BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

The fact that the Russians were behind the hacks and release is not in dispute.

Yes it is.

Your side hasn't proven anything except it can PARROT the same traitors in the "US intelligence" circle who endorsed Hillary before the election.

Those are the same "US intelligence" officials who lied us into Iraq, and the ones who told us a 757 hit the Pentagon. Their credibility is butt fucking ZERO.

Yes it is.

It's not.

The FBI, all of the Intel agencies and both oversight committees are all part of an investigation based on Russian interference.
It's very real and Trump is waist deep in it.
no, no it is not. sorry charlie.

It's reality, fool.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.
Excellent synopsis here >>>

At this point, even the most hyper-partisan progressives know where this is going now.....falling all over themselves to appear like its not happening. Guess Id do the same in their shoes to be honest. But dang.........these people are already sporting a large bumpy cucumber in the pie hole..........this is going to end up being multiple bumpy's at the same time.:2up:
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?
It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump.

Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.



"If it's not accurate, then it's not classified," Wittes said. "You can't classify stuff that isn't true."

The Trump administration has said reports that Trump associates were in touch with the Kremlin during the campaign are false. Yet the White House has called for leak investigations into the matter.

"You can't say both — that it is a crime to leak and that it is false," Wittes said.


No, says Wittes.

"The president can declassify anything he wants," Wittes said. "The mere act of the president saying something is a 'declassification.'"​

It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump

Who says?
the facts.

Post them up.
I just posted it. Foreign Intelligence ACT

That Rice did it , idiot.
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope

You have no substance to that accusation.

DEBATES influence elections.


CNN and the DEMS

Are you concerned that CNN cheated and gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate?

HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hate the HACKS because they exposed the TRUTH about the Dems to the US voters, who then REJECTED THE DEMS.

We know the Russians were behind it.
Thanks for explaining how it was effective. :laugh2:

Prove it. Let the FBI or any other government agency not getting paid by Democrats examine the servers.
Rice didn't break any laws and it is part of her job. You republican snowflakes won the election and you're still whining about Obama. How about worry about issues that actually effect the average American.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.
There is no way you really believe that.
Unlike you sillies, I believe in facts not opinions and not fake news. She followed the law. The Trumpers apparently did not. The investigations will prove that out or not. I think (my opinion) that the Trumpers are in serious worry time.
Rice didn't break any laws and it is part of her job. You republican snowflakes won the election and you're still whining about Obama. How about worry about issues that actually effect the average American
She broke several laws and even more standards of decent behavior.
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope

You have no substance to that accusation.

DEBATES influence elections.


CNN and the DEMS

Are you concerned that CNN cheated and gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate?

HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hate the HACKS because they exposed the TRUTH about the Dems to the US voters, who then REJECTED THE DEMS.

We know the Russians were behind it.
Thanks for explaining how it was effective. :laugh2:
Why was Obama's national security advisor, and the bitch that lied about the cause of Benghazi, making multiple requests for foreign intelligence information on Michael Flynn?

Because she was ordered to find dirt to release to the press.

You have no way of knowing that. You're simply talking out of your ass.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

Not according to the cheeto kool aid drinkers. They think she committed a felony. They have no clue what her just job entailed and they're just assuming for committed a crime because Fox News and Brietbart are making her out to be a criminal.
Rice has followed the letter of the law, and it is only a matter of time before Trumpers go to trial.

Progressive First Responder Jake Starkey reporting for duty, SIR!

Jake, I didn't think it was possible, but your taking the Progressive talking Points against Trump with more vigor than you defended Obama.
Rice didn't break any laws and it is part of her job. You republican snowflakes won the election and you're still whining about Obama. How about worry about issues that actually effect the average American.
So that is why the Obama White House had the survey of these unmaskings stopped, because there was nothing going on that was wrong, correct?

roflmao, you libtards are such freaking idiots!
Unmasking is not illegal if it is pertinent to an ongoing investigation.

What was being investigated that all of Trump's people had o be unmasked? What criminal activity?

Trump has been under investigation since July of '16. This is from the transition period.
The same time that the Obama admin was archiving Intel pertaining to Trump people.
why? one has to have a crime. So what was the crime? I've been waiting patiently. why can't we hear about the crime for the investigation? how is that classified?

No, it has to have foreign intelligence value.

Certainly it would be pertinent in a counter intelligence investigation that includes Trump and his people.

What part of Senator Nunes revelation did you miss?

Nothing. Apparently you missed it entirely.

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