Breaking News: Supreme Court Has Chosen Not To Hear Any Of The 7 Marriage Equality Cases.

You are entertaining us, Pop. Keep it up. :lol:

Pop is one of those folks who have delusions of adequacy.
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
Oh! I know that. I just want one of these idiots to admit it out loud. I want them to admit that they are so ignorant, uneducated, stupid, and paranoid that they actually believe that homosexual is communicable, like an STD, or something.

I want one of these gay-hating bigotted dumbasses to have to actually move beyond their bumper-sticker rhetoric, and explain for the world to see how absolutely mind-numbingly stupid they actually are.

It does not surprise me, however, that when challenged to actually clarify their rhetoric with something of substance, they simply tuck their cowardly little tails between their legs, run away, and hide, ignoring the question, hoping the big mean progressive will just go away so that they can come back another day, and spew their same ignorant bullshit as if it actually means something.

AND, I want to see a single same sex coupling create a child.

Oh, how silly of me to point out the unique difference between demographic groups

Sorry bout dat
And what does that have to do with the meaningless "...protect themselves, their families and their own children." from Katzanddogz post? It would seem that you're just trying to change the subject so that none of you have to admit that this is just meaningless, empty rhetoric. And to do it you're back to "if you can't procreate, you don't count" bullshit. I'm sure all of the sterile, and infertile heterosexual couples out there will be happy to know you think so little of them.
What facts are you referencing? The Reconstruction amendments were created to protect the freedmen from local laws. Its a fact. It was not intended to be a foot in the door for things like gay marriage.
:bsflag:yup...and marriage was supposed to mean "between a man and a woman", even though it never said that until you guys shat yourselves over the "faggoes" getting married.

Marriage still means between a man and a woman.

Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.
People who care will just have to learn how to protect themselves, their families and their own children. Learn different ways of conducting your businesses. Choose friends more wisely. Pay more attention to your children's friends.
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
Oh! I know that. I just want one of these idiots to admit it out loud. I want them to admit that they are so ignorant, uneducated, stupid, and paranoid that they actually believe that homosexual is communicable, like an STD, or something.

I want one of these gay-hating bigotted dumbasses to have to actually move beyond their bumper-sticker rhetoric, and explain for the world to see how absolutely mind-numbingly stupid they actually are.

It does not surprise me, however, that when challenged to actually clarify their rhetoric with something of substance, they simply tuck their cowardly little tails between their legs, run away, and hide, ignoring the question, hoping the big mean progressive will just go away so that they can come back another day, and spew their same ignorant bullshit as if it actually means something.

AND, I want to see a single same sex coupling create a child.

Oh, how silly of me to point out the unique difference between demographic groups

Sorry bout dat
And what does that have to do with the meaningless "...protect themselves, their families and their own children." from Katzanddogz post? It would seem that you're just trying to change the subject so that none of you have to admit that this is just meaningless, empty rhetoric. And to do it you're back to "if you can't procreate, you don't count" bullshit. I'm sure all of the sterile, and infertile heterosexual couples out there will be happy to know you think so little of them.

What do you have against the reproductively disabled and Roe V Wade?

Are you thinking that same sex couples are disabled?

Masturbating by a same sex couple can't create life, just sticky sheets
:bsflag:yup...and marriage was supposed to mean "between a man and a woman", even though it never said that until you guys shat yourselves over the "faggoes" getting married.

Marriage still means between a man and a woman.

Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

I hate always having to finish your sentences.

And between siblings, parents and children and plural partners.

Good job dood!
:bsflag:yup...and marriage was supposed to mean "between a man and a woman", even though it never said that until you guys shat yourselves over the "faggoes" getting married.

Marriage still means between a man and a woman.

Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

It is when it comes to most churches, synagogues, temples, etc.

But I'm sure, much as with the 2nd amendment and the 10th amendment, when you progressives get around to it you won't let a small thing like the 1st amendment stop you from forcing people to accept your views on morality, or become pariahs and outcasts.
Incest is banned for very good reasons, dumb ass.

Not anymore, procreation had no place in marriage, remember

You folks crack me up. Create an argument, then called on it.......

No one ever said "procreation had no place in marriage." Your are making shit up. Why don't you start talking out your mouth instead of your ass.

It's part of the argument

I know, a bit to deep for someone who agrees that anyone should be allowed to marry anyone else. That is the LGBTQLMNOP argument. But but wait........
It's part of the argument that lost, dumb ass. It was not part of the argument that won. The pro liberty folks are not arguing that procreation has no place in marriage. They are arguing that marriage does not require procreation between the partners. Do you understand the difference?

