BREAKING: Obama Knew Where US #ISIS Hostages Were Being Held But Refused to Act (Video)

Even George war bush finally admited there were no WMDs that were going to turn us into "a mushroom cloud" as he put it in his October 7th, pack of lies speech to scare people.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.

So you let Saddam, continue to push his nuclear program.... just like the Manchurian muslim is letting Iran get the nuke! Freedom isn't free boy!

He didn't have a nuclear program to speak of. He was lying to keep Iran at bay.. We killed a lot of our guys to atone for bush's folly and right wingers who hate Muslims.

Have you forgotten ALL the Democrats that voted for the War, 126 of the 207! Unlike Obuma attacking Libya WITHOUT Congress behind him, Bush had the majority of the DemocRATS behind him!
Wish george war bush had waited awhile.

So that the WMD that was in Iraq could have been turned into nukes,,,,good call!

Even George war bush finally admited there were no WMDs that were going to turn us into "a mushroom cloud" as he put it in his October 7th, pack of lies speech to scare people.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.
No he didn't he clearly stated that if Saddam was allowed to get rid of the sanctions he would make a nuke in a short time. But do keep lying.
So that the WMD that was in Iraq could have been turned into nukes,,,,good call!

Even George war bush finally admited there were no WMDs that were going to turn us into "a mushroom cloud" as he put it in his October 7th, pack of lies speech to scare people.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.
No he didn't he clearly stated that if Saddam was allowed to get rid of the sanctions he would make a nuke in a short time. But do keep lying.

Read his war speech from the oval office, 10/7/2002.. It is called the 'mushroom clould speech/lie" and along with the lies they made Colin Powell tell, led us to defeat in Iraq.
So through some twist of logic and reason some idiot here thinks WMD in Iraq justifies letting Americans die, because Obama is paralyzed from acting?
Even George war bush finally admited there were no WMDs that were going to turn us into "a mushroom cloud" as he put it in his October 7th, pack of lies speech to scare people.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.

So you let Saddam, continue to push his nuclear program.... just like the Manchurian muslim is letting Iran get the nuke! Freedom isn't free boy!

He didn't have a nuclear program to speak of. He was lying to keep Iran at bay.. We killed a lot of our guys to atone for bush's folly and right wingers who hate Muslims.
He was a couple years away from a nuke and maintained his scientists that were working on it before the sanctions, further he maintained the critical equipment and facilities to return to active research as soon as France, Russia and China lifted sanctions. And THAT is what Bush told the Country.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.

So you let Saddam, continue to push his nuclear program.... just like the Manchurian muslim is letting Iran get the nuke! Freedom isn't free boy!

He didn't have a nuclear program to speak of. He was lying to keep Iran at bay.. We killed a lot of our guys to atone for bush's folly and right wingers who hate Muslims.

Have you forgotten ALL the Democrats that voted for the War, 126 of the 207! Unlike Obuma attacking Libya WITHOUT Congress behind him, Bush had the majority of the DemocRATS behind him!

They relied on info from the bush administration.
So through some twist of logic and reason some idiot here thinks WMD in Iraq justifies letting Americans die, because Obama is paralyzed from acting?

Obama was hardly paralized. He didn't want to get more folks killed. You guys would of lynched him for that. He has more guts than all you piss ants combined.
Bush NEVER claimed Saddam had nukes nor that he was going to get them tomorrow. What he did claim and was proven by captured documents was that as soon as the embargo and sanctions were lifted he would return to working on them and he maintained his crew to do so. Further documents prove that France, China and Russia were working to lift the sanctions by that Autumn.

UN oil-for-food program was corrupt executive - The Globe and Mail

The idiot son claimed if we didn't try to bomb Iraqis into peace, we could become a "mushroom cloud." The implication was not some date far off in future... The idiot son got more of our guys killed there than died on 9/11, not to mention the maimed and innocent Iraqis.

So you let Saddam, continue to push his nuclear program.... just like the Manchurian muslim is letting Iran get the nuke! Freedom isn't free boy!

He didn't have a nuclear program to speak of. He was lying to keep Iran at bay.. We killed a lot of our guys to atone for bush's folly and right wingers who hate Muslims.
He was a couple years away from a nuke and maintained his scientists that were working on it before the sanctions, further he maintained the critical equipment and facilities to return to active research as soon as France, Russia and China lifted sanctions. And THAT is what Bush told the Country.

Yet he and 150,000 soldiers searching under every rock found doodly. You guys crack me up.. The idiot son couldn't even find enough evidence to lie about having found WMDs.
So through some twist of logic and reason some idiot here thinks WMD in Iraq justifies letting Americans die, because Obama is paralyzed from acting?

Obama was hardly paralized. He didn't want to get more folks killed. You guys would of lynched him for that. He has more guts than all you piss ants combined.

Yes your probably right, we would have killed more people. Obama has no guts, just a very large ego.
To obola these were white guys with no personal ties to terrorists. He wanted them to die. That's why he ran off to play golf and giggle.
OP- RW horse patoot. They didn't know where they were, tried one rescue but intel was wrong ZZZZZZZZ
Change the channel and note that no real media gives a fuq about RW fantasies
It just gets BETTER and BETTER with this Regime!

New evidence confirms Obama’s delayed response once again cost American lives.
Two Americans were beheaded after the Obama administration refused to act.

American journalist James Foley was kidnapped and held for two years. Foley was beheaded by ISIS in August.
** ISIS Is Holding At Least Four More American Hostages.
Obama’s refusal to act resulted in the brutal death of two Americans.
The White House knew for several weeks where the US hostages were being held. But Obama failed to act......

BREAKING Obama Knew Where US ISIS Hostages Were Being Held But Refused to Act Video The Gateway Pundit

Wish george war bush had waited awhile.

So that the WMD that was in Iraq could have been turned into nukes,,,,good call!

You do know there was 550 TONS of yellowcake there, don't you?

It's tiring to try to inform the brainwashed. They're hopeless. Hopefully they stay home tomorrow too.
THought this thread was about Obama knowing about the whereabouts of the hostages before they were beheaded!

Obama is such a waste. I hope he apologized to the family. That's right. He did..on his way to the first tee.
I believe he is the worse as he doesn't give a damn about our laws and rather we remain a world power. Things that I never thought possible have happened under this piece of shit....Us being NUMBER TWO to china and the downgrade of our credit.

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