The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
1 count of obstruction

5 counts of false statements

1 count of witness tampering

Didn't Junior already say he thought he was going to be indicted?
This man is a SNAKE. He coordinated the release of the stolen emails with trump. Let's see how long it takes before he flips on your orange bastard king....
He's not going to flip, he's been promised a pardon
Trump has surrounded himself with miscreants

Now he is claiming to know nothing about it
70% of obama's appointments had issues with taxes and other legal problems they had to clear up first.

no one gave a fuck then.

Your playground deflections of the issues are just pathetic! Invoking Obama who had no real scandal attached to him and his people is well known! They knew if ANYTHING was revealed on them, Republicans who act like rabid dogs pounding the guy over it! They had to resort to making up $#!t just to try and keep him above sainthood compared to Trump! Enjoy this; I know I will seeing these traitorous freaks get their comeuppance one by one! :19: :9: :aargh:

LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them

If Trump could prosecute something legitimate on Obama he would! He's got bupkus! :19: :9: :aargh: :14:
that would explain why obama's DOJ is now in court for spying on reporters.

If that's all you got, I'm relieved! For people to overlook treasonous and "mafia DON" type tactics going on right in front of your faces, you deserve the biggest crash when it all blows up with yet another arrest and indictment! FINE, whatever! Just keep that empty head buried in the fk'n sand! I'm going to be so entertained watching the procession of TRUMP ADMIN. officials going down one by one! All of us will be tainted, not just those criminals! You may deserve it, but not the rest of us! Have fun in your delusions of this man's greatness! He'll go down in history as the worst ever! "Buchannan, you're off the hook!" :1peleas:
i think major news organisations have by now posted spotters on the residencies of several other trump campaign creatures who will face indictments. neither stone's nor manafort's arrests are completely surprising, eh?
Here is a list of the usual responses from pseudocons when defending Crooked Donald. Please post the number to save us all time from having to read the same tired bullshit:

1. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

2. B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!

3. It's not illegal!

4. Who cares?

5. Look! MEXICANS!

So hilarious.

Wow, all this plus threatening someone's family.

Imagine if Democrats didn't control the house.

All this treason would be over. It would be a thing of the past. The president would have gotten off scot free.



Trump is compromised because Russians know everything.

And I mean everything.
Breaking News: Roger Stone was arrested by the FBI Friday morning on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Exclusive: Roger Stone Arrested In Pre-Dawn Raid, Here’s The Truth Behind The Indictment

All based on dreamed up bs lies............. they are coming for you to a.holes that means you Trump haters just wait until they get in on your stupidity you idiots will eat yourselves alive this will be fun

This is the beginning of the end~~

and then you have these idiots doing this bs LOL

CNN Producer Admits He Was “Waiting” Outside Roger Stone’s House an Hour Before Arrest

View attachment 241970
"here's the truth"....:71:
Deleting 33,000 emails is NOT Obstruction of Justice. Refusing to lie for Mueller apparently is.

Mueller and his thugs are The New SS. Only the SS found Jews they could send to the ovens, Mueller cannot find Russian Collusion. He can only generate Manufactured Crimes from anyone being stupid enough to even talk to the asshole.
i think major news organisations have by now posted spotters on the residencies of several other trump campaign creatures who will face indictments. neither stone's nor manafort's arrests are completely surprising, eh?
Especially since these things happen on Fridays a lot. this another nothing hamberder?
Wtf is this ridiculous weaksauce? Taxpayers are funding this bullshit?

I'm betting this blows up in the leftist's faces.
, including:

a. The email from STONE to Person 1 on or about July 25, 2016 that read in part, “Get to [the head of Organization 1] [a]t Ecuadorian Embassy in London and get the pending [Organization 1] emails . . . they deal with Foundation, allegedly.”;

b. The email from STONE to Person 1 on or about July 31, 2016 that said an associate of Person 1 “should see [the head of Organization 1].”;

c. The email from Person 1 to STONE on or about August 2, 2016 that stated in part, “Word is friend in embassy plans 2 more dumps. One shortly after I’m back. 2nd in Oct. Impact planned to be very damaging.”;

d. Dozens of text messages and emails, beginning on or about August 19, 2016 and continuing through the election, between STONE and Person 2 in which they discussed Organization 1 and the head of Organization 1;

e. The email from STONE on or about October 3, 2016 to the supporter involved with the Trump Campaign, which read in part, “Spoke to my friend in London last night. The payload is still coming.”; and

f. The emails on or about October 4, 2016 between STONE and the high-ranking member of the Trump Campaign, including STONE’s statement that Organization 1 would release “a load every week going forward.”

All in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1512(b)(1)

Republicans think conspiracy and traitorous action are "nothing".


Because they love Russia and think Putin is a "great leader".

Russia has what they want.
I'm sure your crystal ball will tell you what you believe is a load of horse shit.

Carry on tree stump dumb.
They're arresting Stone for Wikileaks. LMAO! Yeah, they're not going to be proving that, because that's not how it went down. :71:
And with a stroke from Trump's pardon pen, it all disappears...same as the others. I'm waiting for Mueller to be indicted and arrested for prosecutorial misconduct....he ain't' getting a pardon. Be fun to see Lurch led away in cuffs....I wonder if they'll let him put a coat over them?
Breaking News: Roger Stone was arrested by the FBI Friday morning on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Exclusive: Roger Stone Arrested In Pre-Dawn Raid, Here’s The Truth Behind The Indictment

All based on dreamed up bs lies............. they are coming for you to a.holes that means you Trump haters just wait until they get in on your stupidity you idiots will eat yourselves alive this will be fun

This is the beginning of the end~~

and then you have these idiots doing this bs LOL

CNN Producer Admits He Was “Waiting” Outside Roger Stone’s House an Hour Before Arrest

View attachment 241970
"here's the truth"....:71:

"All based on dreamed up bs lies............. they are coming for you to a.holes that means you Trump haters just wait until they get in on your stupidity you idiots will eat yourselves alive this will be fun"

compelling evidence.
They're arresting Stone for Wikileaks. LMAO! Yeah, they're not going to be proving that, because that's not how it went down. :71:

I agree. All these lefty loons have to have something to cheer about. Even if that something has nothing to do with Trump, Russians or the 2016 elections.

They sure are stupid.
Deleting 33,000 emails is NOT Obstruction of Justice. Refusing to lie for Mueller apparently is.
It's all SO UNFAIR!!!!!! :206:

IDK about "unfair" but it certainly is puzzling and it is annoying how divided this country is at least for me as I have to raise kids in it. And even on this board, logical debates are few and far between. It is unfortuntate.
Breaking News: Roger Stone was arrested by the FBI Friday morning on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Exclusive: Roger Stone Arrested In Pre-Dawn Raid, Here’s The Truth Behind The Indictment

All based on dreamed up bs lies............. they are coming for you to a.holes that means you Trump haters just wait until they get in on your stupidity you idiots will eat yourselves alive this will be fun

This is the beginning of the end~~

and then you have these idiots doing this bs LOL

CNN Producer Admits He Was “Waiting” Outside Roger Stone’s House an Hour Before Arrest

View attachment 241970
"here's the truth"....:71:
After swallowing both both the Buzzfeed and Covington kids lies hook, line, and sinker, it's safe to say that you wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and kicked your ass.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.

what net?...... he is another process crime arrest, a process that only happened because the FBI talked to other underlying crime......

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