are infiltrating the White House and Congress.

Now they are committing acts of violent jihad on the streets of America.

What kind of American are you?

What kind of FATHER are you?
Oh, my God, they're taking over the government. Yep, there're 6 Muslim working in the White House (out of a staff of 568). And there're 2 in Congress (out of a membership of 535).
Last edited:
Yes. And 15% - 30% of them want you to convert to Islam or they want you to be their captive who pays a tax to them for the pleasure of living in their islptem. Or they want you dead.

That's about 300,000,000 committed Muslims. Here are the words of some of them.

But PLEASE don't read any of this.

Just go ahead and stay ignorant.

“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”
– Omar Ahmad, Chairman of CAIR

The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.—Mosab Hassan Yousef

5. Permission to spread the religion by war. This is another brilliant innovation. Although some other religions have spread themselves using force, they had very little justification from their own religious doctrines to do so.

Not so with Islam. Expanding by conquest is very much accepted and encouraged by the idea-collection. Islamic teachings present it this way: The poor non-Muslims not living in an Islamic state need to be saved from the sin of following laws other than Allah's. If they won't voluntarily change their laws to Sharia, then it is the duty of Muslim warriors to insist. The world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah.​

Citizen Warrior The Terrifying Brilliance of Islam

CAN A GOOD MUSLIM BE A GOOD AMERICAN? This question was forwarded to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his reply:

Theologically - NO - Because his allegiance is to allah, the moon

god of Arabia.

Religiously - NO - Because no other religion is accepted by his

allah except islam (quran. 2:256).

Scripturally - NO - Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of

islam and quran.

Geographically - NO - Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to

which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - NO - Because his allegiance to islam forbids him TO


Politically - NO - Because he must submit to the

mullahs/aytollahs (spiritual leaders), who teach

annihilation of Israel and destruction of America,

the great Satan.
And learned seven year olds wish Santa clause was real.....

But guess what

When not even a fraction of one percent are willing to inflict violence......I'm a little more concerned with my local community's law enforcement

Don't drop your Binky.

You are an ignorant meat head.
Meathead? I'm not the one ready to huff and puff and blow 1.6 billion ppls house down because 0.0000000000000000001% of them are violent. Guess that's a "trend" in a pussy's eyes though.

I still doubt you realize how many 1.6 billion REALLY is.

What is it with you and the number 1.6 billion?

Are you OCD or something?

WTF Rainman!

What's your point?

15% - 30% of those 1.6 billion Muslims want non-Muslims put down or wiped away and they are willing to help do it.

Now say what?
Where are they all? Under your bed? That's the population of america......yet all we see are..................what? A flash in the pan rash of close to nothingness.

You don't understand numbers too well do ya?

Have you seen any uniformed US service members in person recently?

Out of the appx 2 million Americans who invaded Iraq and defeated its military and then defeated the Taliban and toppled their rule in Afghanistan's mountains and villages as well as the cities, I'll bet most people here have never seen a US Serviceman or Servicewoman up close, personal, in uniform.

BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.
Last edited:
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

That's you're first reaction towards hearing this??
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

To Esmeralda;

If you have two puppies and one of them is ALMOST house broken and the other is taking a longer time to figure out where to potty.

In the morning you find out that ONE of the puppies went potty on the kitchen floor.

You THINK it was puppy A. But it could have been puppy B.

Rather than trying to detect which one is the pisser, the one certain solution to peeing on your floor is to put both of them in the garage til they are house trained.

We can't always figure out which Muslims are going to commit acts of violent jihad before the fact so the only prudent course of action is to simply limit our potential liability exposure to ALL Muslims.

The United States routinely denied entry to this country by people infected with communicable diseases and conditions.

Because you can't figure out which one was which, safe or contagious upon sight, anyone who has been exposed to those who are contagious or those who might be asymptomatic carriers are kept out at least for a while until their health status can be ascertained.

Limit the numbers of ALL Muslims in America.
That would be a rational approach, if we didnt have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning than ever even SEEING a violent muslim in person, save for the military.

Don't tell me that.

If a child molester were to move into your neighborhood you might not freak out if your pure, sweet, innocent young daughter isn't harmed.

But if a little girl a few streets over gets raped by a molester, what are you gonna do, say and think?

Or are you a 'feelings' kind of guy?

Muslims have a goal to conquer the world by any means.

They are infiltrating the White House and Congress.

Now they are committing acts of violent jihad on the streets of America.

What kind of American are you?

What kind of FATHER are you?
Oh, my God, they're taking over the government. Yep, there're 6 Muslim working in the White House (out of a staff of 568). And there're 2 in Congress (out of a membership of 535).


BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, September 26, 2014, 5:39 PM

Muslims shouting ‘Praise Allah’ surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference.

