Stone has known for some time he would most likely face multiple indictments

For all of the TrumpDoubters, this story is also over @ Faux Nuwz
Roger Stone indicted on several charges as part of Mueller’s Russia collusion probe

from WIKI:
Stone's political career began in earnest on the 1972 Nixon campaign, with activities such as contributing money to a possible rival of Nixon in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance – then slipping the receipt to the Manchester Union-Leader. He also hired a spy in the Hubert Humphrey campaign who became Humphrey's driver. According to Stone, during the day he was officially a scheduler in the Nixon campaign, but "By night, I'm trafficking in the black arts. Nixon's people were obsessed with intelligence."[37] Stone maintains he never did anything illegal during Watergate.[36]

After Nixon won the 1972 presidential election, Stone worked for the administration in the Office of Economic Opportunity. After Nixon resigned, Stone went to work for Bob Dole, but was later fired after columnist Jack Anderson publicly identified Stone as a Nixon 'dirty trickster'.[38]

In 1975, Stone helped found the National Conservative Political Action Committee, a New Right organization that helped to pioneer independent expenditure political advertising.[39]

In 1976, he worked in Ronald Reagan's campaign for president. In 1977, at age 24, Stone won the presidency of the Young Republicans in a campaign managed by his friend Paul Manafort; they had compiled a dossier for each of the 800 delegates that gathered, which they called "whip books".[40]


You don't cut off the tail of the snake, you cut off the head but before you cut off the head you need to chop off a few of the lesser heads, first

Paul Manafort, American Hustler
Now, if Trump were smart, he would have maintained his distance......plausible deniability

But not Crooked Donnie. While Stone was doing his dirty work with WikiLeaks......Trump was boasting that something big was coming on Hilary
You have to love the smell of Trumpist desperation in the morning. The tried and true Hillary deflection is out in force. Stone deserved to get arrested. Only someone who does not give a shit for the election integrity of this nation would try to halt an investigation into foreign interference in our election process. Trumpers should grow up instead of acting like mindless lemmings. Let the Investigation roll on. If Stone is found guilty of the charges send him away for a long time.
heh - again your bias reeks. you're not after "justice" you're after "Revenge" of some kind and then calling it justice.

you act just like the very people you insult but since in your mind you do it for "justice/revenge" - it's ok. but if they do it for the same reason, they're lemmings.

irony. it's so ironic.
The FBI stormed the house. Evidently, they wanted to get their hands on documents and data before Stone destroyed it.

I wonder how many Trump rats escaped out of Roger's back door.

The net is closing on Donald Trump.

Next is Bossie and Conway I suspect. Also Nigel Farage is Trump backer in the UK.
Because backing Trump over the toxic douche nozzle is a criminal act
Where are the Russia collusion connections? The charges are all chikin shit like for Flynn. Mueller spent $50m for process crimes?! WTF?? Popadope got 2-weeks, WOW, big crimes...Lets see the fucking report already...or is it a big nothingberder....
Robert Mueller has a passion for ham. – The Special Counsel’s office nabbed itself another ham sandwich in the dark of night, arresting former Trump adviser (prior to the 2016 election campaign) Roger Stone with CNN’s cameras conveniently present for the festivities. Funny how that works, huh?

The 66 year-old Stone, who is one of the most recognizable people in America at this point and not any sort of flight risk at all, was arrested at his home as FBI agents pounded on his door shouting “FBI! Open the door!” as they would if they were playing Elliot Ness in a Hollywood-produced film. Stone, after opening the door, was naturally taken away in handcuffs.

The arrest of Stone on a variety of process crimes having nothing to do with any “collusion” with anyone from Russia comes after 20 months of a Mueller-led rectal exam into every facet of his life. The obviously-coordinated media event also conveniently comes in the wake of recent releases of transcripts of the congressional testimonies of a series of FBI/DOJ anti-Trump cabal participants like Lisa Page and James Baker which contained revelations of all sorts of violations of law and process committed as part of the efforts to get Trump during 2016 and 2017. You know, actual news that CNN couldn’t be bothered to report.

Timing is everything if you’re a Special Counsel.

Stone was charged with a series of terrible-sounding process crimes like “obstruction of justice” (as if this Mueller and his band of Clinton/Obama shills were engaged in any sort of pursuit of actual “justice”), “witness tampering” and “lying to congress”, all of which sound great when trumpeted by the news-fakers at CNN. But God help him if he ever screwed up on a tax return, because at the end of the day all these other charges will almost certainly fall away and that is what he’ll end up going to jail for.

