Breaking: Nancy Pelosi Set To Reveal Information That Will Sink Newts Campaign

Like pelosi is an upstanding individual that doesn't have baggage. She is lying like she always does.
A few articles have stated that Newt being on his third marriage will be enough to sink him. Any historians know if any of the Presidents were married more than once?

Ronald Reagan.

Jane Wyman was his first wife..
While I don't often find myself in agreement with someone who has been fined for ethics violations by congress to the tune of 300,000.00. It is no more ethical for Rep. Pelosi to release information gathered in the process of a ethics investigation than it was for Newt to actually have done the things he was found to be in violation of.

Your raining on the liberals dance party.:lol:
I doubt Pelosi will have to say a word from this point on. The media will dig up his dirt, if it is there.
Won't matter a whit.

We already know he's crooked. We know he is the only Speaker in our history to have to pay a fine for ethical violations - $300THOUSAND for more than 86 violations. We know he is more than willing to have our government collapse just so he can have his way. We know he left his very sick wife and daughters without money to buy food or heat their home while he ran off with a mistress. His church rebuked him because they had to feed and house his family. We know he left that wife with a phone call on Mother's day so he could runoff with Calista. We know he has always been on the side that pays him the most. And, most recently, we know he wants to take jobs away from the poorest in our country and that he has said he will vote FOR corporations against the American people.

And yet, the repubs/teabags love the guy. They love scum and will always vote against their own best interests.

No matter what Speaker Pelosi says, the repub/teabag standards are SO low, they won't even notice.

It sounds like you are upset that Newt is not a Democrat. Well you will always have the memory of Teddy Kennedy. :)

IOW, what I wrote is true, you can'y deny it and you're hoping to divert attention from the facts.

He used money that he should not have used in a campaign and then lied about it.

The congress pretty resoundingly agreed on both sides
did sarah bang him too?

i thought he was white?!?!?!?!?

Did Hillary? :D

maybe he and nancy pelosi had a thing when they did al gore's video together. that would mean nancy knows all of shortcomings. :D

As this will be my last post of the day jillian before I give you a pos. rep for this, I want you to know you have spoiled my dinner with that image. lol
I doubt Pelosi will have to say a word from this point on. The media will dig up his dirt, if it is there.

No digging required. Most of it is a matter of public record. I think he's banking on American having a short memory. Who knows; maybe he's right.
He used money that he should not have used in a campaign and then lied about it.

The congress pretty resoundingly agreed on both sides
I will hold his feet to the fire when obamaturd discloses where the 300 million dollars came from for his campaign. That is different somehow because it is the dimwit obamaturd.
I doubt Pelosi will have to say a word from this point on. The media will dig up his dirt, if it is there.

No digging required. Most of it is a matter of public record. I think he's banking on American having a short memory. Who knows; maybe he's right.

This is exactly like all the digging for dirt we've seen of President Obama's past (except there was nothing to find on Pres Obama).

Speaker Pelosi won't say anything more and she won't have to. Just as someone would have come forward if there was anything on our president, someone will "leak" reacords about Newt - as well they should.

As with Obama, Cain, and all the rest of them, we have every right to know who is going to be sitting in the Oval Office.

If Newt had any sand, he'd come forward with it himself but all he can do is trip over his own ego.
Seems to me the bottom line is this ...

For the voters who want a prez whose position is very far right, for those who want to give up personal freedoms and want more controls on their lives, someone who, as recently as today said he wants to take jobs away from the working poor, has said he (and lived!!) will give more money to the rich and take it from the working class, well, ole Newt is your guy.

Actually, with a couple of exceptions, the Clown Car holds a matched set.

You want a prez who keeps right on fighting for the working class, fighting for jobs, fighting for our country, well, you already know President Obama is that man.
ooo ooo - Just remembered -

Back when Newt's book about his "wit" came out, it was a slender little tome, terribly overpriced and hit the remainder list almost over night.

Anyway, I glanced up at a shelf full of books one day and, the way the paperback cover was designed, it looked like it read,

The New Twit

How apt! I cracked up. Then others looked and they laughed. Pretty soon, there was a small crowd gathered about, laughing at the unintended "wit".

I always wondered if the artist drew the design that way on purpose.

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