BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terroriz


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executivesby Matthew Vadum

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Stephen Lerner
SEIU, a longtime ally of ACORN, has done it before, as ably documented by Big Government’s Liberty Chick.
The home invasions are scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, laid out the Left’s plans to his fellow Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.
Here’s the video of his remarks:
[ame=]SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - YouTube[/ame]

from with comments at..
» BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - Big Government
I'm not the son of a bank executive nor wealthy enough to get confused with one, but I wish I'd see these flamers on my front lawn. I don't think the police could make them scatter quicker.
You had me all the way up until you started showing pictures of "regular white people" and called them "thugs". Oops.
didn't they already do this with some bank execs a few years ago? nice folks those seiu schlubs...I wonder if anyone has told them andy stern left like 35% of their unions in the lurch, heavily in debt. and not funded above the 65% reporting level....:lol:
This is scary. "Fun and crazy stuff" he has planned, he says. Nothing but thugs.
You had me all the way up until you started showing pictures of "regular white people" and called them "thugs". Oops.

Racist prick. White people can't be thugs?

Proving, not all of, but the moronic left who accuse the right of supporting people like Cain and West as just trying to prove they aren't racist.

The only racists are the assholes like this fuck.
I actually can't wait for the rainy/cold/damp and/or snowy season to start, then lets see those crowds of 1000 protesting while blowing their noses and shivering for 8 hours.
BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executivesby Matthew Vadum

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Stephen Lerner
SEIU, a longtime ally of ACORN, has done it before, as ably documented by Big Government’s Liberty Chick.
The home invasions are scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, laid out the Left’s plans to his fellow Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.
Here’s the video of his remarks:
SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - YouTube

from with comments at..
» BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - Big Government

I really dont see what the hoopala is, and I sat through the whole thing. Looks to me like its people standing up for their rights and freedoms. You dont have a problem with that do you, or do you have a reason to see the banks succed?
BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executivesby Matthew Vadum

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Stephen Lerner
SEIU, a longtime ally of ACORN, has done it before, as ably documented by Big Government’s Liberty Chick.
The home invasions are scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, laid out the Left’s plans to his fellow Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.
Here’s the video of his remarks:
SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - YouTube

from with comments at..
» BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - Big Government

I really dont see what the hoopala is, and I sat through the whole thing. Looks to me like its people standing up for their rights and freedoms. You dont have a problem with that do you, or do you have a reason to see the banks succed?

Well ok. post your HOME ADDRESS and we'll direct them to come visit your wife and kids.
BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executivesby Matthew Vadum

Radical labor organizer Stephen Lerner of SEIU intends to terrorize the families of bank executives in their homes as part of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Stephen Lerner
SEIU, a longtime ally of ACORN, has done it before, as ably documented by Big Government’s Liberty Chick.
The home invasions are scheduled to begin Tuesday.
Lerner, a prime architect of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations, laid out the Left’s plans to his fellow Marxists at the left-wing Take the American Dream Back conference in Washington, D.C., on October 3, 2011.
Here’s the video of his remarks:
SEIU's Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - YouTube

from with comments at..
» BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terrorize Corporate Executives - Big Government

I really dont see what the hoopala is, and I sat through the whole thing. Looks to me like its people standing up for their rights and freedoms. You dont have a problem with that do you, or do you have a reason to see the banks succed?

Banks are vital to our economy, Komrade
I really dont see what the hoopala is, and I sat through the whole thing. Looks to me like its people standing up for their rights and freedoms. You dont have a problem with that do you, or do you have a reason to see the banks succed?

Well ok. post your HOME ADDRESS and we'll direct them to come visit your wife and kids.
unless the come onto your property there is nothing you can do. The street is public.

Yes it is and so is the manure we can spread on it to make their stay so much more enjoyable!:lol:
I really dont see what the hoopala is, and I sat through the whole thing. Looks to me like its people standing up for their rights and freedoms. You dont have a problem with that do you, or do you have a reason to see the banks succed?

Well ok. post your HOME ADDRESS and we'll direct them to come visit your wife and kids.
unless the come onto your property there is nothing you can do. The street is public.

It figures you wouldn't see a problem with TERRORIZING people in their HOMES.
I hope nothing like this EVER happens to your wife and children. and you call yourself a family man.
unless the come onto your property there is nothing you can do. The street is public.

It figures you wouldn't see a problem with TERRORIZING people in their HOMES.
I hope nothing like this EVER happens to your wife and children. and you call yourself a family man.

Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

good then...I HOPE something like this DOES happen to you..
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If the intent of those SEIU thugs is to generate violence for the sake of gaining sympathy (MEDIA, baby!) for their inarticulate cause, you can bet your life it won't be Stephen Lerner on the front lines facing the forcible reaction of law enforcement.

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