BREAKING NEWS: Appeals court rules part of President Obama’s health care law unconsti

score is still in favor of the mandates. This will be decided by the sc.

how antonin scalia may save the individual mandate

it should have been decided by congress. Pelosi and crew should have known better, especially since it was brought up time and time again.

Shame so many care about what so many died for. The Constitution. Congress treats it like a guide line instead of a rule book.

Down with the tyrants!! < self explainitory, but down with tyranny would have been better.




cool. Lets get rid of licenses next.

Then we can work on copyrights. Heck..maybe even patents are unconstitional..even if they are in the constitution.

And maybe the mandate that hospitals must take patients is unconstitutional too.

I see dead people. :clap2:

i was listening to big 0 on the net yesterday. He called for congress to remove many of the regs on copyrights and patents. :eusa_whistle:

yea, I had to bring up the screen to make sure it was still big 0 talking.
This has been a bad two weeks for Obama. Between the downgrade, the debt ceiling deal he was cut out from, and now the appeals court ruling he must be sucking wind.

This is the beginning of the end of Obama's policies and the rule of the Leftists. The Left will claim (as they are now) that Obama isn't really a progressive at all. That is false. He is as progressive as any of them. But he is what happens when you put a progressive in the position of responsibility. Sen. Obama ran his mouth about this and that. But actually taking responsibility is different. Of course he isn't up to that either.

But now America can see the Progressivism is the creed of envy, stupidity, and poverty. In 2012 the Dems will be swept away. To survive they will need to dust off the old centrist plans of Bill Clinton.
it should have been decided by congress. Pelosi and crew should have known better, especially since it was brought up time and time again. If it was as clear cut as your personal interpretation, there would not be a debate and a number of split decisions, now would there?

Shame so many care about what so many died for. The Constitution. Congress treats it like a guide line instead of a rule book. Refer to above comment; And a technical assessment, if you're talking about revolutionaries, the dying was done by the time we wrote it, and the framers would debate this issue as much as we currently are.

Down with the tyrants!! < self explainitory, but down with tyranny would have been better. Uhh, no. That's just uncharacteristic sillyness. I expect it from Bigreb or CF. Too rich for you mo chara.





Testicles. <that one's just for fun. I had to add at least one un-quoted character.
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The country is on fire with problems and BO hasn't a clue as to which way to run so he will go on vacation next week. Many Americans can't afford vacations this year because of him and his buddies.

He is never on vacation.

Ever work at a job were you were on call 24/7? Well, take that experience and multiply it by say 100. The man does not get a vacation for 4 years. He is on the job for every minute of every day for the entire length of his term even while taking a crap.


Poor guy. He'll be able to take a real vacation soon.
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision


Once something is ruled unconstitutional it is deemed unconstitutional... It doesn't "Stay Constitutional" because one of three or for rulings say it's ok with them...

The other ruling you libs are married to said that it wasn't unconstitutional with regards to that case and those litigants... Those parties to the lawsuit can go about their merry ways with regards to 0bamacare if they want until appeal to a higher court smacks them down...

This case and the other one before it have ruled that the individual mandate clause is unconstitutional... Legally, the parties that brought forth this lawsuit (26 states) can ignore the individual mandate without any reprocussions...

Right now, more than half the states in the country do not have to force their residents to buy health insurance if they don't want to buy it....:clap2:

I'm going to presume that you know what you're talking about here. The only thing is that I was under the impression that, when two appellate courts rule inconsistently, it becomes what's called "ripe" for the SCOTUS to take up. And that pending their determination the constitutional status of the law is undecided. You're saying this is incorrect, right?
CaféAuLait;3993685 said:
BREAKING NEWS: Appeals court rules part of President Obama’s health care law unconstitutional

No link MSNBC push notification

This is headed to the US Supreme's.

Union fAiL...........Court fAiL............Poll fAiL.............Global warming fAiL............Debt fAiL...........Stimulus fAil.................Keynesian economics fAiL...............

Who knew it would be so much fcukking fun around here to be a conservative with only half of 2011 over?? Not me..........but this has been priceless. Every day you look up, more misery for the k00ks!!!
And Im laughing..........just 24 short months ago, these mofu's were on top of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision


Once something is ruled unconstitutional it is deemed unconstitutional... It doesn't "Stay Constitutional" because one of three or for rulings say it's ok with them...

The other ruling you libs are married to said that it wasn't unconstitutional with regards to that case and those litigants... Those parties to the lawsuit can go about their merry ways with regards to 0bamacare if they want until appeal to a higher court smacks them down...

This case and the other one before it have ruled that the individual mandate clause is unconstitutional... Legally, the parties that brought forth this lawsuit (26 states) can ignore the individual mandate without any reprocussions...

Right now, more than half the states in the country do not have to force their residents to buy health insurance if they don't want to buy it....:clap2:

I'm going to presume that you know what you're talking about here. The only thing is that I was under the impression that, when two appellate courts rule inconsistently, it becomes what's called "ripe" for the SCOTUS to take up. And that pending their determination the constitutional status of the law is undecided. You're saying this is incorrect, right?

