BREAKING REAL NEWS: Fired FBI Director Comey being sued for covering up Obama's spying campaign!

There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.

Yeah, here's a Vlad for your efforts

There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.

Yeah, here's a Vlad for your efforts

I want to see the pretty picture! It didn't work!
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
Oh, I get it now. Time for coffee.
lol @ gullible idiots

A 2010 Playboy Magazine investigation called Montgomery "The man who conned the Pentagon", saying he won millions in federal contracts for his supposed terrorist-exposing intelligence software.[2] The software was later reported to have been an elaborate "hoax" and Montgomery's former lawyer Michael J. Flynn called him a "con artist" and "habitual liar engaged in fraud".[3]

Dennis L. Montgomery - Wikipedia
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
heh - yea cause people are doing that for trump, huh?

FISA has already said obama did it and it was illegal.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

funny to me how people can look away from what happened and be so focused on what MAY have happened.

how much you like the guy has a direct correlation to what rights they get?
Obama was extremely weak. If it was a real Republican in office, Trump would not have gotten inaugurated, and probably not even allowed to run.
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
heh - yea cause people are doing that for trump, huh?

FISA has already said obama did it and it was illegal.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

funny to me how people can look away from what happened and be so focused on what MAY have happened.

how much you like the guy has a direct correlation to what rights they get?
Okay. Is he going to be arrested?
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
heh - yea cause people are doing that for trump, huh?

FISA has already said obama did it and it was illegal.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

funny to me how people can look away from what happened and be so focused on what MAY have happened.

how much you like the guy has a direct correlation to what rights they get?
Hunt all you like, you won't find me saying I know the outcome of the Russian investigation re: Trump involvement/campaign collusion. I do trust the intelligence services in saying the Russians hacked the DNC, etc.

I read your article. Why didn't Obama get arrested? This was all brought to light in 2016. They've had time to do that, haven't they?
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
heh - yea cause people are doing that for trump, huh?

FISA has already said obama did it and it was illegal.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

funny to me how people can look away from what happened and be so focused on what MAY have happened.

how much you like the guy has a direct correlation to what rights they get?
Okay. Is he going to be arrested?
There were a few reporters being abused by Obamas abuse of power routine, they need to join suit and sue those abusing the system as well, is this fellow one of those guys?
Sounds more like the fellow is angry that the FBI ignored "evidence" that Trump and others were involved in illegal activities.
if he's suing cause of FISA concerns (google it - obama was busted HARD by FISA for his spying on americans, but his fans and the media don't give a shit - but if someone on trumps team talked to russia - all hell breaks loose) then this would be pre-trump activities, ergo, trump has nothing to do with obama spying on people he didn't like.

which he did IN FACT DO.
He mighta. I never said he didn't. Obama was snoopy and he had a swelled head. I admired the man, but none of us is perfect. I think you better wait until the investigation is over before you pass judgment though.
heh - yea cause people are doing that for trump, huh?

FISA has already said obama did it and it was illegal.

Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans

funny to me how people can look away from what happened and be so focused on what MAY have happened.

how much you like the guy has a direct correlation to what rights they get?
Hunt all you like, you won't find me saying I know the outcome of the Russian investigation re: Trump involvement/campaign collusion. I do trust the intelligence services in saying the Russians hacked the DNC, etc.

I read your article. Why didn't Obama get arrested? This was all brought to light in 2016. They've had time to do that, haven't they?

My good woman, let me explain it to you from the perspective of a non-frothing at the mouth conservative.

1. They may find something on Trump; anything is possible, but at the moment, they have nothing. Even the DNC says it has nothing.

2. If you did a crime, any crime, would you keep bringing it up? Of course not! You would want it all to go away and try and change the subject. Is that the attitude the President is taking?

3. I do not think they will EVER prosecute Obama for anything. He is an ex-President. If the Republicans prosecuted him, the citizens would want to know why it took them so long to find out what he did! It didn't! They were afraid to bring a case against him while he was in office because of political reasons, so they would be wise unless he murdered someone AFTER or BEFORE he was President, to let it all slip away.

4. You know why all this Hillary investigation is coming back around? Because they keep messing with Trump, so he is going to mess with everyone who they have the goods on who is NOT Obama. Does anyone actually think inquiries were handed out to Rice, Powers, and the rest just for fun! The truth is, they got them, and they all know it.

The government is always crooked. If we are adults, we know this. It is not party specific. And so, the Trump administration is going to hammer anyone on high in the last administration, as long as this Russian fiasco continues. It is called LEVERAGE.

Now I ask you ma'am..................what do YOU think you would say if you actually knew what the last.......oh say...........3 administrations did to deny you your constitutional rights; because we both know the odds are they probably did!

And so Trump is asking the SWAMP a simple question-------------> do YOU want the American people to know what you have actually been up to! If you do NOT, then quit FUC**** around with my administration, and quit the BULL****!

The swamps answer will be coming soon, trust me, or you are going to find out things that might curl your toes; and not in a good way. Washington DC is a bunch of heathens, as bad or worse than Trump, it is just they speak POLITICIAN very well which gives the citizens a sense of complacency. It is more than obvious, Trump does NOT! Problem for them is------->Trump NEVER voted on ANYTHING, did anything, or spied on anyone, using the government apparatus. They DID!

Can ANYONE tell me what bad thing Trump voted on? Of course not, because he NEVER had the power to vote on anything that now screws us. That can NOT be said for the swamp, and the swamp knows this.

In my opinion, this will boil down to the Supreme Court. If they give Trump the latitude Obama had while slapping the Democrats for trying to deny him that power, the SWAMP is in trouble. If they decide because he is Trump he doesn't get it, he will resign or NOT run for re-election, because there is no way he can govern.

We shall see what happens. I am pulling for him.........not because I love his policies, but rather because Washington DC needs the power plug pulled. If the swamp is really the controllers of the country, then we really have no idea who is running it from day, to day, because those people base their votes on money to get re-elected, so they can stay in power.

I would NEVER ask you to root for Trump Ma'am, but what I will ask you to do is------------>root that if they take him down, he takes the swamp down with him!

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