Bob Lawson @LandonLawson78

2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans out loud on the ground at site of news conference #oklahomabeheading

1:15 PM - 26 Sep 2014

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

BREAKING Muslims Shout 8220 Praise Allah 8221 Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading The Gateway Pundit

I wonder if any of those Muslims who encircled the Cops were packing.

I wonder if the Cops began wondering which one he'd have to neutralize first if the the crowd surrounding them decided to turn violent.

I can imagine the Cops's emotions being raw and the constant tensions they must experience about making an incorrect hair trigger response wearing on their psyches.

Its a test of calm under pressure.

Look at that.

They are literally surrounded by the Muslim crowd.

You did not include all of the tweets from Bob Lawson. There wasn't much more, but to give a more accurate account of what was happening, include these comments:

The Muslims were saying “Praise Allah” during the press conference.

Bob Lawson@LandonLawson78


Cops/reporters were close by but not being yelled at by muslims as many have asked me but a few muslims were saying praise allah out loud

5:09 PM - 26 Sep 2014

Several Muslims attended the press conference.

Bob Lawson@LandonLawson78


Not all at the news conf. were muslims but I'm guessing probably 30-40 were out if the 100-120 total who were there.

4:23 PM - 26 Sep 2014

Just looking at the number of covered heads, I would guess there were half muslim.
I am so glad that people in control of the world's militaries don't get thrown by really simple math and start a religious war against 1.6 billion, or 240 million people.

I am very thankful that keyboard commandoes who cannot rationalize simple math have NO POWER in this world whatsoever.

Look you ignorant fool, instead of always rushing in to defend this religion, why don't you take the time to look around the world and see that the fundamentalists in this religion are at war with western culture. Once you acknowledge that, you may be worth engaging. Until then, kindly shove a red hot poker all the way up.
I'm equally against all religions, im not defending it.

I'm defending being a rational human being, and here you lose your shit at an entire group of people because 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% are violent offenders.

But you're not a ditz/gullible twit over sensationalism, huh? Tell us about that speeeshul math.

Look you collosal moron, I'm tired of seeing stories like this happening around the world, and I want to see some action to recognize there is a problem with THIS particular religion, more so than others.
This woman was beheaded in America by a Muslim. How many Muslims are there in the U.S. ?
They are a fraction compared to Christians, yet you don't read about a Christian or a Jew or a Buddhist etc. cutting someones head off. And don't think that the method isn't important. This isn't just another case of someone going postal at their workplace, this guy cut the coworkers head off, and we all know now this is the method of a Islamic fundie. Get the fuck over your denial.
Of course there is no proof to support your allegations but don't let that stop you.

Over the last 15 years, Muslims have beheaded 10 non-Muslims. In contrast there have been in excess 200,000 Muslims killed in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.

List of people who were beheaded - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
What do you propose we do?

Beat up some Muslims?

That's you're first reaction towards hearing this??
Well here it is folks. Had enough yet ?

Police: Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace

MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.

Moore Police Sgt. Jeremy Lewis said Friday that 30-year-old Alton Nolen had been terminated from Vaughan Foods in Moore shortly before the incident took place on Thursday afternoon.

Colleen Hufford, 54, was beheaded and another woman, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, was stabbed. Both victims were employees of Vaughan Foods, but according to Lewis, it appeared the women were not targeted and were instead stabbed at random.

Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News

To Esmeralda;

If you have two puppies and one of them is ALMOST house broken and the other is taking a longer time to figure out where to potty.

In the morning you find out that ONE of the puppies went potty on the kitchen floor.

You THINK it was puppy A. But it could have been puppy B.

Rather than trying to detect which one is the pisser, the one certain solution to peeing on your floor is to put both of them in the garage til they are house trained.

We can't always figure out which Muslims are going to commit acts of violent jihad before the fact so the only prudent course of action is to simply limit our potential liability exposure to ALL Muslims.

The United States routinely denied entry to this country by people infected with communicable diseases and conditions.

Because you can't figure out which one was which, safe or contagious upon sight, anyone who has been exposed to those who are contagious or those who might be asymptomatic carriers are kept out at least for a while until their health status can be ascertained.

Limit the numbers of ALL Muslims in America.
That would be a rational approach, if we didnt have more of a chance of getting struck by lightning than ever even SEEING a violent muslim in person, save for the military.

Don't tell me that.

If a child molester were to move into your neighborhood you might not freak out if your pure, sweet, innocent young daughter isn't harmed.

But if a little girl a few streets over gets raped by a molester, what are you gonna do, say and think?

Or are you a 'feelings' kind of guy?

Muslims have a goal to conquer the world by any means.

They are infiltrating the White House and Congress.

Now they are committing acts of violent jihad on the streets of America.

What kind of American are you?

What kind of FATHER are you?
Oh, my God, they're taking over the government. Yep, there're 6 Muslim working in the White House (out of a staff of 568). And there're 2 in Congress (out of a membership of 535).


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