You finally get it !

Good on you

So the argument applies to incestuous marriage.

Knew you'd come around
Here's a reality check for you pops. I was always on board with incestuous marriage. What is your problem with it, exactly? Why do you give so much as a single flying fuck who anyone else marries? How does that affect you in even the tiniest little bit?
Marriage still means between a man and a woman.

Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

I hate always having to finish your sentences.

And between siblings, parents and children and plural partners.

Good job dood!
Yup. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults, I don't give so much as a single flying fuck who is marrying whom. What I don't understand is why you care so much about the behavior of people you have never met. Is your life really so boring, and empty that you feel the need to stick your nose into everyone elses?
Not anymore, procreation had no place in marriage, remember

You folks crack me up. Create an argument, then called on it.......

No one ever said "procreation had no place in marriage." Your are making shit up. Why don't you start talking out your mouth instead of your ass.

It's part of the argument

I know, a bit to deep for someone who agrees that anyone should be allowed to marry anyone else. That is the LGBTQLMNOP argument. But but wait........
It's part of the argument that lost, dumb ass. It was not part of the argument that won. The pro liberty folks are not arguing that procreation has no place in marriage. They are arguing that marriage does not require procreation between the partners. Do you understand the difference?

You finally get it !

Good on you

So the argument applies to incestuous marriage.

Knew you'd come around
Here's a reality check for you pops. I was always on board with incestuous marriage. What is your problem with it, exactly? Why do you give so much as a single flying fuck who anyone else marries? How does that affect you in even the tiniest little bit?

So what your saying is society has no right to interfere in ANYTHING, except of course forcing a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding.

That's consistency for ya.
You are creating the incest argument by inferring there is some slippery slope

But wouldn't it make a certain degree of sense that when people go on and on about having something crammed down their throats that it is only a short step from that to their offering up their slippery slope?

Their imagery is awfully telltale, isn't it?
Yeppers, and always will
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

I hate always having to finish your sentences.

And between siblings, parents and children and plural partners.

Good job dood!
Yup. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults, I don't give so much as a single flying fuck who is marrying whom. What I don't understand is why you care so much about the behavior of people you have never met. Is your life really so boring, and empty that you feel the need to stick your nose into everyone elses?

Another admission by your side that you don't give a crap about what this leads too as long as you get state sanctioned leg humping.

Again, good job dood
I know you're not going to actually answer this. After all, none of you right-wing hacks ever do, but here it goes.

What, precisely, do you have to protect yourself, your family, and your children from? What threat, exactly, does marriage equality present to you, and your family?

You morons keep spewing that stupid rhetoric, but whenever you're asked for clarification, you all just shut the fuck up, and pretend the question was never asked.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
Oh! I know that. I just want one of these idiots to admit it out loud. I want them to admit that they are so ignorant, uneducated, stupid, and paranoid that they actually believe that homosexual is communicable, like an STD, or something.

I want one of these gay-hating bigotted dumbasses to have to actually move beyond their bumper-sticker rhetoric, and explain for the world to see how absolutely mind-numbingly stupid they actually are.

It does not surprise me, however, that when challenged to actually clarify their rhetoric with something of substance, they simply tuck their cowardly little tails between their legs, run away, and hide, ignoring the question, hoping the big mean progressive will just go away so that they can come back another day, and spew their same ignorant bullshit as if it actually means something.

AND, I want to see a single same sex coupling create a child.

Oh, how silly of me to point out the unique difference between demographic groups

Sorry bout dat
And what does that have to do with the meaningless "...protect themselves, their families and their own children." from Katzanddogz post? It would seem that you're just trying to change the subject so that none of you have to admit that this is just meaningless, empty rhetoric. And to do it you're back to "if you can't procreate, you don't count" bullshit. I'm sure all of the sterile, and infertile heterosexual couples out there will be happy to know you think so little of them.

What do you have against the reproductively disabled and Roe V Wade?

Are you thinking that same sex couples are disabled?

Masturbating by a same sex couple can't create life, just sticky sheets
I have nothing against the "reproductively disabled". HYou're the one that keeps making the entire "proper" purpose of marriage procreation. Who said anything about being disabled. You also just dismissed anyone who has ever had a hysterectomy, or vasectomy.

Well done dood.
No one ever said "procreation had no place in marriage." Your are making shit up. Why don't you start talking out your mouth instead of your ass.

