I am wondering if Stone is going to dig up dirt Mueller and his team (and maybe their families).
If Stone's Lawyers are smart, all they have to do is request Kim.com, and Julian Assange as witnesses for The Defense. Mueller has been avoiding Assange like The Bubonic Plague.

Boy, you Russians are dumber than dumb. Assange is hiding out in the Equadorian Embassy to avoid extradition to the United States. So good look with calling Assange as a witness!!
If Mueller really wanted to talk with Assange then he would go where he is. Get a deposition and record the conversation.

The fact that he doesn't want to speak with Assange speaks volumes to anyone with a working brain cell.
What's he gonna do? Stand by the gate and throw pebbles at his window?

How stupid are you? Never mind. I've read your previous posts

How stupid are you. Assange already said he'd speak with Mueller. All Mueller has to do is go where Assange is.

Ain't rocket science.
I watched his news conference. Chants of lock him up made it hard for him to speak. Crazy times.
No one is afraid of Assange. I'm sure Mueller would love to be the one to slap the cuffs on the begrimed marxist fuck.
If Mueller really wanted to talk with Assange then he would go where he is. Get a deposition and record the conversation.

The fact that he doesn't want to speak with Assange speaks volumes to anyone with a working brain cell.
What's he gonna do? Stand by the gate and throw pebbles at his window?

How stupid are you? Never mind. I've read your previous posts

How stupid are you. Assange already said he'd speak with Mueller. All Mueller has to do is go where Assange is.

Ain't rocket science.
Assange has never said he was willing to speak to Mueller.

He said last year he was willing to speak to the House fake investigation. The Republicans failed to accept.
Claudette thinks Mueller is spelled SCHIFF

I guess rocket science doesn't extend to reading and spelling
Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

You should hurry up and assure him of that before he wastes any money on an expensive lawyer he doesn’t need. :lol:
If Mueller really wanted to talk with Assange then he would go where he is. Get a deposition and record the conversation.

The fact that he doesn't want to speak with Assange speaks volumes to anyone with a working brain cell.
What's he gonna do? Stand by the gate and throw pebbles at his window?

How stupid are you? Never mind. I've read your previous posts

How stupid are you. Assange already said he'd speak with Mueller. All Mueller has to do is go where Assange is.

Ain't rocket science.
The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
Another process crime
instead of tackling this question, you morons whine about CNN filming that scumbag stone being arrested.

way to shine light on your priorities.


They don't care at all that stone was a major part of conspiring with russia to throw the election so that trump would win the 2016 election. They don't care that trump and his campaign were conspiring with a foreign adversary who was in the process of a cyber attack on our nation and our democratic institutions.

They care that the press was able to video the arrest.

It's incredible.

That's a fantasy. Even if everything douchebags like say about Stone is true, it wasn't against the law. There was no conspiracy. There isn't a smidgen of evidence for one. You people are fucking delusional.

Then you haven't read the indictment.

You really should read it. I've read it, you're the one in a fantasy world.

brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!
If this guy lied to Congress, well too bad that's illegal.

You do have to wonder why liberals aren't angry about other liberals who have lied to Congress and not been charged.

Just kidding, no one wonders why that is.
Comey stated outright that Hillary lied to Congress.
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

And by “this kind of shit,” you mean indicting people for lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice.
instead of tackling this question, you morons whine about CNN filming that scumbag stone being arrested.

way to shine light on your priorities.


They don't care at all that stone was a major part of conspiring with russia to throw the election so that trump would win the 2016 election. They don't care that trump and his campaign were conspiring with a foreign adversary who was in the process of a cyber attack on our nation and our democratic institutions.

They care that the press was able to video the arrest.

It's incredible.

That's a fantasy. Even if everything douchebags like say about Stone is true, it wasn't against the law. There was no conspiracy. There isn't a smidgen of evidence for one. You people are fucking delusional.

Then you haven't read the indictment.

You really should read it. I've read it, you're the one in a fantasy world.

I've seen it discussed ad nauseum on the news. Yeah, if Mueller can make the process crimes stick, those are against the law, though I doubt he can, but Stone hasn't committed any crimes with any of his election related activities. Talking to Julian Assange is not a crime. Knowing about the emails before Assange published them is not a crime.

However, the Mueller charges look like total bullshit to me.

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