BREAKING: Operation #OccupyWallStreeters–SEIU’s Stephen Lerner Leaks Plan to Terroriz

unless the come onto your property there is nothing you can do. The street is public.

It figures you wouldn't see a problem with TERRORIZING people in their HOMES.
I hope nothing like this EVER happens to your wife and children. and you call yourself a family man.

Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

Ever hear of disturbing the peace? You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, whenever and wherever.
Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

good then...I HOPE something like DOES happen to you..

do me a favor, wish in one hand and shit in the other. Watch what happens.

Look you want to remain ignorant about laws and such, that is your right. But please stop trying to spread your stupidity.

LOL, you're a fucking jerkoff...I know about the laws. that isn't what I was talking about AND YOU KNOW IT. now go fuck off and die. I'm sick of your stalking bullshit.

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You had me all the way up until you started showing pictures of "regular white people" and called them "thugs". Oops.
Well, look at that. Deanie-do's racist stripes are in technicolor.

Psst: Blacks are not the only thugs, there are plenty of white ones.

Fucking racist.
How cool is that? The OWS is going to terrorize the spouses and children of bankers.

Yeah, what a great group they are.

do me a favor, wish in one hand and shit in the other. Watch what happens.

Look you want to remain ignorant about laws and such, that is your right. But please stop trying to spread your stupidity.

LOL, you're a fucking jerkoff...I know about the laws. that isn't what I was talking about AND YOU KNOW IT. now go fuck off and die. I'm sick of your stalking bullshit.


If you knew about laws, you would know they have this right to assemble on public property.

Why do you hate free speech and our constitution?

you are pathetic
Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

Ever hear of disturbing the peace? You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, whenever and wherever.

right to long as they are peaceful there is nothing you can do....i do love the law, it kills fauxrage and shows who is stupid and who isnt.

Your right to free speech -- part of "the law" -- consistently shows your stupidity. So, yeah.

It remains a good thing.
Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

Ever hear of disturbing the peace? You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, whenever and wherever.

right to long as they are peaceful there is nothing you can do....i do love the law, it kills fauxrage and shows who is stupid and who isnt.

The right to peaceably assemble does not mean you can assemble wherever and whenever the fuck you want. If that were the case, no assembly permits (etc) would ever be properly required.

And yet, the Government does have a limited but very real authority to manage such things for the benefit of all users of public spaces.
I recommend anyone threatened by this:
1 M4 assault rifle. 15 magazines. 500 rounds.
1 S&W .45 pistol for emergency use.

Bring it on you fucking hippie left wingers. You pussies haven't been in a real fight your whole life, we beg you to start this one. It's all good hippie fun to protest in public. You step into our homes, it'll be your last protest. I'm not rich. I won't be a target of you filthy hippies. But I'm sure some rich folks could use a good private security firm with extensive training.
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Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

Ever hear of disturbing the peace? You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, whenever and wherever.

right to long as they are peaceful there is nothing you can do....i do love the law, it kills fauxrage and shows who is stupid and who isnt.

Not on our private property you cant. And not in the middle of the public road blocking the free flow of traffic.

You faggot left wingers have a rude awakening when you think you can take your little protest onto peoples private property.

Also, I'd bet most rich folk live in PRIVATE gated communities. Which they CAN defend, at the gate. You aren't entitled to enter that property.

Will be funny to watch liberals in need of medical attention when they try that shit.
I actually can't wait for the rainy/cold/damp and/or snowy season to start, then lets see those crowds of 1000 protesting while blowing their noses and shivering for 8 hours.

Yep. The first ice cold freezing rain that falls will send these nimwits running for cover. Good luck to em trying to get into any of the local businesses. Not after the mess they have made.

Funny how the media and the left calls the Tea Partiers Natzis and terrorists but seem to think these folks are just citizens exercising their civil rights.

Hypocirsy anyone??
Union tactics are unlawful, reprehensible, evil and unjustified. Unions are destroying this country. Unions, their forced high wages, their forced extravagant benefits, their forced high retirement payouts, their forced pay-people-for-not-working rules...all of these things are ruining this country.

It is the goal of Marxism and communism to destroy capitalism. Obama and his goonie unions are striving toward that goal.

Obama and the fools that elected him are our worst enemy!

FUCK OBAMA! FUCK UNIONS! FUCK COMMUNISM! FUCK MARXISM! ...and FUCK YOU if you support any of those!:eek:
I actually can't wait for the rainy/cold/damp and/or snowy season to start, then lets see those crowds of 1000 protesting while blowing their noses and shivering for 8 hours.

You think these young, admirable, American, VOTING citizens will run for the hills like those old, haggard, Tea-Bagged Protesters did at the first sign of drizzle?

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Um we have laws dipshit, and public property means the public can use it.
that means people can stand outside your home and protest as long as they want, in so long as they dont break any laws.

I am sorry you are too stupid to understand this

Ever hear of disturbing the peace? You can't just do whatever the fuck you want, whenever and wherever.

right to long as they are peaceful there is nothing you can do....i do love the law, it kills fauxrage and shows who is stupid and who isnt.
As long as they are peaceful. Which unions are never.
And the right to assemble like all other rights, are not absolute.
The right to assemble ends at the beginning of the rights of others to enjoy their life and liberty.
In other words, if your assembly infringes upon the rights of others, the assembly becomes illegal.
There is no right to use public property for one's exclusive use. Communities require permits for assemblies on public property and on public thoroughfares. Applications for said Permits can be denied.
didn't they already do this with some bank execs a few years ago? nice folks those seiu schlubs...I wonder if anyone has told them andy stern left like 35% of their unions in the lurch, heavily in debt. and not funded above the 65% reporting level....:lol:

Yep. They terrorized children last time. But... apparently, that's fine. Sick individuals. Seriously. Why anyone would support this is just weird.
I actually can't wait for the rainy/cold/damp and/or snowy season to start, then lets see those crowds of 1000 protesting while blowing their noses and shivering for 8 hours.

You think these young, admirable, American, VOTING citizens will run for the hills like those old, haggard, Tea-Bagged Protesters did at the first sign of drizzle?

Yes....The Charlotte protest consists of about a dozen people camped out in front of the old City Hall. The rest have left.
There is nothing admirable about a bunch of filthy slobs who basically have nothing better to do with their time.
They should all get jobs or otherwise attempt to do something productive instead of making ridiculous and unrealistic demands. Such as "the forgiving of ALL debt" and a "$20 minimum wage"....Really? Try again.
Bunch of friggin moochers.
didn't they already do this with some bank execs a few years ago? nice folks those seiu schlubs...I wonder if anyone has told them andy stern left like 35% of their unions in the lurch, heavily in debt. and not funded above the 65% reporting level....:lol:

Yep. They terrorized children last time. But... apparently, that's fine. Sick individuals. Seriously. Why anyone would support this is just weird.
Why? Because they have no character - they sell out the last of their integrity for a lame partisan point.

They are almost as much animals as those who shit in public and those who terrorize the spouses and children of their targets.
Well ok. post your HOME ADDRESS and we'll direct them to come visit your wife and kids.
unless the come onto your property there is nothing you can do. The street is public.

It figures you wouldn't see a problem with TERRORIZING people in their HOMES.
I hope nothing like this EVER happens to your wife and children. and you call yourself a family man.
OWS is marching to the homes of wealthy private citizens in Manhattan today.
Why? Just to demonstrate the douche bags that they are.

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