Time to change lynching laws to include fbi and the education system.. democrats are everywhere now
You have to love the smell of Trumpist desperation in the morning. The tried and true Hillary deflection is out in force. Stone deserved to get arrested. Only someone who does not give a shit for the election integrity of this nation would try to halt an investigation into foreign interference in our election process. Trumpers should grow up instead of acting like mindless lemmings. Let the Investigation roll on. If Stone is found guilty of the charges send him away for a long time.
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They need yet another fake news story in the hopes of burying yet another of their Hollywood Heroes getting arrested for molesting kids.
Reported on MSNBC.
When you have a tried and tested tactic of creating crimes out of interrogations which is an arrest without probable-cause, Mueller feels he can abuse American's civil rights with impunity.
They'll accuse him of lying to the FBI officially, and try to pressure him so he flips and gives them something on Trump.

When did you join Black Lives Matter?

The net is closing in on Donald Trump as his associates fall one by one.

Next, we will hear bleating and squealing from the decrepit liar Rudi Giuliani, followed by inane tweets bleating and squealing from Donald Trump.

Donald Junior and Jared Kushner are next.
Trump and Pence Resign in Disgrace

Pelosi Becomes President, Selects Ocasio-Cortes as Vice President

< What the hell, let's go for broke!>
They need yet another fake news story in the hopes of burying yet another of their Hollywood Heroes getting arrested for molesting kids.
Roger Stone being arrested by the FBI on charges of witness tampering, obstruction, false statements and more is "fake news"?

Do you think this was just staged for the cameras and that he is currently enjoying a cappuccino on the beach?
It appears that Mueller is nearing the head of the snake.

"We've got him now!:" #333,901,146

Take away Mueller's bottomless pockets he can use to intimidate and extort witnesses with, limit him to what his victims can afford and then we'll see if he runs around indicting people at random trying to extort perjured testimonies from them by ruining them and their families financially.. And why no disclosures of Mueller's Russian 'investments' by the MSM ?
Looks like Mueller is gathering up Trump's inner circle to charge that he instructed them all to break the law.

Yeah, that would be illegal.

Stone has known for some time he would most likely face multiple indictments

For all of the TrumpDoubters, this story is also over @ Faux Nuwz
Roger Stone indicted on several charges as part of Mueller’s Russia collusion probe

from WIKI:
Stone's political career began in earnest on the 1972 Nixon campaign, with activities such as contributing money to a possible rival of Nixon in the name of the Young Socialist Alliance – then slipping the receipt to the Manchester Union-Leader. He also hired a spy in the Hubert Humphrey campaign who became Humphrey's driver. According to Stone, during the day he was officially a scheduler in the Nixon campaign, but "By night, I'm trafficking in the black arts. Nixon's people were obsessed with intelligence."[37] Stone maintains he never did anything illegal during Watergate.[36]

After Nixon won the 1972 presidential election, Stone worked for the administration in the Office of Economic Opportunity. After Nixon resigned, Stone went to work for Bob Dole, but was later fired after columnist Jack Anderson publicly identified Stone as a Nixon 'dirty trickster'.[38]

In 1975, Stone helped found the National Conservative Political Action Committee, a New Right organization that helped to pioneer independent expenditure political advertising.[39]

In 1976, he worked in Ronald Reagan's campaign for president. In 1977, at age 24, Stone won the presidency of the Young Republicans in a campaign managed by his friend Paul Manafort; they had compiled a dossier for each of the 800 delegates that gathered, which they called "whip books".[40]


You don't cut off the tail of the snake, you cut off the head but before you cut off the head you need to chop off a few of the lesser heads, first

Paul Manafort, American Hustler
They need yet another fake news story in the hopes of burying yet another of their Hollywood Heroes getting arrested for molesting kids.
Roger Stone being arrested by the FBI on charges of witness tampering, obstruction, false statements and more is "fake news"?

Do you think this was just staged for the cameras and that he is currently enjoying a cappuccino on the beach?

Yes it is, and you know it, too; we all know it.

Your stupid attempts at trying to bullshit everybody you're some sort of 'moderate' is a big failure. You're just another parrot like all the rest of your Prrty shills and deviants . Find another gimmick.
Still no Russian collusion, eh?
That is the point. There is no Russian collusion.. People's lives are ruined over Mueller-manufactured crimes. This is indicting people in look for a crime.

This is a witch hunt and when it's over, I hope President Trump pardons all of them, except Cohen.
Your stupid attempts at trying to bullshit everybody you're some sort of 'moderate' is a big failure. You're just another parrot like all the rest of your Prrty shills and deviants . Find another gimmick.
That lie is addressed in the second line of my sig.

I asked you a question to which you responded "yes", before going drama queen.

So you really think this arrest didn't even happen.

Absolutely fascinating.
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