It's part of the argument

I know, a bit to deep for someone who agrees that anyone should be allowed to marry anyone else. That is the LGBTQLMNOP argument. But but wait........
It's part of the argument that lost, dumb ass. It was not part of the argument that won. The pro liberty folks are not arguing that procreation has no place in marriage. They are arguing that marriage does not require procreation between the partners. Do you understand the difference?

You finally get it !

Good on you

So the argument applies to incestuous marriage.

Knew you'd come around
Here's a reality check for you pops. I was always on board with incestuous marriage. What is your problem with it, exactly? Why do you give so much as a single flying fuck who anyone else marries? How does that affect you in even the tiniest little bit?

So what your saying is society has no right to interfere in ANYTHING, except of course forcing a baker to make a cake for a gay wedding.

That's consistency for ya.
Society has no right to interfere in anything that does not involve me depriving you of your rights. That is correct.
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

I hate always having to finish your sentences.

And between siblings, parents and children and plural partners.

Good job dood!
Yup. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults, I don't give so much as a single flying fuck who is marrying whom. What I don't understand is why you care so much about the behavior of people you have never met. Is your life really so boring, and empty that you feel the need to stick your nose into everyone elses?

Another admission by your side that you don't give a crap about what this leads too as long as you get state sanctioned leg humping.

Again, good job dood
I don't. I don't give two shits what people I have never met do with each other. They have no affect on my whatsoever. You still haven't explained why you do. Why do you feel that you have a right meddle in the private decisions of complete strangers whom you have never met, and will never meet? Seems to be kind of intrusive, if you ask me.
First I don't feel this way... but having grown up with parents like Katz... I can easily explain.

What they are talking about is they don't want their children and grandchildren's minds being corrupted by gay talk, gay walk, gay acts, gay people, gay children, gayness, ... They want their children to brought up in an environment washed of all gayness. They see a gay guy on the TV and they get angry that the networks have to put a gay person on every TV show. They hear about a gay marriage and they cringe thinking that couple might move in next door and ruin the neighborhood.
Oh! I know that. I just want one of these idiots to admit it out loud. I want them to admit that they are so ignorant, uneducated, stupid, and paranoid that they actually believe that homosexual is communicable, like an STD, or something.

I want one of these gay-hating bigotted dumbasses to have to actually move beyond their bumper-sticker rhetoric, and explain for the world to see how absolutely mind-numbingly stupid they actually are.

It does not surprise me, however, that when challenged to actually clarify their rhetoric with something of substance, they simply tuck their cowardly little tails between their legs, run away, and hide, ignoring the question, hoping the big mean progressive will just go away so that they can come back another day, and spew their same ignorant bullshit as if it actually means something.

AND, I want to see a single same sex coupling create a child.

Oh, how silly of me to point out the unique difference between demographic groups

Sorry bout dat
And what does that have to do with the meaningless "...protect themselves, their families and their own children." from Katzanddogz post? It would seem that you're just trying to change the subject so that none of you have to admit that this is just meaningless, empty rhetoric. And to do it you're back to "if you can't procreate, you don't count" bullshit. I'm sure all of the sterile, and infertile heterosexual couples out there will be happy to know you think so little of them.

What do you have against the reproductively disabled and Roe V Wade?

Are you thinking that same sex couples are disabled?

Masturbating by a same sex couple can't create life, just sticky sheets
I have nothing against the "reproductively disabled". HYou're the one that keeps making the entire "proper" purpose of marriage procreation. Who said anything about being disabled. You also just dismissed anyone who has ever had a hysterectomy, or vasectomy.

Well done dood.

You have a very limited idea of my argument, but why try to convince someone who supports incestuous marriage. And don't try to run from it, you said you don't give a crap who sleeps with who.

You are dismissed czeesehead
Well, as of now that is no longer the case in 35 out of 50 states. So, apparently it won't "always"...

Politicians can't change reality no matter how hard they try.
actually reality changes reality. When same sex marriage is accepted in all 50 states, guess what that means? That marriage is no longer between just a man and a woman, no matter how much you wish it were.

I hate always having to finish your sentences.

And between siblings, parents and children and plural partners.

Good job dood!
Yup. As long as all parties involved are consenting adults, I don't give so much as a single flying fuck who is marrying whom. What I don't understand is why you care so much about the behavior of people you have never met. Is your life really so boring, and empty that you feel the need to stick your nose into everyone elses?

Another admission by your side that you don't give a crap about what this leads too as long as you get state sanctioned leg humping.

Again, good job dood

This leads to nothing more than you and your ilk having to respect others' rights as they do yours.

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