Lot's of Russian Trolls showing up in this thread.

Proof that I am dead on correct.
Still waiting for proof that, "Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails."
Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails.

Doesn't Mueller want The Truth?

Mueller can always travel to see Assange, take an official recording of the interview available for others to review, make transcripts to share.....Unlike what he and Comey did with Clinton.

Either way, Mueller needs to interview Assange, even if we have to FORCE HIM TO.

Mueller doesn't want any part of the real truth hence the process crime fest. He's terrified of the real truth. Its quite obvious.
The second Assange testifies, Mueller's Free Ride is Over, and so is his operation to cover up The Obama-Clinton COUP attempt.
Fool, he can't testify without showing up in the US, where he'll be subject to arrest, and he ain't gonna do that without US Marshalls hauling him onto an airplane in chains. LOL
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know that's my first thought.

However, is it legal for someone to testify via internet from another nation?

I don't know. I don't recall that has ever been done. People can and have testified via phone in a US court but the person was in the US. Not a foreign nation.

If he can't testify via phone or internet then he will have to come to the US and I don't see that happening since he will be arrested the minute he steps on US soil.
Keep your DOPer

All roads end at the MOB Boss....
View attachment 242048

The question is, willl VP Dence go to jail first?

As Mueller can indict VP Dence.
Please don't masturbate in this forum. We don't want to watch.
Keep your DOPer hope up. I see your winning. You seem. I guess,
to be a Nixion voter as well.

'Longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone has been indicted by a grand jury on charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. He was arrested by the FBI Friday morning, his lawyer tells CNN.

Stone is indicted on seven counts, including one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
Law enforcement raided Stone's house, and CNN witnessed uniformed and armed law enforcement approach his house just after 6 a.m. ET in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Pounding on his door, one agent said: "FBI. Open the door."

Stone opened the door.'

FBI arrests Roger Stone - CNNPolitics

Thoughts? can you say Lee Harvey Oswald? sirhan sirhan,james early ray? total frameup obviously.

View attachment 242060

Roger Stone on Twitter

like i just said,can you say Lee Harvey Oswald? Sirhan Sirhan,James Early Ray?
This fuels up the Trump 2020 campaign that’s for sure.

Are you sure about that?
62% of Americans say President Donald Trump has been untruthful about the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.
http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/i/today/z_creative/181489 NBCWSJ December Poll (12-16-18 Release).pdf
Poll of Polls show Trump at 41% approval, 55.6% disapproval, which leads to -14.6 spread.
This site also has a graph of Trump's pattern of going down.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Considering all the Trump fear ads about the Wall and Trump telling his supporters to vote like he was on the ballot in the Midterms, led to a 8% spread in favor of the Dems in the election, despite a heavy turnout. Things don't look too rosy, because Trump's popularity has plunged downwards since the Midterms.
But, keep the faith, bro.
Oh great, now you show a democrat inflated poll. You fake news bots keep spinning.
NBC/WSJ polls have an A- rating from 538.

But its really more simple than that. Take for example when Trump said he had no dealings in russia or any business in russia. We've found out he's had plenty of business in Russia, moscow tower etc.
"Moscow Tower etc" nothing, dumbass. No deals were signed, so Trump told the truth.
Trump has said he has never has done business with Russians.
"In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," Trump Jr. said during a conference in New York in 2008.
Who is lying, Donald or Donald Jr.?
Who is lying? The one who reported Donald Jr saying something he never said.
Short and Sweet, Moscow Mueller is an idiot who just laid a trap for himself. He has repeatedly refused calls for him to take a sworn under oath statement from Assange who has repeatedly offered to perform such a service for We The People.

Assange will assert what he has asserted all along, that Seth Rich with the help of Kim.com uploaded Podesta, and Clinton's Racist, Corrupt and Bigoted emails to Wikileaks before he was murdered.

Kim.com has also repeatedly offered to testify to this fact, but Moscow Mueller will not hear it. Now he may be forced to.

Here is my warning to people like Comey, McCabe, Strozk et al.

Proverbs 5:21-23

21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and the Lord watches all his paths.

22 The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his own sin entangle him.

23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.

Wow. That bible quote applies to Trump perfectly.

Here's another one for you:

For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. - Romans 16:18



WWE Divas eh?
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know that's my first thought.

However, is it legal for someone to testify via internet from another nation?

I don't know. I don't recall that has ever been done. People can and have testified via phone in a US court but the person was in the US. Not a foreign nation.

If he can't testify via phone or internet then he will have to come to the US and I don't see that happening since he will be arrested the minute he steps on US soil.

I am sure he can provide a written sworn statement.
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know that's my first thought.

However, is it legal for someone to testify via internet from another nation?

I don't know. I don't recall that has ever been done. People can and have testified via phone in a US court but the person was in the US. Not a foreign nation.

If he can't testify via phone or internet then he will have to come to the US and I don't see that happening since he will be arrested the minute he steps on US soil.
How about let Assange testify under oath via Skype? The Oath can be given at The Ecuador Embassy, and Assange's Testimony can be LIVE on National TV for THE ENTIRE NATION AND THE ENTIRE WORLD TO WITNESS!

Seth Rich deserves to be hailed as a Patriot which is what Assange has been telling everyone all along. Seth Rich died for his Country that he loved!

Seth Rich Died For The Truth!

Seth Rich Died As A Martyr For America!