Two appellate courts have not issued contradictory rulings. Only one appellate court has ruled, the one today. So far that makes it binding precedent within the 11th circuit. That is effectively for the rest of the country unless some other circuit decides differently. That was the case with Heller where different circuit appeals courts made different rulings so the Supreme Court stepped in.
The Supreme Court can simply affirm the 11ths decision and that would be the end of it.
Why is it that the Conservatives have to give the government and economic basics to Liberals? Learn how the US Supreme Court works people.
The country is on fire with problems and BO hasn't a clue as to which way to run so he will go on vacation next week. Many Americans can't afford vacations this year because of him and his buddies.

He is never on vacation.

Ever work at a job were you were on call 24/7? Well, take that experience and multiply it by say 100. The man does not get a vacation for 4 years. He is on the job for every minute of every day for the entire length of his term even while taking a crap.


Only Obama is never on vacation according to his admirers.
President Bush recently spent his 879th day at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, since the Supreme Court, in all its great wisdom, elevated him to the presidency. This according to NPR's "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me," which noted that Bush broke former President Reagan's record for taking vacations from the White House.rIt's interesting to recall, all these wild years later, that George W. Bush did not decide to buy the ranch near Crawford until after he decided to run for president. Apparently, after Ronald Reagan's example, it seemed presidential to cut brush on a ranch, and Bush was seeking a brush with history. Or something.
COLUMN: Record Breaker! Bush Takes Most Vacation Days For Sitting President - CBS News
Obama took a meeting at the White House today and was touring a plant in Michigan yesterday. What vacation? Don't confuse a lack of success and leadership with a vacation please.

Once something is ruled unconstitutional it is deemed unconstitutional... It doesn't "Stay Constitutional" because one of three or for rulings say it's ok with them...

The other ruling you libs are married to said that it wasn't unconstitutional with regards to that case and those litigants... Those parties to the lawsuit can go about their merry ways with regards to 0bamacare if they want until appeal to a higher court smacks them down...

This case and the other one before it have ruled that the individual mandate clause is unconstitutional... Legally, the parties that brought forth this lawsuit (26 states) can ignore the individual mandate without any reprocussions...

Right now, more than half the states in the country do not have to force their residents to buy health insurance if they don't want to buy it....:clap2:

I'm going to presume that you know what you're talking about here. The only thing is that I was under the impression that, when two appellate courts rule inconsistently, it becomes what's called "ripe" for the SCOTUS to take up. And that pending their determination the constitutional status of the law is undecided. You're saying this is incorrect, right?

Two appellate courts have not issued contradictory rulings. Only one appellate court has ruled, the one today. So far that makes it binding precedent within the 11th circuit. That is effectively for the rest of the country unless some other circuit decides differently. That was the case with Heller where different circuit appeals courts made different rulings so the Supreme Court stepped in.
The Supreme Court can simply affirm the 11ths decision and that would be the end of it.

I believe a previous appellate court, in the sixth circuit, confirmed a lower court ruling that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional, in it's entirety.
Obama took a meeting at the White House today and was touring a plant in Michigan yesterday. What vacation? Don't confuse a lack of success and leadership with a vacation please.

President aren't really ever on "vacation" in the usual sense of the word.
But, yeah, he's just taking advantage of congress being in recess. He's working, not
on vacation. :cuckoo:
Score is still in favor of the mandates. This will be decided by the SC.

How Antonin Scalia May Save The Individual Mandate

This isn't some highschool football game. There is no score kept idiot the last court ruling stands as law and the final decision UNLESS it is overturned.

Without the mandate there is no funding. Obamacare is effectively dead now.

Hahahahaha lulz

:lol::lol::lol: You cons crack me up. You do realize that the mandate has been held up in another decision, right? The Affordable Care Act is not dead. It will head to the SCOTUS, and despite what some delusional cons have said, the SCOTUS will not automatically go with the 11th's decision. Grow a brain. It might do you some good. Maroons, the lot of you.
Doesn't change anything

Some courts have approved it others have denied

Have to wait for that 5-4 Supreme Court decision


Once something is ruled unconstitutional it is deemed unconstitutional... It doesn't "Stay Constitutional" because one of three or for rulings say it's ok with them...

The other ruling you libs are married to said that it wasn't unconstitutional with regards to that case and those litigants... Those parties to the lawsuit can go about their merry ways with regards to 0bamacare if they want until appeal to a higher court smacks them down...

This case and the other one before it have ruled that the individual mandate clause is unconstitutional... Legally, the parties that brought forth this lawsuit (26 states) can ignore the individual mandate without any reprocussions...

Right now, more than half the states in the country do not have to force their residents to buy health insurance if they don't want to buy it....:clap2:

I'm going to presume that you know what you're talking about here. The only thing is that I was under the impression that, when two appellate courts rule inconsistently, it becomes what's called "ripe" for the SCOTUS to take up. And that pending their determination the constitutional status of the law is undecided. You're saying this is incorrect, right?

I didn't say SCOTUS wouldn't take the case... In fact, I believe they will...

My comments are only that 0bamacare has technically been ruled unconstitutional and those participating states are within their rights to tell the 0bama administration to pound salt...

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