Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treat

Notice how the Lilly liver left will throw anyone under in a heat beat if they think it leverage regardless of truth.

Nobody on this board has a clue to what really happened, but love to use this for their little pissing contests.

If the cop committed a crime then he should be held accountable,if no crime and was justifiable legally then it over.
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treated at Hospital

The police officer involved in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was injured during the incident.
The officer was hit and the side of his face was swollen from the confrontation.

The officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager in Ferguson, Missouri was injured in the alleged altercation, according to Ferguson Chief of Police Tom Jackson.

Jackson, who spoke on the phone with News 4′s Laura Hettiger Wednesday morning, said the officer “was hit” and the “side of his face was swollen.” The chief did not say if the officer suffered any broken bones.
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit

Well, this kind of trashes the best friends story of how it went down. Of course blacks are rioting and destroy property before they know the facts.

Why are you so quick to believe this?

If you were looking at going to prison for wrongful death, would you be averse to getting one of your closest cop buddies to punch you in the face?

This stinks, the way they have held all information until they were ready with their fabricated story.

The real question is why are you so willing to not believe it? Using just a little bit of logic, both sides would have reason to not tell the truth. Either the officer was treated or was not those facts would be hard to hide. What the one side would have us believe is that the police officer, for whatever reason, murdered this kid for no apparent reason in full sight of witnesses. We are to believe that the victim was just standing there talking to police and they pulled out their gun and murdered him. Really, that is what you believe?

The left wing is always good at pointing out that groups like the NRA are violent and cause violence. But they are short on proof. Yet when an incident like this happens the left wing, and the President, is more then happy to jump in and spread racial division and cause escalating the damage. All I hope is that you do not really realize what you are doing to believe anything else makes the left nothing but monster out to destroy the country.

But of course the riot and the stealing of other people's stuff has to be justified. Can't be the thieves that are doing this out of opportunity, no somehow the left has to blame this on those sworn to protect us and they do it without fully knowing anything more then what they read in the newspaper. Really disgusting.
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treated at Hospital

Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit

Well, this kind of trashes the best friends story of how it went down. Of course blacks are rioting and destroy property before they know the facts.

Why are you so quick to believe this?

If you were looking at going to prison for wrongful death, would you be averse to getting one of your closest cop buddies to punch you in the face?

This stinks, the way they have held all information until they were ready with their fabricated story.

Why are you so quick to reject the story? Do you have any evidence that a fellow cop "punched" the man? Nope!! Every cop I've known takes his job seriously. They don't just drive around looking for reasons to shoot unarmed, saintly black sweetie-pies. Shooting another human is a very serious thing and they've all been trained to use deadly force only when they see no other option.

Face it. A thug shoplifted some stuff and when the cops came to arrest him he panicked and chose to attack whitey. You know very well how it works.

Why wouldn't the black alleged thief attack the cop, after all they are entitled to whatever it was they took. Imagine if the cop would have just looked the other way none of this would have happened. Stores would not be burned, robbed and pillaged. Sharpton would not have a vehicle to spread racial division. So obviously the answer to this whole situation is that police need to stop enforcing laws when blacks a involved. Apparently anarchy is cheaper then a civilized nation.
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treated at Hospital

The police officer involved in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was injured during the incident.
The officer was hit and the side of his face was swollen from the confrontation.

The officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager in Ferguson, Missouri was injured in the alleged altercation, according to Ferguson Chief of Police Tom Jackson.

Jackson, who spoke on the phone with News 4′s Laura Hettiger Wednesday morning, said the officer “was hit” and the “side of his face was swollen.” The chief did not say if the officer suffered any broken bones.

Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit

Well, this kind of trashes the best friends story of how it went down. Of course blacks are rioting and destroy property before they know the facts.

We still don't know the facts! If the officer grabbed Mike Brown and tried to put him in a choke hold, it is conceivable that Brown struck him in self defense!. There is also the possibility that the officer's "injury" might have materialized after the make his case, to keep the PD from being sued, and to avoid a lengthy prison sentence!

Hopefully, the hands of Mike Brown have been preserved by the FBI to prevent tampering by the police! If the body's knuckles are not bruised ... OH, OH!

You do know that just because you punch someone in the face doesn't mean you'll have damaged knuckles right?
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treated at Hospital

The police officer involved in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson was injured during the incident.
The officer was hit and the side of his face was swollen from the confrontation.

The officer who shot and killed an unarmed teenager in Ferguson, Missouri was injured in the alleged altercation, according to Ferguson Chief of Police Tom Jackson.

Jackson, who spoke on the phone with News 4′s Laura Hettiger Wednesday morning, said the officer “was hit” and the “side of his face was swollen.” The chief did not say if the officer suffered any broken bones.

Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit

Well, this kind of trashes the best friends story of how it went down. Of course blacks are rioting and destroy property before they know the facts.

Well doesn't.

Both the police version and the friend's version have the officer and Mke Brown involved in an altercation.

It's wonderful that the police quickly released this. Absent are his name or the locations of the entry points of the bullets in Mike Brown's body.

It would also be cool to dust the officer's gun, holster..or just about anything that shows Mr. Brown tried to grab for his gun.

