BREAKING: OANN Offers $100,000 for Information on Seth Rich Murder — Total Reward up to $245,000


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
It's only a matter of time before we get to the truth of this crime that will implode the Democrat party from within. This reward by OANN-One America News Network will hopefully be an enticement for someone to come forward with information.

Seth Rich was the Wikileaks leaker of the DNC email database is indicated by:

1. Julian Assange has all but said it outright. The only reason he won’t do that is their policy of not officially identifying sources. He put a reward out to catch the killer.

2. The former UK ambassador who works with Wikileaks said he met Seth Rich in a DC park regarding leaking documents.

3. Kim Dotcom said he was in direct communication with Seth Rich and that Seth Rich was the leaker.

The above are first-hand witnesses. When the Dems say there is no evidence that Seth Rich was the leaker, they want you to overlook that.

And we have the circumstancial evidence:

1. The DNC refuses to let their email server be examined by the FBI. If the FBI were not so corrupt under Comey, they would have gotten a warrant and simply seized it. This is supposed to be a national security matter of the highest importance involving Russian government hackers, yada yada yada. The obvious implication is that if honest FBI agents did a forensic examination they would identify downloads of the email file by Seth Rich.

2. Former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler contacted his old buddies in the DC police department to look into the murder and instead of calling him back they tipped off DNC chair and crooked cheater Donna Brazile who immediately called the Rich family and told them to get Wheeler to stand down.

3. The Dems set their attack dogs like Media Matters on the highest alert to go after anyone on any media platform who discusses the Seth Rich murder, and even attack companies advertising on any media show that mentions the case.

4. The counterclaim, that Russia hacked the emails, is supported by no evidence but rather an ‘analysis’ by CIA guys who were hand-picked by former CIA Director and political uber-hack John Brennan.

So what gives? All of this over a botched robbery? Lol....I don't think so!
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You believe people that profit off hearsay, yet you deny the statements from the parents and their private investigator.
Anything to divert from the current investigations of the fat senile old orange clown and his traitorous minions.
Breaking Update

FBI Memo Reveals Seth Rich Had DNC Documents On Laptop

FBI Memo Reveals Seth Rich Had DNC Documents On Laptop - BAM

Read this folks and scroll down
Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) on Twitter
Yeah that's real evidence there..
Let's use some common sense here. If people believe this was a simple "street robbery gone south", they're wrong. Criminals talk a good game with the old, "snitches get stiches" bullshit but the fact is somebody by now would've called the police and reported something for as little as $20,000 had this been an actual robbery by street thug's. Now at $245,000.00, if information doesn't come in hours or days then it would seem pretty obvious that either these "robbers" were the most solemn in history or something else is afoot. I choose the latter.
How many presidents have known about forty deaths, eleven of those murders, 15 suicides, and 5 plane crashes? And all of them under the age of 60 (except McDougal?) and some of them about to testify against them?

Irony? Could be. Coincidences? Maybe. All of these people were alive and healthy until the became involed with the Clintons. Twenty deaths had nothing to do with Clinton?...shrugging my shoulders...but all of them had nothing to do with the Clinton's. Likely not.
BTW, there was one death where the deceased was decapitated. It was called a "natural death!" Another was a bullet in the back of the head and called a suicide. Conflicting evidence on some. "Still under investigation on others.
BTW, there was one death where the deceased was decapitated. It was called a "natural death!" Another was a bullet in the back of the head and called a suicide. Conflicting evidence on some. "Still under investigation on others.
Then stop supporting LEO's and the judicial system..

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