BREAKING: Obama's NSA Advisor Susan Rice Requested The Unmaskings Of Incoming Trump Officials

The fact that the Russians were behind the hacks and release is not in dispute.

Yes it is.

Your side hasn't proven anything except it can PARROT the same traitors in the "US intelligence" circle who endorsed Hillary before the election.

Those are the same "US intelligence" officials who lied us into Iraq, and the ones who told us a 757 hit the Pentagon. Their credibility is butt fucking ZERO.

Yes it is.

It's not.

The FBI, all of the Intel agencies and both oversight committees are all part of an investigation based on Russian interference.
It's very real and Trump is waist deep in it.
no, no it is not. sorry charlie.
Sounds like just another Benghazi-style witch hunt to distract attention away from Trump/Russia.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?
It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump.

Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.



"If it's not accurate, then it's not classified," Wittes said. "You can't classify stuff that isn't true."

The Trump administration has said reports that Trump associates were in touch with the Kremlin during the campaign are false. Yet the White House has called for leak investigations into the matter.

"You can't say both — that it is a crime to leak and that it is false," Wittes said.


No, says Wittes.

"The president can declassify anything he wants," Wittes said. "The mere act of the president saying something is a 'declassification.'"​

It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump

Who says?
The question really is why Obama didn't release the names before the election.

No laws were broken in collecting the information and Trump campaigners had no right to not being outed.

The Trumpbots who say "leaking the info to the press was a crimmmmmme." Where's the evidence this information was ever labled not for public eyes?
the entire way the intel is gathered that's how.
Well you are bulllshitter then
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope

You have no substance to that accusation.

DEBATES influence elections.


CNN and the DEMS

Are you concerned that CNN cheated and gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate?

HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hate the HACKS because they exposed the TRUTH about the Dems to the US voters, who then REJECTED THE DEMS.

We know the Russians were behind it.
Thanks for explaining how it was effective. :laugh2:
no, no we don't. try again. The DNC server, let's have the FBI inspect it. right?
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?
It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump.

Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.



"If it's not accurate, then it's not classified," Wittes said. "You can't classify stuff that isn't true."

The Trump administration has said reports that Trump associates were in touch with the Kremlin during the campaign are false. Yet the White House has called for leak investigations into the matter.

"You can't say both — that it is a crime to leak and that it is false," Wittes said.


No, says Wittes.

"The president can declassify anything he wants," Wittes said. "The mere act of the president saying something is a 'declassification.'"​

It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump

Who says?
The NYT.

Susan Rice unmasked Flynn and then handed it off so it could be leaked. If she didn't nobody would have heard shit about it.

Post it up.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?
It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump.

Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.



"If it's not accurate, then it's not classified," Wittes said. "You can't classify stuff that isn't true."

The Trump administration has said reports that Trump associates were in touch with the Kremlin during the campaign are false. Yet the White House has called for leak investigations into the matter.

"You can't say both — that it is a crime to leak and that it is false," Wittes said.


No, says Wittes.

"The president can declassify anything he wants," Wittes said. "The mere act of the president saying something is a 'declassification.'"​

It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump

Who says?
The question really is why Obama didn't release the names before the election.

No laws were broken in collecting the information and Trump campaigners had no right to not being outed.

The Trumpbots who say "leaking the info to the press was a crimmmmmme." Where's the evidence this information was ever labled not for public eyes?
the entire way the intel is gathered that's how.
Well you are bulllshitter then
no, no I'm stating fact. fking learn something.
Great , now we will see a million threads on this...

Rice was the national security advisor....BFD it was in her scope of practice..

It doesn't matter how it all is coming out.....

Her job as National Security Adviser was to spy on Trump?

Great , now we will see a million threads on this...

Rice was the national security advisor....BFD it was in her scope of practice..

It doesn't matter how it all is coming out.....

Her job as National Security Adviser was to spy on Trump?


No one spied.

