This was all about sensationalism, and giving the DemonRAT LAP DOG MSM, a video to replay ad nauseam all day today and THROUGH THE WEEKEND..... just like the Manafort arrest the FBI should have, and could have had Stones lawyer bring him in for the bullshit arrest as he posed NO FLIGHT RISK and having a few dozen agents armed to the teeth is simply overkill. Stone has never been arrested and this is truly s travesty of justice!
what are you fucking babbling about?

This was an indictment. That's how the system works
Moron, that is NOT how the system works...it IS how it is done for the MEDISA which just happened to be there to record [email protected] ABNORMALS. Can't point out where the RUSSIAN COLLUSION IS!!
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Stone once said the word Russia. Therefore, he needs to rot in jail for 100 years, at least.

Hillary, on the other hand, can commit treason, go free and still complain about losing the election.

There is nothing wrong with contacting Julian Assange. The only thing Roger Stone did that might be wrong was trying to deny contacting Assange. The Mueller witch hunt for the mythical Russian unicorn should be ended.
I can hear it now, “I don’t know Mr. Stone very well. He sometimes brought me my covfefe and hamberders.”

Stone has known for some time he would most likely face multiple indictments

For all of the TrumpDoubters, this story is also over @ Faux Nuwz
Roger Stone indicted on several charges as part of Mueller’s Russia collusion probe

from WIKI:
Stone's political career began in earnest on the 1972 Nixon campaign, with activities such as contributing money to a possible rival of Nixon in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance – then slipping the receipt to the Manchester Union-Leader. He also hired a spy in the Hubert Humphrey campaign who became Humphrey's driver. According to Stone, during the day he was officially a scheduler in the Nixon campaign, but "By night, I'm trafficking in the black arts. Nixon's people were obsessed with intelligence."[37] Stone maintains he never did anything illegal during Watergate.[36]

After Nixon won the 1972 presidential election, Stone worked for the administration in the Office of Economic Opportunity. After Nixon resigned, Stone went to work for Bob Dole, but was later fired after columnist Jack Anderson publicly identified Stone as a Nixon 'dirty trickster'.[38]

In 1975, Stone helped found the National Conservative Political Action Committee, a New Right organization that helped to pioneer independent expenditure political advertising.[39]

In 1976, he worked in Ronald Reagan's campaign for president. In 1977, at age 24, Stone won the presidency of the Young Republicans in a campaign managed by his friend Paul Manafort; they had compiled a dossier for each of the 800 delegates that gathered, which they called "whip books".[40]


You don't cut off the tail of the snake, you cut off the head but before you cut off the head you need to chop off a few of the lesser heads, first

Paul Manafort, American Hustler
Now, if Trump were smart, he would have maintained his distance......plausible deniability

But not Crooked Donnie. While Stone was doing his dirty work with WikiLeaks......Trump was boasting that something big was coming on Hilary
Watching the video is disheartening. Whether he is guilty or not he is not a psychopathic killer. Sending storm troopers and multiple cameras from a progressive socialist cable TV network seems like the ultimate propaganda. This man could have been arrested by a couple of agents in a more private setting. You guys are missing the point about tyranny.

It shows how scared the shadow govt is and are working in collusion with progressive liberal news to excess.
This was all about sensationalism, and giving the DemonRAT LAP DOG MSM, a video to replay ad nauseam all day today and THROUGH THE WEEKEND..... just like the Manafort arrest the FBI should have, and could have had Stones lawyer bring him in for the bullshit arrest as he posed NO FLIGHT RISK and having a few dozen agents armed to the teeth is simply overkill. Stone has never been arrested and this is truly s travesty of justice!
what are you fucking babbling about?

This was an indictment. That's how the system works
Moron, that is NOT how the system works...it IS how it is done for the MEDIS, which just happened to be there to record [email protected] ABNORMALS. Can't point out where the RUSSIAN COLLUSION IS!!

Thats right and there was no collusion in there.
Mueller .. he's quite the tallywacker...

