BREAKING NEWS: Obama Too Busy For Netanyahu

If you are Jewish in this country and Vote for this backstabber. You are pretty stupid

I wonder if Jillian will avoid this thread all together....I'm waiting for her to post an explanation of Obama's reasoning....She'll have to wait for the MSNBC talking points first:eusa_eh:
Something is up for true. Harper would not take this action lightly. For those that haven't heard about it, here's a link and part of an article.

Canada closes embassy in Iran, expels Iranian diplomats
Baird says Iran viewed as world's 'most significant threat to global peace and security'

By Laura Payton, CBC News

Canada has suspended diplomatic relations with Iran and is expelling Iranian diplomats from Canada, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced in a statement today.

Speaking to reporters in Russia, where he's attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-Operation summit, Baird said the government is formally listing Iran today as a state sponsor of terrorism under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act.

That will theoretically allow Canadians affected by terrorism supported by the Iranian regime to sue.

Later in the day, Baird added Syria to the list of terror-sponsoring states.

“Canada is committed to fighting global terrorism and to holding perpetrators of terrorism — and those who provide them support — accountable for their actions,” Baird said following a news release that officially added Syria to the list.

“Building resilience against terrorism is a priority for our government, and respect for the rule of law prevails in a resilient society,” added Public Safety Minister Vic Toews.

Earlier Friday, Baird denounced Iran in the strongest possible terms.

"Iran is among the world's worst violators of human rights. It shelters and materially supports terrorist groups," Baird said in a news release announcing the formal terror listing, adding: "Unequivocally, we have no information about a military strike on Iran."

Baird said Canada has closed its embassy in Iran, effective immediately, and declared personae non gratae all remaining Iranian diplomats in Canada. Those diplomats must leave within five days. All Canadian diplomats have already left Iran.

ETA: Canada closes embassy in Iran, expels Iranian diplomats - Politics - CBC News

Will Canada invade Iran?
I'm sure the Iranians don't give a fuck about Canada when they stand their ground against much more powerful nations.

Who the hell says we're going to invade Iran?

Somethings afoot. Don't know what it is yet but to expel all Iranian diplomats and close our embassy means somethings up.

Oh and just a neat aside, a new thriller is coming out called Argo. Canada was intricate in securing safe passage for your hostages in Iran in 1980.

Pretty cool. Looking forward to it.

Ben Affleck struck with timeliness of Iran thriller screening in Canada

By Cassandra Szklarski, The Canadian Press September 8, 2012

TORONTO — The political thriller "Argo" casts new light on a previously secret mission to spirit six U.S. citizens out of Iran, but star and director Ben Affleck says that doesn't diminish the heroic act of the Canadian ambassador who made their escape possible.

Screening at the Toronto International Film Festival, "Argo" is based on the true story of six U.S. diplomats who were snuck out of Iran during the 1980 hostage crisis after being sheltered by Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor.

At the time, Taylor was hailed as a hero while the Canadian government was praised for orchestrating a daring rescue that became known as the "Canadian Caper."

The crucial role of the CIA and some Hollywood filmmakers in making the escape possible was kept classified for nearly two decades, and is the focus of "Argo."

Nevertheless, Affleck says the risky operation would not have been possible without Canada's help.

"Unchanged is that six American lives were in danger and they needed refuge. And there were folks who didn't want to stick their necks out and the Canadians did," Affleck said at a downtown news conference Saturday.

"They said, 'We'll risk ourselves, our diplomatic standing, our lives to harbour these six Americans that we owe nothing to and just because it's the moral, right thing to do.'

"They did it. As a result of that, their lives were saved. That is absolutely unchanged. The fact that (the CIA) was involved does justice and honour to the truth of ... U.S. involvement but none of that would have happened without our friends to the North, so thank you very much."

Ben Affleck struck with timeliness of Iran thriller screening in Canada

[ame=]Netanyahu: Israel will not stand by - YouTube[/ame]
Interesting piece from Dershowitz.

Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz predicted on Tuesday that President Obama’s apparent snub of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will put the critical swing state of Florida at “substantial risk” in the November election and threatens to further ratchet up the likelihood of a military strike against Iran.