These were existing Intel reports with masked names. Let's not forget by this time, Trump had been under investigation for some months. The unmasking was no doubt part of the WH efforts to archive all available Intel on the Trump team.

Where does it say Trump tower was spied
It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump.

Q&A on 'unmasking' and leaking classified information


One is legal and the other isn't.

The "unmasking" of Flynn's name is routine, Wittes said. But, he said, sharing Flynn's name publicly "is both shocking and inappropriate."

It is a crime to disclose or "leak" classified information. The contents of intelligence collected under the authorities of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, are classified. Flynn's conversation with Kislyak was collected under these authorities and therefore classified.



"If it's not accurate, then it's not classified," Wittes said. "You can't classify stuff that isn't true."

The Trump administration has said reports that Trump associates were in touch with the Kremlin during the campaign are false. Yet the White House has called for leak investigations into the matter.

"You can't say both — that it is a crime to leak and that it is false," Wittes said.


No, says Wittes.

"The president can declassify anything he wants," Wittes said. "The mere act of the president saying something is a 'declassification.'"​

It was illegal because she gave the info to somebody who released it the press simply to embarass Trump

Who says?
The question really is why Obama didn't release the names before the election.

No laws were broken in collecting the information and Trump campaigners had no right to not being outed.

The Trumpbots who say "leaking the info to the press was a crimmmmmme." Where's the evidence this information was ever labled not for public eyes?
the entire way the intel is gathered that's how.
Well you are bulllshitter then
no, no I'm stating fact. fking learn something.

All you got iis bullshit. Not one law
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope

You have no substance to that accusation.

DEBATES influence elections.


CNN and the DEMS

Are you concerned that CNN cheated and gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate?

HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hate the HACKS because they exposed the TRUTH about the Dems to the US voters, who then REJECTED THE DEMS.

We know the Russians were behind it.
Thanks for explaining how it was effective. :laugh2:
Why was Obama's national security advisor, and the bitch that lied about the cause of Benghazi, making multiple requests for foreign intelligence information on Michael Flynn?

Because she was ordered to find dirt to release to the press.
Unmasking is illegal in two ways.

1.) "If Surveillance Is Incidental"

This is what Obama's Intelligence heads told us all, after first claiming there was no surveillance at all.

2.) "If No Crimes Have Been Committed"

Flynn was exonerated based on the transcripts of surveillance on him. Therefore a Crime was Committed, but not by him, but by The Obama Administration.

No members of The Trump Team have been accused of any crimes, have had any indictments leveled against them, and even Clapper head of National Intelligence said there is NO EVIDENCE of Russian Collusion.

But what if we forget that 1 & 2 happened?

Was there a crime?

Yes there was! Intelligence regarding Surveillance, and The Transcripts of that Surveillance are by default Classified Information, and cannot be released to The Public unless a specific order is given declassifying the information and justifying the reason for

1.) Declassifying it, and then

2.) Reasons for Releasing it to The Press or Public.

Did that occur? Please show me a document to prove this occurred.

No it did not!

A felony had to be committed to release the Classified Information!
Same as when they released President Trump's Tax Return.

So we have multiple on top of multiple felonies committed just in The Flynn case alone, by Obama and his Regime.

And we haven't even gotten in to the rest of The Trump team and all the classified Intel shared with Clinton or released to The Press. Or the release of transcripts from President Trump's talks with Mexico, Thailand and Australia.

More Felonies Committed there.

I don't think you lefties realize how much trouble your party and the people who were trusted with sensitive information are in.

This is Nixon times 10.

Espionage, Treason, & Sedition were committed by people sitting at the highest levels of government conspiring with a presidential nominee like Hillary Clinton.

This goes all the way to The Top.

Unmasking is not illegal if it is pertinent to an ongoing investigation.

What was being investigated that all of Trump's people had o be unmasked? What criminal activity?