The Treason of Mueller, and Comey and their Comrades need to be exposed, and Assange can do this for The American People in one Fatal Blow and give Seth Rich the honor he deserves for the sacrifice he made for his country and WE THE PEOPLE!
You had to go back 10 years to find that lame-assed example?
yeah, no need for that. We can just look back to the election, when Trump was lying to the American people about his dealings with Russians. Imagine...trump amd Putin, in on the truth, while the American people are lied to...fascinating...
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know that's my first thought.

However, is it legal for someone to testify via internet from another nation?

I don't know. I don't recall that has ever been done. People can and have testified via phone in a US court but the person was in the US. Not a foreign nation.

If he can't testify via phone or internet then he will have to come to the US and I don't see that happening since he will be arrested the minute he steps on US soil.
How about let Assange testify under oath via Skype? The Oath can be given at The Ecuador Embassy, and Assange's Testimony can be LIVE on National TV for THE ENTIRE NATION AND THE ENTIRE WORLD TO WITNESS!

Seth Rich deserves to be hailed as a Patriot which is what Assange has been telling everyone all along. Seth Rich died for his Country that he loved!

Seth Rich DIed For The Truth!

Seth Rich Died As A Martyr For America!

The Treason of Mueller, and Comey and their Comrades need to be exposed, and Assange can do this for The American People in one Fatal Blow.
Still waiting for proof that, "Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails."

Ecuador is ready to boot the marxist Assange from their embassy. It appears he is a total slob, and exercises incredibly poor hygiene. He reeks to high heaven and won't bathe.

Typical of greasy, stinking marxists the world over.
You cannot have someone testify remotely. There would be nothing stopping them from committing perjury while safely outside the jurisdiction.
if there is a god in heaven........ please PLEASE do it. if assange comes to the US, it's all over for him too.

I know that's my first thought.

However, is it legal for someone to testify via internet from another nation?

I don't know. I don't recall that has ever been done. People can and have testified via phone in a US court but the person was in the US. Not a foreign nation.

If he can't testify via phone or internet then he will have to come to the US and I don't see that happening since he will be arrested the minute he steps on US soil.
How about let Assange testify under oath via Skype? The Oath can be given at The Ecuador Embassy, and Assange's Testimony can be LIVE on National TV for THE ENTIRE NATION AND THE ENTIRE WORLD TO WITNESS!

Seth Rich deserves to be hailed as a Patriot which is what Assange has been telling everyone all along. Seth Rich died for his Country that he loved!

Seth Rich DIed For The Truth!

Seth Rich Died As A Martyr For America!

The Treason of Mueller, and Comey and their Comrades need to be exposed, and Assange can do this for The American People in one Fatal Blow.
Still waiting for proof that, "Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails."

Ecuador is ready to boot the marxist Assange from their embassy. It appears he is a total slob, and exercises incredibly poor hygiene. He reeks to high heaven and won't bathe.

Typical of marxists the world over.

He'll clean up with waterboarding. (joke)
Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails.

Doesn't Mueller want The Truth?

Mueller can always travel to see Assange, take an official recording of the interview available for others to review, make transcripts to share.....Unlike what he and Comey did with Clinton.

Either way, Mueller needs to interview Assange, even if we have to FORCE HIM TO.

Mueller doesn't want any part of the real truth hence the process crime fest. He's terrified of the real truth. Its quite obvious.
The second Assange testifies, Mueller's Free Ride is Over, and so is his operation to cover up The Obama-Clinton COUP attempt.
Fool, he can't testify without showing up in the US, where he'll be subject to arrest, and he ain't gonna do that without US Marshalls hauling him onto an airplane in chains. LOL

Why are you afraid of Assange and what he has to say?
Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails.

Doesn't Mueller want The Truth?

Mueller can always travel to see Assange, take an official recording of the interview available for others to review, make transcripts to share.....Unlike what he and Comey did with Clinton.

Either way, Mueller needs to interview Assange, even if we have to FORCE HIM TO.

Mueller doesn't want any part of the real truth hence the process crime fest. He's terrified of the real truth. Its quite obvious.
The second Assange testifies, Mueller's Free Ride is Over, and so is his operation to cover up The Obama-Clinton COUP attempt.
Fool, he can't testify without showing up in the US, where he'll be subject to arrest, and he ain't gonna do that without US Marshalls hauling him onto an airplane in chains. LOL

Why are you afraid of Assange and what he has to say?
Still waiting for proof that, "Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails."
Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails.

Doesn't Mueller want The Truth?

Mueller can always travel to see Assange, take an official recording of the interview available for others to review, make transcripts to share.....Unlike what he and Comey did with Clinton.

Either way, Mueller needs to interview Assange, even if we have to FORCE HIM TO.

Mueller doesn't want any part of the real truth hence the process crime fest. He's terrified of the real truth. Its quite obvious.
The second Assange testifies, Mueller's Free Ride is Over, and so is his operation to cover up The Obama-Clinton COUP attempt.
Fool, he can't testify without showing up in the US, where he'll be subject to arrest, and he ain't gonna do that without US Marshalls hauling him onto an airplane in chains. LOL

Why are you afraid of Assange and what he has to say?
Still waiting for proof that, "Assange has been in negotiations to try to get Mueller to give him temporary immunity so he can testify to The Truth that Seth Rich gave him Podesta's Emails."

Why do you hate Seth Rich, and why are you afraid of Assange?

Seth Rich is an American Martyr, and Julian Assange has proof of that.
Let's hear it.

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