Roger has the Trump haters trembling with anger. Love it.
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Trump has WON

The 3 week time gets Barr confirmed and him prove blackmail with unequal Justice by mueller

The 3 week time pours in all of trumps tax cuts with big tax refund checks and gives the back pay to the shutdown people

Together in 3 weeks the economy will explode upwards to teach the unwise that the deep state was indeed their enemy
Wut?? You think we’re angry Stone was indicted???


This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
"Trump tweets about Roger Stone raid, "Who alerted CNN to be there?" Just think! If you were president, you could haul the FBI director's ass into the Oval Office and ask him yourself." - Coulter
If anyone was in the least afraid of Assange, he wouldn't be holed up in Bolivia's London embassy. LOL
He is holed up in the Embassy because they are afraid of him. So are you.

It's a little harder just to assassinate people these days unless you are Obama and Clinton and can hire Al Queda in a Foreign Country like Libya to do it for you.
brothers and sisters, the claim of Russian collusion is a politically motivated fairy tale!

It literally says in the Stone indictment that there was no Russian collusion. If there was then why was he charged with trying to get ahold of the emails.

Which is what everyone was trying to do.
This nothingburger indictment stunt just backfired.

Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
Why would he do that when he was in direct contact with the Russian hacker?
This is my prediction: Stone will call Assange as a Witness for his defense

Short and Sweet, Moscow Mueller is an idiot who just laid a trap for himself. He has repeatedly refused calls for him to take a sworn under oath statement from Assange who has repeatedly offered to perform such a service for We The People.

Assange will assert what he has asserted all along, that Seth Rich with the help of uploaded Podesta, and Clinton's Racist, Corrupt and Bigoted emails to Wikileaks before he was murdered. has also repeatedly offered to testify to this fact, but Moscow Mueller will not hear it. Now he may be forced to.

Here is my warning to people like Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strozk et al.

Proverbs 5:21-23

21 For a man’s ways are before the eyes of the LORD, and the Lord watches all his paths.

22 The iniquities of a wicked man entrap him; the cords of his own sin entangle him.

23 He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own great folly.
Oh yeah that's brilliant. Have a known Russian stooge as your witness. This is your advice. I guess since it is free advice, Stone will get the advice he paid for.
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Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
Why would he do that when he was in direct contact with the Russian hacker?

Actually Cooked Hillary was the one to have "direct contact" with Russian agents. Which makes a good conversation on who's to blame for framing Roger Stone. Your mindless jargon is pointing out the Clinton's behind all of this framing.
Robert Mueller will not convict ONE SINGLE PERSON of RUSSIAN COLLUSION, and a lot of petty shit he is trying to pin on people now will end up the same way this Shitstain's other cases did, with The Taxpayer paying compensation in the 100s of millions of dollars to his victims for violating their Civil Rights and Due Process, manufacturing evidence, and other Procedural Infractions.

Process Crimes are frequently overturned on appeals, and Mueller historically has been incompetent, shady, and just can't seem to ever follow procedure, or deal honestly in a case.

He is just one of a long line of losers, butt-hurt DemNazis have held up as a false Messiah to dishonestly try to storm The White House with.

And he'll be a huge disappointment like the 500 losers before him.
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Another one of Trumps confidantes has had his collar felt. I am not sure if we are in to double figures yet. But it must surely be causing some angst for the President.

He must be wondering how this has happened. How have these characters let him down ?

Elected on a promise to clear the swamp the last thing he needed was a bunch of rascals running around,behind his back, and breaking the law.

He will be wondering how they were able to do this without him finding out. It must be devastating for a Godly man to find himself in the midst of a nest of thieves like this. Maybe he should not have been so trusting ?
Nothing will happen to him.

Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
Why would he do that when he was in direct contact with the Russian hacker?

Actually Cooked Hillary was the one to have "direct contact" with Russian agents. Which makes a good conversation on who's to blame for framing Roger Stone. Your mindless jargon is pointing out the Clinton's behind all of this framing.

That’s not a “Russian agent,” it’s Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. What crime does your conservative brain claim he committed?
Good example why this was all conspired by the Fake News and definitely the Clinton's revenge. CNN gets in direct contact with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Wouldn't Larry King and CEO's of CNN be held accountable for having direct contact with Assange? When Roger Stone had no contact as much as CNN ever got.

But the Fake News put this under the rug. For it's Trump hating sheeple to fool each day.
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

And by “this kind of shit,” you mean indicting people for lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice.

The evidence for that is nonexistent. Mueller told numerous lie in the indictment, like the claim the Assange "stole" emails from the DNC. There isn't a shred of evidence for that.

In the case of Popodopolous it meant not remembering something he said weeks earlier.

Mueller is a thug. Finding evidence of collusion is not what he's doing. His only agenda is getting the President by any means possible. When he's under Barr's thumb, his reign of terror will be over.
Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
Why would he do that when he was in direct contact with the Russian hacker?

Actually Cooked Hillary was the one to have "direct contact" with Russian agents. Which makes a good conversation on who's to blame for framing Roger Stone. Your mindless jargon is pointing out the Clinton's behind all of this framing.

That’s not a “Russian agent,” it’s Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. What crime does your conservative brain claim he committed?

So you admit it's a Russian.
Either he flips and tells Mueller how trump directed the entire conspiracy...or he goes to jail...Pretty simple really.

Too late for a Pardon...and even if there was one....his right to plead the 5th Amendment...will be gone.
Even worse for Stone, the indictment states a “senior Trump campaign official” was directed to contact Stone about the hacked emails. The list of names of those who could direct a “senior Trump campaign official” is very short. Extremely short.

Stone is being defiant for the moment and will likely not reveal who was directed to contact him, of more importantly, who directed the “senior Trump campaign official.”

To break his defiance, I imagine Mueller is going to throw the proverbial book at him to persuade him to name names. Stone is looking at a very long prison sentence unless he gives up that name.
Did he use bleach bit?
Why would he do that when he was in direct contact with the Russian hacker?

Actually Cooked Hillary was the one to have "direct contact" with Russian agents. Which makes a good conversation on who's to blame for framing Roger Stone. Your mindless jargon is pointing out the Clinton's behind all of this framing.

That’s not a “Russian agent,” it’s Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister. What crime does your conservative brain claim he committed?
She's obviously colluding with the Russians.
According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
imagine if they found messages from Russia telling him to keep the government closed.
Mueller could be fired within the coming months after this publicity stunt.
Once Barr becomes AG, this kind of shit will end. It's improper, and Barr won't allow it. That's why it happened now. It's Mueller's last chance to persecute innocent people.

And by “this kind of shit,” you mean indicting people for lying to federal investigators and obstructing justice.

The evidence for that is nonexistent. Mueller told numerous lie in the indictment, like the claim the Assange "stole" emails from the DNC. There isn't a shred of evidence for that.

In the case of Popodopolous it meant not remembering something he said weeks earlier.

Mueller is a thug. Finding evidence of collusion is not what he's doing. His only agenda is getting the President by any means possible. When he's under Barr's thumb, his reign of terror will be over.
”like the claim the Assange "stole" emails from the DNC.”


The indictment states no such thing, ya fucking moron. It says Assange released emails “stolen by others.”


Do you ever post anything that isn’t fucking moronic?

According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.

The real question is will they demos keep the shutdown going for being so stupid not to vote for what they voted for twice already

The real question is: what?

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