Trump has been under investigation since July of '16. This is from the transition period.
The same time that the Obama admin was archiving Intel pertaining to Trump people.
why? one has to have a crime. So what was the crime? I've been waiting patiently. why can't we hear about the crime for the investigation? how is that classified?

No, it has to have foreign intelligence value.

Certainly it would be pertinent in a counter intelligence investigation that includes Trump and his people.

What part of Senator Nunes revelation did you miss?
You just made the case that the Russians influenced our election, dope

You have no substance to that accusation.

DEBATES influence elections.


CNN and the DEMS

Are you concerned that CNN cheated and gave Hillary the debate questions before the debate?

HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You hate the HACKS because they exposed the TRUTH about the Dems to the US voters, who then REJECTED THE DEMS.

We know the Russians were behind it.
Thanks for explaining how it was effective. :laugh2:
no, no we don't. try again. The DNC server, let's have the FBI inspect it. right?

Apparently they didn't get your memo about the server before they made their determination.
Look how corrupt the democrats have become, spying on a republican candidate and president elect? Obama has shit all over the democrat party and it smells bad. I wonder who else they spied on. Maybe Cruz, Graham, McCain. Maybe that is why they seem to have Graham and McCain by the short hairs.
Anyone voting for a democrat today is voting for more corruption.
I don't know who released Hillary's and Podesta's emails but whoever it was did this nation a huge favor.
Here's the heart of the matter liberals. It's not rocket science to come to the conclusion that the Obama officials were actively spying on Trump even BEFORE he was the nominee.

If I was Ted Cruz or any of the other candidates I'd want the Senate and Congress to investigate whether they were under surveillance as well.

"The official, he reported, was known to House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes since January.
'The main issue in this case, is not only the unmasking of these names of private citizens, but the spreading of these names for political purposes that have nothing to do with national security or an investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election,' a congressional source close to the investigation told Fox News."

Trump praises Fox News for Obama election spying report | Daily Mail Online
The unmasking happened BEFORE Trump was the Republican Candidate. It was done for political reasons. Every person unmasked is innocent of any crime, and Obama/Rice are guilty and should be prosecuted.
So the unmasking wasn't illegal then?

It matters not if it was illegal or legal. Your whole party has been caught in lie, after lie after lie.
You can debate that all you want. The fact is, Obama was conducting Surveillance on Donald Trump, and probably other GOP Candidates. I would lay a bet on ALL OF THEM, and was passing the information along to Hillary Clinton.

And that most DEFINATELY IS ILLEGAL, and a Felony, and is Considered Felony Espionage.
You can make a case for Treason and Sedition as well.

I told all of you Leftists, that you were overplaying you hand, and that your Russian Narrative was too outlandish and sensationalist to be true, and that is was nothing but a crafted lie to distract from the corruption of the DNC and served as deflection for a stinging loss.

Now those lies are going to sink you.

Welcome to 2018, where people will not forget all the bullshit you put everyone through the moment you tapped a Criminal Clinton to be your Queen of The Damned.
It matters not if it was illegal or legal.

It certainly does. Your fellow nutjubs were screeching over "illegal unmasking".
Now it's just, meh.

So what is the beef? What is the corruption?

No surveillance. No illegal unmasking.

It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.
Trump and his transition team should never have been included or unmasked.

This has been Damocles sword over Trump and his team till now. It could have been cleared up months ago by Obama and Rice. Now they will have to explain their actions and who was allowed to leak any of this.

Trump might not have the the "direct" subject but the information from him and his team certainly was and unmasked. It shouldn't have been. Nothing illegal about foreign contacts during transition by or with the team, nor should their strategy be the subject.

Obama should not have been listening to Trump and team and most certainly the info and names should never have been leaked to anyone.

It was still leaked and used for political purposes against the incoming president by the Obama administration.

Says who?
President Obama may regret being too honorable to release this legal information before the election.
We need a national holiday...we can call it podesta hacking day. We can celebrate it every year!!!! Thank you to the hacker.

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