Breaking News: Obama Orders Border Patrol To Release Drunk Drivers If Pulled Over (This Is No Joke)

Well, that's not happening here, along the Mexican border. Maybe it's happening along the Canadian border.
Obama isn't here to serve the American citizens. He does more for illegal aliens and radical Muslims than the people of this country. I'm sure many are jealous of the huge tax refunds that illegals will be getting this year, roughly $26,000 each despite not paying any taxes and not using a legal ID and/or Social Security number.

Many criminals here illegally have been caught and released so they can continue their crimes. What has Obama done to protect citizens? Even the measles outbreak might be tied to the flood of illegals, but the media won't talk about that.
As usual, the OP is a lie. So is the headline of the linked article.

Read the link. It concerns liability of federal employees for local crimes.

"...according to an internal government memo that also concedes an officer that elects to detain them is “acting within the course and scope of his employment." There is no order to no detain drunken drivers; this memo addresses whether a border patrol agent who does not detain a drunken driver can be held liable for that driver's actions. "There is no legal requirement for a Border Patrol agent to intervene in a state crime, including DUI,” the order says, adding that “therefore there is generally no liability that will attach to the agent or agency for failing to act in this situation...”
Obama isn't here to serve the American citizens. He does more for illegal aliens and radical Muslims than the people of this country. I'm sure many are jealous of the huge tax refunds that illegals will be getting this year, roughly $26,000 each despite not paying any taxes and not using a legal ID and/or Social Security number.

Many criminals here illegally have been caught and released so they can continue their crimes. What has Obama done to protect citizens? Even the measles outbreak might be tied to the flood of illegals, but the media won't talk about that.

Didn't read the link, didja.

Your post is pure
Are you now convinced this president, a non-natural born citizen constitutionally ineligible to hold the office, is not acting in the best interests of our nation protecting the American citizen?

Border Patrol Ordered to Release Drunk Drivers Allow Them to Go On Their Way - Judicial Watch
So when do we start rounding them up and putting them in camps? Or are the JOOOOOZE more of a pressing threat?

"Nazis for border security unless we're conquering Europe."

Thank God the world can just laugh at you people now.

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