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Breaking: Obama Makes WW2 Japanese Internment Camp National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America

Damn. This is just humiliating, what America did to the Japanese internees was ...evil, we never should have gone there. We didn't lock up Italians or people of German Ancestry. A lot of us might have ended up there too.

Simply not true. You can say that ONLY through your history, wherein the US prevailed in that WORLD WAR.

You cannot say that with any degree of certainty, where you cannot recognize what the decision to NOT intern foreign nationals and those sympathetic to those foreign nationals and those foreign nations with whom we were AT ACTUAL WAR ... could easily have turned into.

Which is ironic, given that you HAVE lived through nearly TWENTY YEARS of WAR, because the US did not intern those who sympathize with OUR ENEMIES... costing the lives of THOUSANDS of US Troops and the good health and sanity of TENS OF THOUSANDS MORE.

There should be right now... Internment camps ALL OVER the United States housing MILLIONS of Anti-Americans, who have publicly professed support for the enemies with whom those men were and are engaged.

As a result of that failure, the US has elected a Muslim insurgent TO THE PRESIDENCY of the United States.

With the result of THAT being that the fortunes of the Enemy, have been REVERSED ENTIRELY, in just 6 years.
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Was it so wrong to make sure that our enemies couldn't get a finger hold on our country? It seems that everything we did in the past to make sure of our freedoms today = evil and wrong. Takes a lot of nerve sitting on that high horse.
Two world wars yet no Italians or Germans in camps...
Germans were in camps in America...day camps where they were given more rights than Black Americans...

Ummm, that's not true. Best check your facts there.
Obviously historical facts aren't your strong point...
Thank that Stalin loving scumbag FDR for it

You mean the scumbag that baited and choreographed the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? While keeping our entire Pacific fleet in harbor for that very purpose and keeping Admiral Husband Kimmel in total darkness about what was about to happen to him and them? That FDR?
More proof Rudy Giuliani is right about this non-natural born Citizen ineligible president hating America. He's really showing his true colors now.

OBAMA HATES AMERICA Domestic Enemy President Makes Japanese Internment Camp A National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America Pat Dollard

These NEED to be seen and remembered. The Japanese concentration camps are a dark, very dark stain on the American ideals.
I disagree. The Japs had to be put in them. We couldn't afford to take chances of having them roam freely after Pearl was sneak attacked.

I guess not locking up the Germans was what? A color thing? A race thing?
More proof Rudy Giuliani is right about this non-natural born Citizen ineligible president hating America. He's really showing his true colors now.

OBAMA HATES AMERICA Domestic Enemy President Makes Japanese Internment Camp A National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America Pat Dollard

These NEED to be seen and remembered. The Japanese concentration camps are a dark, very dark stain on the American ideals.
I disagree. The Japs had to be put in them. We couldn't afford to take chances of having them roam freely after Pearl was sneak attacked.

I guess not locking up the Germans was what? A color thing? A race thing?
Not only weren't the German's imprisons, they outwardly formed American "third Reich" parties and organizations supporting Hitler...
Good. Lest we forget what fear can do to a nation it imprisons its' own citizens because of ethnicity. Be like if we locked up all the Muslims now because some of our enemies are Muslim.

If a President wants to 'villify America' they have only to mention how many Iraqis US sanctions killed. Lowest estimates are in the 300,000 range.

Hey! Not a bad idea!
They weren't "Japanese" Internment camps. The American Internment camps and are a dreadful stain on our history. Deal with it. We shouldn't forget what we did and what we are capable of doing to our own citizens.

Well lets be clear -- its something the Democrats did. This was FDR's stain. Lets not lose site of that

Well let's be clear AND factual...it was AMERICA'S STAIN!!!!!

There was nothing stainful about the internment camps. The Stain is in claiming that such was a stain.

Really? Nothing wrong with locking up American citizens ONLY because of their race or national origin?

Showing your true colors again.

Not locking up Foreign Nationals and families of those with split loyalties to that foreign nation, with whom the US was at ACTUAL WAR. Would have fomented disunity... risking US Determination to DEFEAT THE ENEMY.

It's worth noting that THAT WAR was the LAST WAR the US WON! And it won:

But its good that you're so OUTRAGED... as I will enjoy knowing that your 'feelings' on THIS, will amplify your HATE when your ass is locked up, if you're lucky... when you idiots finally ignite the ACTUAL WAR against the Leftist insurgency in the US.

And not locking up these guys?

German American Bund - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As you can surmise from many of the comments here, a sizable contingent of the RWnut crowd would be most happy to inter Muslim-Americans,

despite the feeble phoney assertions of the 'nuts that they don't hate all Muslims.
More proof Rudy Giuliani is right about this non-natural born Citizen ineligible president hating America. He's really showing his true colors now.

OBAMA HATES AMERICA Domestic Enemy President Makes Japanese Internment Camp A National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America Pat Dollard

These NEED to be seen and remembered. The Japanese concentration camps are a dark, very dark stain on the American ideals.
I disagree. The Japs had to be put in them. We couldn't afford to take chances of having them roam freely after Pearl was sneak attacked.

