Breaking News: Comey Put Classified Information In His Private Memos (He's Going Down)

Comey is a Crooked Hillary stooge! Mueller, another swamp rat, needs to be investigated also. No more Swamp Rats Lives Matter bullshit. Prosecute these scumbags.
Story is breaking everywhere.

It’s pretty clear that James Comey is a lying conniver and political hack, he deserves to be charged and prosecuted.

BUSTED! Comey’s Private Memos on Trump Conversations Contained Classified Information

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material
Steve's threads die fast: "It was also unclear when the documents were shown to Congress whether the information deemed "secret" or "confidential" was classified at the time Comey wrote the memos or determined so afterwards, the sources said."
A director of the FBI backstabbing a POTUS, LEAKING information on private meetings with a POTUS to a newspaper, trying to hide this by having someone else hand off the memos to the newspaper, is that the type of unethical person who should be leading the FBI?
Story is breaking everywhere.

It’s pretty clear that James Comey is a lying conniver and political hack, he deserves to be charged and prosecuted.

BUSTED! Comey’s Private Memos on Trump Conversations Contained Classified Information

Comey’s private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material

I keep telling you guys this.....and you probably won't believe me until it happens....

Comey was made head of THE FBI to provide cover for The Obama\Clinton Regime.
Same with Holder & Lynch in the DOJ
Lerner & Koskinen at THE IRS
And Rice at the head of National Security
Brennan and Clapper too.

Remember THE PURGE that occurred when Obama took office? There was a strategic reason for that. It wasn't simply for a matter of political differences.

What was going on inside our Government was a soft "Globalist Marxist" Coup.

Trump threw a monkey wrench in the machine and blew it all up when he was elected.
The Obama Regime Conspired with all of it's "PLANTS" to throw The ELECTION To Clinton, and they failed despite Illegal Wiretapping, Leaking of Classified Information, and Unlawful Unmasking.

Even after losing, they still tried to get TRUMP Impeached even before he was sworn to office. They were THAT DESPERATE, once they knew they could be exposed.

Comey's job, like Lynch's and the others was to engage in cover ups, misinformation and concealment of what they were doing.
Comey botched the job a bit but he still saved Clinton's campaign, and kept her from being prosecuted, but he had to take some questionable actions to do that, and The Obama Regime also engaged in Criminal Acts to try to drag Clinton across The Finish Line.

Trump put a lot of pressure on The Obama Regime and the holdovers during his campaign and after taking office. There is a nationwide voter fraud probe going on that The Left is Obstructing, but studies show The Democrat party Registered so far at least 5.7 Million Illegals to vote.

And Notice how Elections did NOTHING AT ALL about Schultz and Brazille stealing debate questions, rigging debates, staging fake town halls, and engaging in a 24-7 campaign of lies and misinformation? That is because The FEDERAL ELECTIONS COMMISSION is tainted with Obama Plants too.

There was a reason Comey was forced to OUT HIMSELF in order to get his Memos to The Press. He was able to LEAK with Impunity while under The Obama Regime, but things were tightened up once Trump took office. You can only leak so long before people start tracing things to you and your group.

Just the other day another Leaker was caught, and this time someone in THE CIA who was selling information to CHINA. There will be more arrests and less and less leaks.

But Back to Comey....he had to take The Risk, and knew he stood a 50-50 chance of getting caught or prosecuted, but a better chance if he could get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.

Mueller's job is not To Investigate, but to Placate.....the public. He and his Army of Attorneys are THE Clean Up Crew, who can act with impunity, and act outside of The Law, and Outside of the watchful eye of The Trump Administration.

They will completely bury the Crimes of Obama, Clinton and The DNC and the fact they tried to rig THE ELECTION. They will also explain away The so called and never occurred DNC Hack, and they will do this without sharing one shred of evidence with The American Public.

There probably will be a scape goat or two or three, but The DNC, The Democrat Party, Obama will escape Justice and The President will eventually be left alone to carry out his vision for America.

That's the Compromise that will be reached, and it will be Political Theater that would rival a play of William Shakespeare's.
Could be prosecuted for Perjury as well. He testified that no information he passed along was classified.
Could be prosecuted for Perjury as well. He testified that no information he passed along was classified.
If Comey or Rice or any of that group are prosecuted it's because they have promised to keep their mouths shut and Mueller will need a scape goat or two to sell his sweeping The Obama Regime's and The DNC's crimes during The Election under the rug.

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