Just another day in the pursuit of “justice” by the American Gestapo.

DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon
How will Roger be diminished?

Papadopoulos was just a coffee boy aka senior foreign advisor...

Manafort was just his Campaign manager for a very short time....

Cohen was just a small fry lawyer for him...
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According to televised news reporting Stone is charged with witness tampering, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice.

I suspect this will affect Donald's handling of the shutdown. He'll probably use it aa distraction, continue yelling at democrats. The smarter thing would be to end the shutdown, to distract by claiming a victory.
I think the Mueller investigation arrested Stone as a distraction from the shutdown.

Everyone knows Mueller has a long law enforcement career of distracting people from pretty political theater.
Mueller has a long history of accusing the wrong guy.
This is just harassment by the former administration against anyone who knows Donald Trump.
It's a coverup.
from the indictment document:

On or about May 21, 2018, Person 2 wrote in an email to STONE, “You should have just been honest with the house Intel committee. . .you’ve opened yourself up to perjury charges like an idiot.”
STONE responded, “You are so full of[expletive]. You got nothing.Keep running your mouth and I’ll file a bar complaint against your friend [the attorney who had the ability to contact
the head of Organization 1].”

LOL, previously STONE wrote other nice emails to Person 2, e.g. : You are a rat. A stoolie. You backstab your friends -run your mouth my lawyers are dying Rip you to shreds.”
STONE also said he would “take that dog away from you,” referring to Person 2’s dog.

Mueller .. he's quite the tallywacker...

I figure he's placating his abundance of Democratic Party investigators/lawyers..
Mueller believes Stone was the guy who got the hacked emails to Wikileaks. He wouldn't have indicted him if he didn't think he had enough evidence. What he really wants is to know how much Trump knew and how involved he was. And if I'm right, this investigation is NOT going to be finished in March.

:eusa_think: So Stone leaks emails factual emails on from the DNC and Hillary working with the FBI leaks a fake Russian dossier to the media on TRUMP and Stone is the one who is getting arrested...:wtf:
It appears that Mueller is nearing the head of the snake.
Accusations mean nothing if they are based on lies.
And you can lie to yourself about all of this all you want, but Mueller is only doing one thing, providing cover for Obama and Hillary by tying up the evidence. In the process he is obstructing justice and destroying evidence. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Mueller has been arrested for obstruction, tampering with witnesses, and destruction of evidence.

"Accusations mean nothing if they are based on lies."

Oh, so now you claim that James Comey lied when he said Hillary committed numerous crimes?
Comey said this, and then claimed that no prosecutor would press charges.
So do me a favor and STFU.
no, i claim that the whole trump campaign succeeded on lies about hillary. and you are wallowing in it.
Which lies?
Nobody said they were lies. They just are pissed that the truth came out
The FBI stormed the house. Evidently, they wanted to get their hands on documents and data before Stone destroyed it.

I wonder how many Trump rats escaped out of Roger's back door.

The net is closing on Donald Trump.

Next is Bossie and Conway I suspect. Also Nigel Farage is Trump backer in the UK.
Because backing Trump over the toxic douche nozzle is a criminal act

Trump has become the biggest loser ever. Trump couldn't make a deal to save his life.
How will Roger be diminished?

Papadopoulos was just a coffee boy aka senior foreign advisor...

Manafort was just his Campaign manager for a very short time....

Mr. Papadopoulos was only made a "senior foreign advisor" because Mr. Trump was told he "needed" someone with the title to be taken seriously as everyone else who ran for President had such titles.

So he distributed the titles and Mr. Papadopoulos, a low ranked campaign operative got a high sounding title.

This, BTW, is common in industry. My contact and broker at Schwab taking care of my account there has the title of "Vice President" in the international securities firm, even though he doesn't even have the authority to stock his office with alcohol. When I brought a big check down to him a couple of years ago, he didn't even have booze to offer me.
This is getting real simple. Just arrest and indict every one associated with Trump, and we'll solve this whole mess. Pick up all his friends, associates and family members. They are just like a mafia family. A RICO indictment would clean up the whole mob! Bigly!!!


Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.[/QUOTE

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