I figure he's placating his abundance of Democratic Party investigators/lawyers..
Mueller believes Stone was the guy who got the hacked emails to Wikileaks. He wouldn't have indicted him if he didn't think he had enough evidence. What he really wants is to know how much Trump knew and how involved he was. And if I'm right, this investigation is NOT going to be finished in March.

:eusa_think: So Stone leaks emails factual emails on from the DNC and Hillary working with the FBI leaks a fake Russian dossier to the media on TRUMP and Stone is the one who is getting arrested...:wtf:

Nice seeing you around Hellokitty.... :)
If nothing more comes out at least cheaters like manafort got caught. What gives some rich guy the right to cheat on their taxes? How unpatriotic.
Manafort had charges dropped on this case years ago and Mueller was the one who dropped them originally!
Manafort had charges dropped on this case years ago and Mueller was the one who dropped them originally!


Manafort was convicted of 9 out of 10 charges just a few months ago. He's in JAIL
so a shutdown that is now historically long in duration is now staying this way not because people are stupid and hardheaded adult "children" but because we need OF ALL THINGS THESE DAYS - a distraction.

yea, that's it.
Well if he cooked his books to save a penny then he got what he deserves. These Uber wealthy shouldn't be treated any differently than the average janitor.
Mueller and FBI are closing in on Trump and his criminal friends. I wouldn't be surprised if Don Jr or Kushner is next to get arrested.
This is getting real simple. Just arrest and indict every one associated with Trump, and we'll solve this whole mess. Pick up all his friends, associates and family members. They are just like a mafia family. A RICO indictment would clean up the whole mob! Bigly!!!

View attachment 241943
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.[/QUOTE

Trump has surrounded himself with miscreants

Now he is claiming to know nothing about it
70% of obama's appointments had issues with taxes and other legal problems they had to clear up first.

no one gave a fuck then.
Manafort had charges dropped on this case years ago and Mueller was the one who dropped them originally!


Manafort was convicted of 9 out of 10 charges just a few months ago. He's in JAIL
Learn to read, moron or get a 5 year old to explain that Mueller had these charges on him years ago and decided NOT to prosecute him then!...
"the higher you get on the flagpole, the more people can see your ass" - Roger Stone quoting Arlen Specter

the more exposure you get, the more the chances are that what is exposed is your ass. a political mistake is like a fart, sometimes you have to step away, as Nixon once told Stone.

lay low, play dumb, keep moving. these were the rules of life for Lee Atwater
This is getting real simple. Just arrest and indict every one associated with Trump, and we'll solve this whole mess. Pick up all his friends, associates and family members. They are just like a mafia family. A RICO indictment would clean up the whole mob! Bigly!!!

View attachment 241943
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.[/QUOTE

Trump has surrounded himself with miscreants

Now he is claiming to know nothing about it
70% of obama's appointments had issues with taxes and other legal problems they had to clear up first.

no one gave a fuck then.

Your playground deflections of the issues are just pathetic! Invoking Obama who had no real scandal attached to him and his people is well known! They knew if ANYTHING was revealed on them, Republicans would act like rabid dogs pounding the guy over it! They had to resort to making up $#!t just to try and keep him above sainthood compared to Trump! Enjoy this; I know I will seeing these traitorous freaks get their comeuppance one by one! :19: :9: :aargh:
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This is getting real simple. Just arrest and indict every one associated with Trump, and we'll solve this whole mess. Pick up all his friends, associates and family members. They are just like a mafia family. A RICO indictment would clean up the whole mob! Bigly!!!

View attachment 241943
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.[/QUOTE
Yup. Who cares a major Hillary fundraiser has had two male Prostitutes end up dead in his basement from drug overdoses. No indictments BTW. We need to find out how WIKILEAKS torpedoed Hillary in 2016. Nevermind the fact that two IT specialists from Pakistan who left the country to escape arrest were working on the DNCs unsecured computers.

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