“I think that the Democrats are in danger of losing even at this point a majority of the Jewish voters,” asserted Dershowitz in an exclusive interview with Newsmax. “What matters is how many votes they get in Florida. And I think they are putting Florida at substantial risk.”

Dershowitz to Newsmax: Obama

What would happen if Israel attacks Iran?

Iran would strike back and the US economy would take a hit.

Two months before the election, who would that help?

The Reps would step back and say "I didn't punch that doggie".

The Dems aren't that stupid.
Fuck Bibi and his Likud perpetual warmongers. Fuck the End Time Faux Xtians. Obama pushed and got the toughest economic sanctions possible out of Iran. What does Bibi want to tell him that he can't just send a text message about? America should care about American security interests, not the whacko right wing in Israel.
Up on Drudge it's being announced that Obama is confirming a date on Letterman.

Time for Dave and not for Bibi to deal with Iran and nukes.

Yup this fits the "empty chair" to a t. What an asshole!
Up on Drudge it's being announced that Obama is confirming a date on Letterman.

Time for Dave and not for Bibi to deal with Iran and nukes.

Yup this fits the "empty chair" to a t. What an asshole!

Obama is dealing with Iran and nukes. He's done so for quite awhile. I'm ready to forgive Hillary for her stupidity regarding the Iraq war. That team is kicking Iran's ass.

Too bad Obama doesn't play sax.
Hitler loved your relatives....Nazi.

Fuck Bibi and his Likud perpetual warmongers. Fuck the End Time Faux Xtians. Obama pushed and got the toughest economic sanctions possible out of Iran. What does Bibi want to tell him that he can't just send a text message about? America should care about American security interests, not the whacko right wing in Israel.
While it's happened before, it seems a little more significant with Netanyahu's recent plea to the Western world for support in their efforts to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons AND Obama's campaign's recent attempt to snub Israel with their attempted campaign platform.

No link as of yet as this has just been reported but it appears campaigning is trumping Middle Eastern security...

Color me shocked...
from ha'aretz, today:

Netanyahu must set red lines on his malice toward Obama. And soon.
If deadlines are in order, Netanyahu might consider his upcoming U.S. visit as an opportune moment to shut down entirely the verbal centrifuges he has set spinning in attacks on the president.

more at link:

Netanyahu must set red lines on his malice toward Obama. And soon.Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source.
Fuck Bibi and his Likud perpetual warmongers. Fuck the End Time Faux Xtians. Obama pushed and got the toughest economic sanctions possible out of Iran. What does Bibi want to tell him that he can't just send a text message about? America should care about American security interests, not the whacko right wing in Israel.
It's the intolerable Muslims that love war, and death - not the Jews! Solidarity moron!
While it's happened before, it seems a little more significant with Netanyahu's recent plea to the Western world for support in their efforts to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons AND Obama's campaign's recent attempt to snub Israel with their attempted campaign platform.

No link as of yet as this has just been reported but it appears campaigning is trumping Middle Eastern security...

Color me shocked...

Here is a link for you, the campaigner in Chief has not time for a significant ally in this war on terrorism. I can't believe that there would be one Jewish person that would vote to re-elect Obama.

In unusual snub, Obama to avoid meeting with Netanyahu - Yahoo! News



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.. .
Article: Obama won't meet Netanyahu over Iran row -Israeli official
6 hrs ago


WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - In a highly unusual rebuff to a close ally, the White House said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama would not meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a U.S. visit later this month, as tensions escalated over how to deal with Iran's nuclear program
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Up on Drudge it's being announced that Obama is confirming a date on Letterman.

Time for Dave and not for Bibi to deal with Iran and nukes.

Yup this fits the "empty chair" to a t. What an asshole!

Obama is dealing with Iran and nukes. He's done so for quite awhile. I'm ready to forgive Hillary for her stupidity regarding the Iraq war. That team is kicking Iran's ass.

Too bad Obama doesn't play sax.


You're kicking Iran's ass are you?
I think Israel is going to attack Iran just after the election.

That's their business. Reagan sort of turned his back when they attacked Iraq nuke sites. Besides, the douchebag wannabe claims that Russia is our number one foe. I think he finally got around to reading "Red Storm Rising."

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