In any case? That does not give the officer license to shoot a fleeing, unarmed suspect in the back.
We were all "un - American" when we rushed to judgment in regard to Bergdahl.

But we are racists if we don't convict and hang a police officer for murder well before the investigation is completed.

You guys on the left need to write a rule book.

You change the rules way too often.
Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident – Treated at Hospital

Breaking: Officer in Fatal Shooting of #MikeBrown Was Injured in the Incident ? Treated at Hospital | The Gateway Pundit

Well, this kind of trashes the best friends story of how it went down. Of course blacks are rioting and destroy property before they know the facts.

Why are you so quick to believe this?

If you were looking at going to prison for wrongful death, would you be averse to getting one of your closest cop buddies to punch you in the face?

This stinks, the way they have held all information until they were ready with their fabricated story.

Because it makes a lot more sense than in front of witnesses in 'broad daylight' he executed an unarmed suspect. If ya wanna go around slaughtering people ya don't like you do it at night, and ya don't leave witnesess. ...Or so I've heard. :)

Guys....THIS (above)......THIS dam it....THIS.

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee.

White cops don't shoot innocent black 18 year olds in black neighborhoods in broad daylight.

Wake the fuck up assholes. Enough of this shit already.
I wish this kids name was Bowe Bergdahl then cons wouldnt wait for any judge to say anything. Multiple witnesses say that the guy was on his knees when the cops shot him. The scene shows the kid about 30 feet away from the car and the police themselves didnt (or couldnt) give a reason for why this guy was shot so many times so far away from the car.

Whatever you think about that is up to you but lets stop pretending that until a judge says something we are unable to put together a likely scenario.
If you attack a police officer, you put your life at risk because they have a gun and attacking them puts you in a felon category and likely cop killer. The police officer has a weapon, everyone knows this, so if you get into a "rasslin" match with a police officer...the only reason for doing it is to take his gun and shoot him.

Most people in this country don't get into a fight with the police, criminals attack the police.
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Why are you so quick to believe this?

If you were looking at going to prison for wrongful death, would you be averse to getting one of your closest cop buddies to punch you in the face?

This stinks, the way they have held all information until they were ready with their fabricated story.

Because it makes a lot more sense than in front of witnesses in 'broad daylight' he executed an unarmed suspect. If ya wanna go around slaughtering people ya don't like you do it at night, and ya don't leave witnesess. ...Or so I've heard. :)

Guys....THIS (above)......THIS dam it....THIS.

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee.

White cops don't shoot innocent black 18 year olds in black neighborhoods in broad daylight.

Wake the fuck up assholes. Enough of this shit already.

And where is the cell phone video? I mean...all those witnesses that saw an 18 year old minding his own business getting harassed, beaten and shot by the police in broad daylight....yet not one of them had their smart phones on them?

Gimme a fucking break.
The dead goon was 6-4, not your typical wimpy black nerd kid like Erkel the media and liberal scum are portraying him out to be.

I'll put money on it that he has a criminal record and/or is known in the area for being a thug.
Remember the guy in the movie theater who shot a guy after having popcorn thrown on him. Sure he might've sustained injuries but killing someone is another level all together
Why are you so quick to believe this?

If you were looking at going to prison for wrongful death, would you be averse to getting one of your closest cop buddies to punch you in the face?

This stinks, the way they have held all information until they were ready with their fabricated story.

Because it makes a lot more sense than in front of witnesses in 'broad daylight' he executed an unarmed suspect. If ya wanna go around slaughtering people ya don't like you do it at night, and ya don't leave witnesess. ...Or so I've heard. :)

Guys....THIS (above)......THIS dam it....THIS.

Wake up and smell the fucking coffee.

White cops don't shoot innocent black 18 year olds in black neighborhoods in broad daylight.

Wake the fuck up assholes. Enough of this shit already.

You are a jarhead for sure, I haven't seen such blind lust for the oppressive govt. pigs in Ferguson since the Nam era...
If you attack a police officer, you put your life at risk because they have a gun and attacking them puts you in a felon category and likely cop killer. The police officer has a weapon, everyone knows this, so if you get into a "rasslin" match with a police officer...the only reason for doing it is to take his gun and shoot him.

Most people in this country don't get into a fight with the police, criminals attack the police.

Do you smoke every cops pole you meet? Cops have proven time again that you can't trust them...
Oh yes....he had a juvenile criminal record.

Of course at "18" he has a clean adult record until he decided to be a felon attacking a cop.
Cocksucker....did the shitbag get into a fight with a police officer???

End of fucking debate.

If you attack a police officer, you put your life at risk because they have a gun and attacking them puts you in a felon category and likely cop killer. The police officer has a weapon, everyone knows this, so if you get into a "rasslin" match with a police officer...the only reason for doing it is to take his gun and shoot him.

Most people in this country don't get into a fight with the police, criminals attack the police.

Do you smoke every cops pole you meet? Cops have proven time again that you can't trust them...
How many white males get into fights with a police officer???

Black males seem to like to do it....why?

Oh....they are told by liberal scum in the media, Hollywood, politics, etc that the police are evil and blacks are kept down by whitey.

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