Breaking! Obama is going to release the most dangerous terrorists on the planet


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012

Breaking! Obama is going to release the most dangerous terrorists on the planet, and the Shocker is that it's NOT Hillary Clinton!

One of Obama’s ‘accomplishments’ has been to release as many Muslim terrorists as possible from the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, before his term finally ends in January.

This idiot has released some of the most dangerous terrorists on the planet and most of them have gone right back to their murderous ways.

Now, Obama’s parole-style board has cleared for release a “forever prisoner” that American intelligence officials have determined to have at least one relative who served as an al-Qaeda recruiter and can help him re-engage in terrorist activities.

Edwin Mora at Breitbart reports that the latest exit from the facility comes as the race to empty out the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, heads into its final stretch. It brings the number of detainees who could be liberated by the time President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated to 22 of the 59 captives still held at the Guantánamo facility, commonly known as Gitmo.

Although 27 of the detainees have been deemed “forever prisoners,” or too dangerous to release, it is clear that that does not prevent Obama’s multi-agency Periodic Review Board (PRB) from liberating them.

The Obama administration has released indefinite detainees in the war on terror in the recent past. According to the Miami Herald, the remaining 10 Gitmo detainees “are in war crimes proceedings at military commissions, six of them death-penalty tribunals.”

In its December 8 decision to release Yemeni Yassin Qasim Muhammad Ismail Qasim, 37.
Good for him, you elected the most dangerous idiot on the planet so while not equal at least interesting.

"The clearest warning sign is the ascent of anti-democratic politicians into mainstream politics. Drawing on a close study of democracy’s demise in 1930s Europe, the eminent political scientist Juan J. Linz designed a “litmus test” to identify anti-democratic politicians. His indicators include a failure to reject violence unambiguously, a readiness to curtail rivals’ civil liberties, and the denial of the legitimacy of elected governments.

Mr. Trump tests positive. In the campaign, he encouraged violence among supporters; pledged to prosecute Hillary Clinton; threatened legal action against unfriendly media; and suggested that he might not accept the election results."

"Mr. Trump is not the first American politician with authoritarian tendencies. (Other notable authoritarians include Gov. Huey Long of Louisiana and Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin.) But he is the first in modern American history to be elected president. This is not necessarily because Americans have grown more authoritarian (the United States electorate has always had an authoritarian streak). Rather it’s because the institutional filters that we assumed would protect us from extremists, like the party nomination system and the news media, failed."

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