I guess not locking up the Germans was what? A color thing? A race thing?
Not only weren't the German's imprisons, they outwardly formed American "third Reich" parties and organizations supporting Hitler...

MANY if not MOST of those Germans who formed such groups were in FACT interned. And their groups disbanded where Germany declared war upon the US. What's more, members of those groups were set to intense scrutiny by the US Government... .
More proof Rudy Giuliani is right about this non-natural born Citizen ineligible president hating America. He's really showing his true colors now.

OBAMA HATES AMERICA Domestic Enemy President Makes Japanese Internment Camp A National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America Pat Dollard

These NEED to be seen and remembered. The Japanese concentration camps are a dark, very dark stain on the American ideals.
I disagree. The Japs had to be put in them. We couldn't afford to take chances of having them roam freely after Pearl was sneak attacked.

I guess not locking up the Germans was what? A color thing? A race thing?
Not only weren't the German's imprisons, they outwardly formed American "third Reich" parties and organizations supporting Hitler...

MANY if not MOST of those Germans who formed such groups were in FACT interned. And their groups disbanded where Germany declared war upon the US. What's more, members of those groups were set to intense scrutiny by the US Government... .
Yet maintained their freedom and businesses...and most were not interned.
Nice try...
Obama Makes WW2 Japanese Internment Camp National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America



America is a bad place that has done bad things, and I am going to humiliate and shame it as much as possible. I am also going to curse it for doing what it needed to survive in order to weaken it from ever doing things that protects itself but hurts its enemies ever again.”
Obama Makes WW2 Japanese Internment Camp National Monument In Attempt To Vilify America



America is a bad place that has done bad things, and I am going to humiliate and shame it as much as possible. I am also going to curse it for doing what it needed to survive in order to weaken it from ever doing things that protects itself but hurts its enemies ever again.”
Who made the overtly ignorant and stupid statement that you have in quotes????...oh yeah, the voices in your head...
These NEED to be seen and remembered. The Japanese concentration camps are a dark, very dark stain on the American ideals.
I disagree. The Japs had to be put in them. We couldn't afford to take chances of having them roam freely after Pearl was sneak attacked.

I guess not locking up the Germans was what? A color thing? A race thing?
Not only weren't the German's imprisons, they outwardly formed American "third Reich" parties and organizations supporting Hitler...

MANY if not MOST of those Germans who formed such groups were in FACT interned. And their groups disbanded where Germany declared war upon the US. What's more, members of those groups were set to intense scrutiny by the US Government... .
Yet maintained their freedom and businesses...and most were not interned.
Nice try...

Those who were not interned did the best they could to stay in business. Many of whom LOST their businesses, because of animosity of a culture which lost tens of thousands of men, fathers, brothers, uncles... to GERMAN SOLDIERS.

Most Germans were not interned, that is true. And unlike the Japanese, The German government had not SNEAK ATTACKED THE US... and MOST were LONG TERM US CITIZENS with Generations of citizenship and whose loyalty was TO the United States was not questioned. And yes... much of that would-be trust, was based upon race.

That's how and why... and still, it was essential to the war effort, to intern the Japanese. And all the PC caterwauling in the world is not going to change that.
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German Nationals were temporarily detained...a total opposite of the treatment of the Japanese:

At the time of WWII, the United States had a large population of ethnic Germans. In 1940 more than 1.2 million persons had been born in Germany, 5 million had two native-German parents, and 6 million has one native-German parent. Many more had distant German ancestry. During WWII, the United States detained a total of 11,507 ethnic Germans, overwhelmingly German nationals. The government examined the cases of German nationals individually, and detained relatively few in internment camps run by the Department of Justice, as related to its responsibilities under the Alien and Sedition Law. To a much lesser extent, some ethnic German US citizens were classified as suspect after due process and also detained. Similarly, a small proportion of Italian nationals and Italian Americans were interned in relation to their total population in the US. The United States had allowed immigrants from both Germany and Italy to become naturalized citizens, which many had done by then. In the early 21st century, Congress considered legislation to study treatment of European Americans during WWII, but it did not pass the House. Activists have identified certain injustices against these groups.

Japan was another enemy Axis power in WWII. After its attack on Pearl Harbor, the War Department gained an Executive Order to declare the length of the West Coast an Exclusion Zone for suspect persons because of wartime exigencies. The War Department excluded virtually all Japanese Americans from this area, both citizens and resident aliens. In the case of Japanese immigrants, the US had prohibited their becoming citizens, regardless of their length of residence in the US. Their children born in the US were automatically citizens. Citizens made up two-thirds of the estimated 120,000 Japanese American who were forcibly relocated from the West Coast and incarcerated for years during the war in camps in the interior of the country, causing many to lose their homes and livelihoods. Although Japanese Americans made up more than one-third of the population of Hawaii, fewer than 2,000 were detained in internment camps. The US Congress passed legislation in 1988 and 1992 to apologize to Japanese-American survivors of the camps and pay them compensation for losses and injustice.

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