BREAKING Pentagon : " Ukraine receives Fighter Planes, parts to bolster Air Force ! "

It isn't going and won't go nuclear.

To suggest it will IS STUPID.

Is this going to be the new cowardly standard we take? Anyone with nukes we cower to?

Might as well do the same thing with armed criminals. It's the same STUPID FUCKING MENTALITY
Oh! Okay. I’m now satisfied.


You are the poster girl for normalcy basis. There no way you can know this war won’t go nuclear. You must know throughout history wars never end up as expected.

Think better.
That's preposterous....Murica has the most heavily regulated "capitalist" economies on the planet....BigCorp is the entity most able to afford the regulations that squeeze out entrepreneurial capital.

In the US, the crony capitalists run and own things like the FDA in order to prevent the little guy from being able to compete with the big crooks.
Which is why you can get better medical drugs for a third the price in Mexico or Canada, but the corrupt US government makes that illegal.
In the US, the crony capitalists run and own things like the FDA in order to prevent the little guy from being able to compete with the big crooks.
Which is why you can get better medical drugs for a third the price in Mexico or Canada, but the corrupt US government makes that illegal.
OK...Your capitulation on the point is accepted.

Neither Russia's, nor China's, nor Muica's economies are laissez-faire capitalist....They're crony corporatist oligarchies.
The US sank that Russian ship, so then what is Russia supposed to do about that?
They only have 2 choices, sink a US ship with conventional weapons, or go nuclear?

Everything the US is doing is just stupid and wasting more lives and costing more.
We are not saving the Ukraine, but ensuring the most damage possible, by prolonging the war with more weapons.
Agreed. Why are our leaders willing to risk nuclear war over the corrupt Nazi infected Ukraine that nearly all Americans have no interest in?
He will die as we nuke him back pretty simple concept even he can understand.

Russia can easily survive nukes.
They are distributed and hardened.
It is the US that is soft and concentrated, so just a couple of EMPs would totally wipe out our economy, forever.
Not a single US car, phone, TV, truck, or plane would work any more.
Russia was built as if dozens of independent countries, so is much harder to knock anything out completely.
And it is so spread out that it would take 10 times as many nukes.
Yet it is Russia that has 10 times as many nukes as we do, not the other way around.
OK...Your capitulation on the point is accepted.

Neither Russia's, nor China's, nor Muica's economies are laissez-faire capitalist....They're crony corporatist oligarchies.
Just like the USA.
OK...Your capitulation on the point is accepted.

Neither Russia's, nor China's, nor Muica's economies are laissez-faire capitalist....They're crony corporatist oligarchies.

Yes I agree.

What is good is gov regulation of business to prevent abuses like monopolies, price fixing, child labor, etc.
Worse is laissez-faire capitalism where all regulation to prevent abuses is ended.
But worst of all is when corrupt gov regulation of business is intended and designed to make corporations even more powerful, immune to useful regulation, and in control of both regulation and information to squash competition or public oversite.
Agreed. Why are our leaders willing to risk nuclear war over the corrupt Nazi infected Ukraine that nearly all Americans have no interest in?

It makes no sense to me, since in reality the Ukraine is best known for running Hitler's death camps in WWI, like Demjanjuk at Sobibor.

My assumption is this is either a way to distract from what is really going on, or a big push by the military industrial complex to try to recapture the insane hype of the 1950's?
Yes I agree.

What is good is gov regulation of business to prevent abuses like monopolies, price fixing, child labor, etc.
Worse is laissez-faire capitalism where all regulation to prevent abuses is ended.
But worst of all is when corrupt gov regulation of business is intended and designed to make corporations even more powerful, immune to useful regulation, and in control of both regulation and information to squash competition or public oversite.
Crony capitalism doesn’t properly describe what our economy has become. A much more accurate word is Fascism. Big business and big government are one. Along the way they have taken control of most of the corporate media and many other institutions.
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It makes no sense to me, since in reality the Ukraine is best known for running Hitler's death camps in WWI, like Demjanjuk at Sobibor.

My assumption is this is either a way to distract from what is really going on, or a big push by the military industrial complex to try to recapture the insane hype of the 1950's?
Yes I suspect there is something going on that we aren’t being told. Playing nuclear brinkmanship with Russia is crazy. They can’t be this stupid. Let’s hope.
Turkey is now (typo, "not") exporting oil for Russia.

Nothing can save Moscow ulus .


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