Breaking News: Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin

THE Russian Bank was just showing Jarred all Hillary's acct transactions on her Russian Uranium deal.
Kushner asked Kislyak for 'secret' communications channel with Kremlin
The impact on the Trump Presidency?...


His entire circle and Trump himself are all as guilty as fuck. The guy and the republican party is working with russia.
I don't know about the Republican Party, but, given Flynn... given Sessions... there is cause for at least a bit of suspicion about the GOP...
Why? There's no fking crime
I know right? Republicans going after Hillary Clinton for over 30 years and still no fking crime.

Trump on the other hand, not only is his Trump Foundation under criminal investigation, they have already admitted to wrongdoing.

And now, it seems Jarad wanted secret communications with Russia I guess to bypass emails.
THE Russian Bank was just showing Jarred all Hillary's acct transactions on her Russian Uranium deal.
What are you talking about? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was in charge of any uranium deal, not the State Department. Tell me you knew that.
Let's make sure we understand. The Trump Campaign turned Trump Administration worked to set up secret communications channels between the Trump Administration and the Russian Government.

Now, this may not be illegal if they worked to do the same thing between the US and Brazil and the US and Canada.

But if it were only between Trump and the Russian government, then it's an entirely different ball of wax.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 [Clinton] emails that are missing," Trump said at a press conference. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let's see if that happens. That'll be nice."
Some people call that a joke.

Do you want me to look up joke for you, dumb-ass?
Russian Ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin.

Kushner Reportedly Asked For Secret Communications Channel With Kremlin - WAPO

That doesn't sound good. Breaking on CNN and MSNBC. Reportedly, even Kislyak was taken aback by such a request.
Got to be false plant on the part of the Ruskies.
Or another MSM fabrication cause the Ambassador never made any such comments. They'll have to claim it from surveillence and once again they'd be comitting a crime being Jarred at the time was a civilian.
Report: Jared Kushner Had Undisclosed Contacts With Russian Envoy
Confirmed by seven current and former U.S. officials.

Translation: Head advisor to U.S. President had contacts with top officials to countries around the world like all head advisors, so that he could actually do his job of advising the president. This included the #2 superpower. And how is it that FORMER US officials know anything about this???

Undisclosed Contacts

Translation: They were not disclosed until somebody asked about them, then they were disclosed!

Kushner has much to answer for.

You have ham salad coming out of your ears.
THE Russian Bank was just showing Jarred all Hillary's acct transactions on her Russian Uranium deal.
What are you talking about? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission was in charge of any uranium deal, not the State Department. Tell me you knew that.

Don't be naive, back door deals go on all the time with corrupt politicians.
Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, involving the transfer of U.S. uranium reserves to the new Russian owners of an international mining operation in exchange for $145 million in donations to
the Clinton Foundation which accepted contributions from nine individuals associated with Uranium One totaling more than $100 million.
More from the OP link:

Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.

Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. Kislyak said Kushner suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications.

The meeting also was attended by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser.

Wow, just let all that sink in - before concluding just how bizarre and possibly nefarious that is.
The new Washington Post story is astonishing, even for a Trump administration that is full of inexperienced, unqualified, traitorous buffoons. This is truly the beginning of the end of the Trump administration. Not even the traitorous Repugs in Congress can ignore this story.....well......uh.......never mind.

Seriously, how stupid can this Kushner guy be? Yeah, this traitor is new to the government and to security clearances, but no one can possibly be stupid enough to think they can work in the White House and get away with something like this. Even the Russian ambassador was shocked how stupid and naïve this Kushner guy is, for crying out loud.

Kushner is going to jail. Someone could very well die over this fiasco, possibly Kushner or Flynn or both. It's that bad. And Trump is evil enough and desperate enough to make it happen. There is no way Trump did not know about what Kushner was up to.

Trump must owe the Russian government a ton of money or will benefit financially from the Russians in unprecedented ways. There is no other semi-rational explanation for all of this.
Trump must owe the Russian government a ton of money or will benefit financially from the Russians in unprecedented ways. There is no other semi-rational explanation for all of this.

You must be an escapee from an insane asylum. There is no other rational explanation for your post.

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