Breaking News: Gunmen Fire on Iranian Protesters in Tehran; 1 Dead, Others Wounded


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Gunmen Fire on Iranian Protesters in Tehran; 1 Dead

Monday, June 15, 2009 12:55 PM

TEHRAN, Iran -- Gunmen have fired on opposition protesters at a massive march over alleged election fraud, killing at least one person.

An Associated Press photographer saw one person shot dead and several others who appear seriously wounded in Tehran's Azadi Square. The shooting came from a compound for volunteer militia linked to Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard.

The gunfire Monday came after more than 100,000 opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad streamed through Tehran. They were not challenged by security forces despite an earlier ban on rallies for reformist leader Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Disputes over alleged vote rigging in last week's elections have touched off days of rioting in Tehran.

Reuters, meanwhile, reported: Iranian state television is also reporting that shots were fired during the protest rally, Reuters reports. "There has been sporadic shooting out there ... I can see people running here," a reporter of Iran’s English-language Press TV said, according to Reuters. - Gunmen Fire on Iranian Protesters in Tehran; 1 Dead

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